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Everything posted by spider87

  1. Thanks sylar, did you mean you have to pay for trades as in real money for the fake game? Because that sounds kind of weird I may try to find somewhere else if that's the case(I'm going to investigate myself I'm just stating) Also, f.t.e I liked your tips especially the tip about keeping a journal. This is in essence a way to change your way of thinking. You figure if you write down 'GM is coming out with a new electric car next week should buy stock in them' then their stock fails and you look back two weeks later and realize all you knew was that it was an electric car then you should have done more research into the car itself then judged whether it would be a sucess or not. Thanks for the awesome tips all and firefighter, where are you located? Either way thank you for your services my friend I know a few firefighters at my current job and some of the horror stories are crazy. I know you said you're not out and about as much as you used to be but that doesn't matter you still did it and still deal with some of the risks and stuff.
  2. We're all curious as I would like the advice too... What do you tell people when they come over? Friends? Girlfriends/Prospects? Business partners? Business prospects?
  3. It is simple, yes, but stunning in a certain way...
  4. lmao Thanks dlud... Also, Robbie your new avatar is awesome.....
  5. OMG that was by far the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Lol wth? I notice they never got to the bottom of exactly why he got the club? My thought is, as one of the others alluded to, that it was probably supposed to goto someone else. haha I love the insistence on shipping it back in the beginning haha...
  6. Hehe very fun indeed! I'll see you all after work! Cheers!
  7. What was that thing we're not supposed to do in here? Was it talk about posts? I'm here to break the rules!: What kind of wood do you guys think it's made of?
  8. I think we all have the best sub... when we get a sub if we are happy with it then it is the best sub! lol It's all a matter of personal preference :-P
  9. Asim, I completely agree with your statement that there is never a right or wrong answer. And I understand the other side too that the business sometimes are necessary (even in GM's case) you can't let a country just go without it because it's failing. What they ought to do in that case is force reform I mean I know that's going against the free market but essentially in putting money into the economy they're buying pieces of the companies. I mean that's why some of the banks didn't want to participate in the bank bailout because they knew they'd then be obligated to report to the government but they should rather than just tossing money in and hoping for the best they should figure out ways around it. IN the case of GM, maybe even more specifics. They should figure out a way to let off the current retirees without dropping them(yes I know easier said than done but I'm trying to get ready for work lol). It's kind of like how my plan before trying to find an apartment I want to pay off my credit cards. GM is in the same situation, they're already paying all their retirees and now they're going to have even more retirees happens all the time. I know this is more just rambling in this case but I'm just saying. But I totally see where you're coming from also and as we said there is no right answer as it's not that simple when you have 2 completely different POVs(Customer and Tax payer) on it. Tax payers are saying 'damn I don't want my money in some stupid company that can't hold itself up' while the customers(who in most cases are also tax payers) of the company are saying 'we can't let this company fail we need it'. And of course both sides are right there is no reason people who aren't gaining benefits from paying a certain company should have to do so but there's also no reason a customer that is paying in should have to worry about the availability of funds/services. There's kind of a small scale version of the latter going on where I work now. When the economy was shooting down they started cutting hours badly to the point where we only had single coverage (there was only one of us to hand customers and computers) so with a pretty constant flow of customers it was hard to get any computer work done. In this instance we ended up having a back log of a month or so. The customers paid for their services they just weren't getting done because there was no one available to do the work. They finally started giving us more hours and double coverage again and we are finally getting some stuff done but that's how it was all through January and the beginning of February. The 'tax payer' view would be if our company asked people to donate money so we could work more people at once(not the case but just to post both sides) that's my interpretation of it anyway. I probably missed responding to something or something but as I stated I have to start getting ready for work haha -Alex
  10. That clock is amazing.. I think rya should make one for each member who didn't post in this thread.... [censored] that means I don't get one... EDIT: LMAO I love the title of the article "Ravenous Clock Runs Backward, Scares Children" haha
  11. I propose we sticky this in the support part of the forum so noobs know there is an Off Topic forum. It would keep all of the forums cleaner if they knew that was the case because my problem was I didn't even know their was one before that's why I made a few OT worthy posts in the General section. We're not just talking getting people to view the off topic I'm also suggesting moving it to keep the other forums cleaner...
