I placed an order here---http://www.replicawatch88.com/index.php?productID=300&picture_id=67401--- it took 7 days to Aust.I paid by CC,I believe they do PayPal.the guy to contact is Peter and his
is beyond reproach,and ordered the original box set from him it arrives looking like the real deal. This was my first Rep and sure I had a lot of apprehension,but when it arrived I was stunned, it is a stunning looking time piece and keeps really good time
Iam in process of booking it for a service with The Zigmeister,as after many months of research on this and other forums,and then returning to this forum the info points to the Asian 7750 arrives with not
sufficient lubrication.I have read so much on here my head hurts such a wealth of knowledge Iam captivated and can not stop searching for more informative posts.Am I becoming a REP addict ( I hope so).I
will also get the Chief's AR job.As I find the standard AR not satifactory,this is not distracting from the beauty of this piece of craftsmanship at all / just my preference.When it is returned from servicing I
will attempt to post a mini review,"now let's start looking for that next Rep" lol ,I hope this is of assistance---Contact for Peter ---Replica Watch Shop <sales@replicawatch88.com>