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Admin Team
RWG Crew-
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Everything posted by Admin Team
The team here at RWG has noticed over an extended time now that many new members are struggling to have either good dealings with sellers or a reasonable understanding of a fair process should something go wrong. We have therefore decided to lay down some guidelines based on the many years of buying and selling experience that can be found in the RWG Admin team. These guidelines are intended to be broad enough to cover both buying from a trusted dealer and member to member trades. Therefore this guide will be broken into sections looking at all aspects of buying. Buying It is extremely unlikely that a senior member or trusted dealer will set out to scam you. Yes it can happen, but not by anyone who wants to stay a part of our community. For this reason you should enter into transactions with these sellers with the mindset that you are going to get what you paid for. The number one cause of grief usually comes from the buyer entering into the deal with a suspicious mind. If you look hard enough, dig deep enough you will eventually find something to complain about in any trade. If, on the other hand, a genuine issue does arise and you are both on good terms then sorting that issue will not only be easier but a great deal quicker and more pleasant. It is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure that they know what they are buying. The seller will list the item with pic’s, price and full disclosure but the buyer should not assume that the item has some feature or function unless they ask the seller directly. Once the item has been paid for and shipping confirmed the seller’s responsibility ceases until the goods arrive. We often hear complaints how a seller has gone silent once the item has been bought. As long as the item is not long overdue then the seller does not have to keep a running commentary going with you. He sold you goods, not added you to his Christmas card list. Buyers need to check with the shipper &/or their local post office to see how long shipments take & what each of the entries in their tracking form means. Buyers need to realize that sellers have lives (outside of RWG), too & may not always be able to respond immediately to every email, PM or phone call made by an over-anxious newbie. Buyers should learn to be patient & limit communications to no more than 1/week. Buyers should never inundate a seller with repeated, threatening &/or lengthy diatribes. These rarely produce a positive result. Selling Prices are mandatory for all sales by members or dealers! RWG is a global community and as such hosts many different languages and customs. Just because the seller knows what he has stated he should not simply assume the buyer understands. For this reason it is crucial for the seller to include as much information as possible, but in clear concise terms, into their sales thread. Dealers should have pinned instructions on how to buy in their sales area, stating any special terms or conditions. Remember it does not matter how long you have done this for, the noob still will not know. A seller, both dealers and members, must always remember that things can go wrong and when they do they need to have a policy on how this can be fixed. Yes a private seller may add a clause stating all risks are the buyers but it must be written not simply expected. RWG hosts a member policed sales area. This means that members do have the right to point out issues that they may see with a sale. A seller has the right to ask any price he wants for his merchandise but he has to expect the members to question that price if they feel it is unrealistic. When problems arise [*]The very best offer you can get is to repair or replace. Once this offer is on the table the buyer should have no further qualms. [*]Shipping will always be a contentious issue as the buyer feels he has already paid the price on purchase, however issues are rarely the sellers fault, most in fact come from shipping. The buyer must always be aware of the sellers shipping policy or be willing to negotiate if an item needs to be returned. [*]Again senior members and trusted dealers will want to work with you when issues arise as it is their reputation on the line, however it is often the buyer attitude when dealing with issues that can turn the whole thing acrimonious. [*]Paypal disputes, often end poorly for both parties, so they should be used only as a last resort ie: when there is a serious problem with the sale and the seller has ceased communications or the seller is conducting a scam (a watch or other item that arrives damaged is NOT a scam!). [*]Buyers should only contact Admins in the following situations: 1. After receiving their item and there's a problem & the seller refuses to make it right, 2. If it has been more than 1 week since the last communication with the seller afterf the buyer reported a problem with the item, or 3. To report their being included in a global scam. Buyer beware One final note: when buying from a member who has very few posts or has just joined, it is advisable to be a little cautious before proceeding. Begin with a PM and ask some simple questions. Ask for a picture of the item with a tag showing the date and members name. Ask the seller if they are a member of any other forum so you can at least get to know them and check their reputation before proceeding with the transaction. If a seller gets defensive about the inquiries then there is every chance you are facing a scam and it is advisable to just walk away. The above can be just as true for a buyer so the same precautions should be taken. RWG provides you, the member, the safest possible platform for a happy buying/selling experience. However it is not always foolproof and members must always remember caveat emptor...’Let the buyer beware’. RWG Admin Team.
Enough already!!! Let's take a look at what we are here for: First, what is the forum for? The forum is here so that members can find info about everything that has a connection to replica watches. It is here so that the members can share information that will allow other members to make informed decisions on whatever they decide to do in the replica world. Secondly, as a forum, we have a set of rules that we operate by. So what are the mods and admin here for? As we have said in the past, our "job" is basically making sure the members follow our rules and have the best and safest place on the internet to buy and learn about replicas. We are not here to police every purchase, and save every member from a transaction gone south, or have been scammed one way or another. And we sure as hell are not here to police stuff that the dealers or members do outside of our forum. Now we know that things are not as clear cut as this short description here, as we usually do our best to help members with bad transactions or other problems. But when "professional" parties, like our dealers start running to us to get help, it is time to draw a line. There has been tit for tat between the dealers for as long as replicas have been around. I bet we can safely say that none, no not one, is clean of any wrong doing at one point or another. Clearly this forum was not created to learn their business ethics. All parties involved with this issue will be communicated with and a one time warning will be given. If there is anymore of this bullshit in the future the whole damn lot of them will be removed. You want to hash this out anymore? Then take it somewhere else. Admin Team
It has recently come to the Admin teams attention that at least one dealer has been asking for credit card scans. We have spoken to the dealer in question and are satisfied that he has no malevolent reason for this but arose out of situations where he lost a lot of money to scammers. However the team still feels strongly that (i) Asking for scans of members credit cards is fundamentally wrong and (ii) A credit card scan will not protect a dealer from a professional scammer anyway. We will therefore be contacting all dealers and directing them to this posting and we ask the members to make us aware if this practice continues. Thank you Admin Team.
There have been a series of scams and frauds recently carried out around the various forums, and on some dealers, They appear to originate from the same place and person. If you have dealings with- Raul Gomez Av. Domingo Diez # 1468 Col. San Cristobal Cp: 62250 7773130780 Morelos, Mexico Who has been known as- nextelitos Jose Sala mauricio gomez Paneristik Vintage1680 Dr Strangelove and probably a whole other bunch of names we don't yet know....we advise you to VERY carefully consider having any transactions with them. In fact it would be wise to avoid having a transaction with anyone based in Mexico right now. This guy has scammed thousands of $$ at RG, RWI, and some genuine as well as other type forums ( Cars- for parts for example) He is well known at RWI, in fact there is a 26 page thread with photos of him , his house, girlfriends and even his cars. He has also struck more than once at RG and has ripped off a couple of our dealers. Just beware of any swap trades, or any deal where you are sending goods, and haven't received payment. We suspect that even if you did receive a payment from this individual ,it would be reversed, or a claim made against it. We are working to keep him off your forum, but we do need all members to keep vigilant, and report any suspicious deals. Please send a heads up to any of your forum moderators, if you see any activity which is in any way suspicious. It will be only with your vigilance that we will be able to keep on top of this threat. The Admin Team
Please join us in welcoming 3 new members to our Admin/Mod Team here on RWG. All 3 members, fxrAndy, Freddy333 and Redwatch, will be very familiar to our membership and need no further introduction here. We're certain these quality additions will improve our team and help us to serve you better. Welcome Gents! The RWG Admin Team