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Everything posted by krpster

  1. Pics look great to me. Nice fiddy too. CG looks really good. Looks like the movement has nice engravings as well. Congrats! Wear it well.
  2. Actually there was a cosmo on WUS / TZ last week for about $3k. Almost pulled the trigger myself. Gen parts or not price is a bit high for what is probably factory seconds. Unbranded to boot makes it a tough pill to swallow... for me anyway. Cool find none the less.
  3. Impressive! Well done. You should be proud.
  4. I'm not familiar with this model but it looks really good to me. Date looks a little out of alignment but only just. As Lani said...a real eye catcher for sure. Wear it well.
  5. Bees knees right there! Looks great! Did you do the assembly work yourself? Wear it well. Cheers
  6. Unfortunately true I considered that but my impatience got the better of me. Just wanted to get this project going and wear my favorite piece all dolled up. I may yet have a go at some cheapo pieces. Thanks for the offer. In the light of day, now that I have calmed down some, it doesn't look as bad as I originally though. At least with the naked eye anyway. If I could score a new second hand it may be alright as a beater...or maybe a good candidate for a vintage heritage Thanks again guys for the reassurance and support. Feeling better now.
  7. Not the result I would have expected. You are very brave to try something like that! Results look great! No guts no glory. right
  8. Thanks to all for yet another raffle. Count this '09 noob in!
  9. Thanks guys for the encouragement. I have no doubt that I will continue to try. I had previously done a few minor things before but working with the hands really got me. A lot harder then I expected. I actually do have the pressers from jmb so I cannot blame the tools. Just the user. I wont explain the details of where I went wrong (to embarrassing to discuss) but in reflection I think all my problems came down to trying to take short cuts and/or rush through certain things. Now I know
  10. Hello all, Just thought I would share my frustration with you guys....although I do recognize that what happened is all part of the learning curve. The history on this has to do with the two SOH that I have (ETA V1 and clone V2). I originally thought that I could combine the two to get the best of both worlds. Sort of a hybrid or V2.5. Using the better parts of the V2 to house the movement of the V1. However, things went wrong from the very start and I am very bummed out right now The first thing was the learning that my ETA was actually not ETA at all. Hence the update to my review of the two pieces. Seagull copy of the ETA. This sucks because I paid a pretty penny for the V1 and now I learn that it is not it was supposed to be. Oh well, live and learn right. Then I start in on the V2 as it has a qwirk with the stem where it sometimes sticks in date change mode if not all the way pulled out before pushing back in. Not earth shattering but annoying for sure. So I thought I might dig into the keyless works with my new tool kit (thanks Watchbitz). So I get it all apart and things don't look to bad. Start to re assemble the watch but have problems when I go to start aligning the hands. To do this of course needs the stem inserted to be able to check date change vs. hand position. Did I mention that the stem also doesn;t like to come out of the movement? Well, long story short I end up scuffing a couple of battons on the dial and slightly bending the minute hand at the end of this procedure. Augh! Nothing major but still there, and for me this is bothersome. However, I complete reassembly of the watch anyway and leave it at that. I wear it the next day (today) and boy do those minor things bother me. So tonight I thought I might try to fix them....wrong! In my attempt to clean up the battons the base material (brass) is now showing at the corners and I managed to break the second hand!!!!! Augh!!!!!!! So I have learned many many lessons for working on watches, however, my V2 SOH has paid the price for that. If anybody has a black dial and/or hands for one please PM me. Otherwise there may be a nice tool kit up for sale soon
  11. Edits made to reflect recent findings with respect to movements
  12. I too feel indebted to RWG. But that was not my main motivation for make a monetary donation. It was here that my true passion for watches was able to flourish. I had always loved watches but alas I could never really afford to get into the hobby with any great depth. Then I stumbled across RWG. I had only been here for a short while before I picked up my first piece...and that was the begining of the end (if you know what I mean). Shortly there after I upgraded as I felt I should give back to the community that helped me get started. That way the next blossoming horologist that stumbles in here will benefit in the same way that I did. Now that I have learned some things I feel that I can contribute in other ways too. Took a stab at my first "review" and thought it came out OK. And hey...if it even helps out one guy making a decision....it was worth it. Looking forward to the next. In the end each must choose in life what they will support based on what matters to them most. For me, RWG is worth that support!
  13. Thought I would bump this thread having just come across this site today. Very cool. Lots of video clips about almost every aspect of watches. I haven't spent a whole lot of time going through it all but what I have seen so far is quite interesting. Y'all should have a look Cheers
  14. Very nice! I actually really like the regulator style of watch....makes them unique. The Oris regulator is quite nice too.
  15. Bigger question is...where did the original cir-clip and spring go? If still in the case they are not doing your movement any favors If I were you I would de-case that puppy and start looking.
  16. Hmmm. Not that insightful.....he should read my review of the SOH
  17. Worked for mine too. Only thing still a bit wonky is the emoticons on the quick reply. If you expand them they cover the text box. No biggy though...just hide them while typing. Thanks! Edit: Never mind about the emoticons. After hiding and turning back on the text box shifts. All good.
  18. Thanks for making that and sharing. Great read.
  19. Cool lens. Nice to be able to reduce changes from one to the other. Happy Birthday!
  20. Definiteley an IE problem. I use Firefox at home and no issue but I am stuck with IE at work. It would be nice if the board was uasble regardless of browser. Even now doing the post then Edit trick I still cannot see the first line of text I am typing.
  21. Gotta get me that Crazy Horse for my 111.
  22. Very cool looking watch. More info...need the story
  23. Looks fantastic! Is the quality difference noticeable with the rep rehaut next to the gen dial? Looks good in the pic.
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