  12. +1 My thoughts exactly haha do you just not wear these... or use the tools? haha Beautiful display though man you can tell it took a lot of work. :-)
  13. I love the way you worded that post and I thank you for the information in it asim. :-) However, I still see it a little differently. IMO, as a company in a free market fails they should be allowed to do so no matter how important their roll. Consider in GM's case, they have been doing things wrong from the beginning. With the promise to each retiree that they will have good retirement funds but rather than save and make an actual fund for them they just decided they'd take it on as another bill when it came along? It's kind of like when buying a car actually deciding to take higher monthly payments rather than making a higher down payment. As in this case you are counting on the fact that you will always be financially stable or above. With a higher down payment you are securing a lower monthly payment and also allowing for your debt to be paid off quicker. What I'm saying is perhaps with that promise their should have been an account somewhere that they just matched highly rather than just telling them they'd be secure for the rest of their lives. I have nothing against GM and personally I love chevy and pontiac but as I stated I feel if they're going to fail let them do it. Piling more money into them is just like putting more water in a rusty bucket. Eventually it's going to all be gone anyway and in some cases the more water you put into it, due to pressure, the quicker it will burst. Also, I understand that they're not just throwing the money at us but they don't seem to be planning correctly either. Like the couple billion going towards the roads I can see how infrastructure would 'help' us but the thing is this is another case of them putting money into the economy that no one actually has. There is no backing for it and it's just kind of numbers. It is the same as if they were to just go print millions of dollars worth of money. For every bit of money they put into the economy inflation kills the worth of the USD more as evident by a couple months ago where I can't remember which currency it was but (and of course I can't find it anywhere...) it finally surpassed the value of the USD. Of course that can also be credited to their economy in some aspects but it shows the dropping value of the USD. One thing I'd suggest is a tax credit for purchasing 'American Made' vehicles. An easy to claim checkbox then VIN number or something (needs some work there haha) that you just fill out kind of like the first time house buyers credit but instead of just giving you incentive to buy a house it's giving you incentive to buy a car that's made in America. Which is the problem... Less buy them because they're more expensive or just not as 'cool' looking. As for what you were saying about rising wages and inflation. I understood that my point was just that they kept talking about how this will help the average joe live better and do more with their money but the fact is they were making as much if not less then they were to begin with. I, personally, at the time was working at mcdonalds. I was excited as was everyone else when they raised it but looked at the next 2 weeks that would be on my paycheck and instead of the 22hrs a week I was getting I was only getting 13 each week... So instead of 117.7 gross I was going to be getting 92.95 gross for 1 week of work (first being 5.35 for 22 hours second being 7.15 for 13 hours). And everyone was in the same boat because McDonalds wasn't going to take the hit for the government so they just lessened their work force and cut hours. That was my point. I'm sorry, I hope I don't look like I just completely ignored your post trust me I read over it and took it to heart and it was very helpful these are just the parts I still don't agree on.
  14. lmao Upon reading the title to this thread I was reminded of a thread on another forum that I was directed to by a fellow obama ... non-lover??? disliker?? something... White slaves? But ON TOPIC, I would definitely choose the YM. Beautiful, beefy looking watch...
  15. @asim, I'm sorry but I get the feeling you support this outrageous spending on Obama's part? How on earth would spending billions / trillions of dollars we don't have help the economy at all? Even worse, how in the heck is pumping this money into the US going to help us at all? It doesn't matter if people are earning it for every dollar printed the value of our dollar drops the value of our dollar dropping is not going to help the economy at all because the regular American is making less now and getting less hours and being laid off more still only getting their 500$ biweekly paychecks to LIVE OFF OF but having to pay substantially more for everything. A mini version of this happened a few years ago in PA when they raised the Minimum Wage... Everyone was like w00t 7.15 an hour we're going to be rolling in it... (ha ok...) but at the same time all of the businesses raised their prices, taxes went up and hours were cut so a lot of the people made the same amount anyway.... Pumping billions of dollars into the economy no matter how they do it is going to kill the economy and the future... we can't even make enough money for our states to pay their income tax rebates let alone pay back 1trillion + dollars worth of debt...
  16. haha /me goes and buys 3 platinum memberships in hope of getting even more great fun times! No but seriously it should happen soon I don't see why not.... though I think with each platinum membership purchased the purchasee should receive a free noobmariner haha
  17. lol Does that mean if we do a Pittsburgh, PA gtg you wouldn't come? Or for that matter does that mean I'd be the only one? lmao me just running around monroeville mall 'RWG PA Watch GTG 2009!' tshirt on or something cheesy like that haha
  18. Haha we actually already cleared that up in PM :-P I sent him a PM saying she was cute but put a nice big disclaimer saying that 'if, in fact, she was a he my statements are voided as you can not tell anymore with some guys' lol According to him it's a girl :-P If your source is better we may have some problems... some crazy wikipedia [censored] going on here now haha
  19. lol What is GGG? Also, after my first purchase is complete I believe I will be signing up for a $10/mo platinum membership :-) EDIT: Gosh I just realized there were 3 mods in this thread and that's it lol.. boy do I feel outnumbered :-P So boys when are you moving OT towards the top more? I'm pumped for it! haha Are you guys like the cops from Superbad? You guys wanna get some roadbeers?
  20. Say 'aye' if you're local enough to pittsburgh, pa to be at the monroeville mall in like an hour or less!
  21. lol I'm not accusing anyone and I know that's the proper place for it my point is we should move Off Topic into the RWG Lounge area so it's actually visible. It gets lost being that far down.
  22. Ok, I would like to know why the Off Topic forum is so far down it takes you like 30 seconds scrolling to get down there.... I propose we move it.. The problem is no one knows it exists until one of their threads gets banished to it then the thread dies.. Eg. My 'Occupation' thread it was booming until someone decided it was 'Off Topic' and now it's gotten few posts since then. I propose we move it up! Until then, here's a link to it for those of you who didn't know we had an OT forum section:OT SECTION!!! W00T
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