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Everything posted by spider87

  1. A few such as "Zero Gravity Brain Surgeon" or "Owner of the World" Come to mind haha And of course justification for both in the case of questioning, "Zero Grav brain surgeon" Is an experimental new surgery option giving doctors more freedom to work as they don't have to worry about pieces falling in the way of their workings. and "Owner of the World" could work you know if 'The World' is what you call your forum or possibly your household haha
  2. Why do you dislike it krusty? That sounds so interesting
  3. +1 to that and +1 respect to tee
  4. That sounds like fun. Does it actually list occupation on marriage license? Are you in the US? Do you fill in what you want or do they take it and generalize it for you? The latter sounds more fun haha see what the licensing people think of what you do :-P
  5. lol Was that necessary? :-P
  6. Very cool toad and @BT I do know that it was a partially related question. Success in my mind means being happy and able to live how you please (relative to the person) and also having someone to share it with who is happy. My main drive is to give my better half a good life. @jmartin lol then we'll never find success as from what I've been reading around here the answer to the question 'Who has the best sub?' is relative to the person also haha
  7. Ok, so you all seem to be very successful and being 19 I'm still trying to decide exactly what I want to do in my life. I already have a new programming job coming up so that's fun and I have an ASB in Programming but there's still the option of changing to what I'd like so... What do you all do? What are your occupations? And would you call yourself successful?
  8. lol a Gen Sub... what do you expect? I live in pittsburgh and work at a retail store fixing computers :-P
  9. And is it just me or are the white inserts on the pieces around the dial off center to the piece? I only ask because that's the only huge flaw with my watch (in appearance anyway haha) is the white inserts are off center and look like a kindergardener put them on NOTE: The spell check I'm using took the word kindergardener and wanted me to split it up into kinder gardener O_O lol
  10. I still don't understand how that worked max.. lol AND for the OP a tip on when you're removing the springbars MAKE SURE you have a finger on the other side of the lug to catch the bar if it gets released I spent 2 hours digging around my room the one night trying to find one that sprung away on me :-P
  11. lmao I love this place.... I have been doing the same thing since I started getting interested too. My fiance is constantly yelling at me to stop analyzing the watches on tv lol.
  12. Welcome to the forum whooper and all other noobs in this post haha. I am still a noob myself but have been reading for the last few weeks so I am just now breaching 100 posts! haha Well guys have fun and all I can say is read up. I have a forced reading up period for personal reasons but will be buying in a few weeks here and I know at that point I'm going to feel very confident in my choice. The only advice I can give so far, after seeing it happen multiple times(mostly on RWI) is DO NOT OVERREACT and make sure you are patient. Too many noobs assume the dealer has control over customs or assume that the dealer is a bad guy or assume that their package should be at their door in 2-3 days. Be patient read some of the other threads about this kind of stuff and DO NOT file a paypal dispute unless it's an absolute last resort. Too many noobs turn to that right away before even talking to the dealers and that causes all kind of trouble. Just my .02 thanks for listening haha.
  13. lmao @ dave err i guess cornerstone (because it's all him anyway right?)
  14. ++++++++++1!!! Just put in big read letters next to the box 'NOT A SEARCH!' lol
  15. +1 haha I noticed this a few days ago and was going to say something myself too but hadn't gotten around to it.
  16. @Ronin, I know I just liked the look of it haha was hoping to find it. Thank you very much though you're, once again, helpful as always :-)
  17. Wonderful read. On another note this leads me to asking the question I've been wanting to for a while... How do you get in to watch repair? I'd really like to start doing it and I'm sure I need to set up a 'lab' of sorts rather than just working in my room but where is a good place to start? Just get some watches and take them apart and put them back together?
  18. I'm glad we raised so much for them and I hope the situation there gets much better. Congrats to all who won something. :-) and thanks TB and onze and all of the people who donated prizes and money to this great cause. I am proud of everyone and surprised humans would go to such lengths to help others (as I only see the selfish ones in every day life).
  19. lol I'm really loving this watch I'm hoping we can find it somewhere....
  20. Beautiful watch I think you just solved my problem posed in my other thread... My only questions, where do you get this watch for $122USD AND is it waterproof? We're going to aruba for our honeymoon and I need a watch I can dive with??? Oh crap I just bumped a thread from 2008... well... I'm curious... lol sorry all
  21. Haha this was my first thought too was 'uh.. .thats a GMT master without a GMT hand???' but as a noob i was afraid to say anything as i thought maybe there was some version at some time that had the name but not the hand? lol
  22. lol Just let me know when they rep it :-P I'm loving that watch and it's color mixture (Love silver and blue together) and that's just a nice watch in general...
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