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Everything posted by sssurfer

  1. Yes, on my minifiddy the clerance is barely enough, but it is enough. Also my crown almost touches the CG, but I can set the time. Just, beware: yesterday my minifiddy crystal exploded.
  2. Chieftang made the single AR on my crystals. Single AR is not a stunner like double AR, but it is accurate to the gen and it also has a very pleasant side effect: it almost deletes any reflections from the date & cyclops, so making the date even more readable. I had it on a crystal with a watchmen cyclops, and a second crystal with a chieftang cyclops (both non-AR coated cyclopses), and the improvement was absolutely noticeable.
  3. Wow, congrats! I think I just found a fellow modder who likes customizing his PAMs in accordance with his tastes, with little or no regard to accuracy. Exactly like me. You must also be better than me on reluming.
  4. Oh well, I cannot have just 1 single real work day, you two together have to go that far without me. Shame on you! BTW, the most entertaining read since a long time. May I use your 'So Where's Vicky', Rya? Sort of a red bow to anyone interested?
  5. True, they look impossible to find as spares from eBay or so. Still, that is the usual buckle that comes with 127/203/217 reps. So my best suggestion is you ask your preferred dealer if he can source one for you. It should be not too difficult. BTW, welcome aboard. EDIT: I was meaning with the "PANERAI" text, not the Panerai logo. If what you actually want is the "mosca" logo then no luck, sorry.
  6. Currently, they are both disassembled from watches (argh, 90% of my PAMs are actually disassembled for projects ). Would pics of the crystals (+ cyclops) alone be ok?
  7. I would say so. Polished is an option too, but I agree that a brushed buckle would make for a nice match with the brushed CG. 24 or 22mm, it depends on the strap you choose.
  8. WOW R.! It is awesome! Gourgeous! I would tell it's a gen! About AR: I was in belief that single-side (low temperature) AR coating can be performed on sandwich crystals, can't it? I had two crystals with cyclops AR coated that way and all went good.
  9. Great! Thanks! I am sure there are quite a lot of members interested in your outcome as well as me.
  10. A nasty hooker? I would expect that a hooker was cute... at least for survival reasons, if nothing else... and at least for the money that the good Hugh could spend on the matter...
  11. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about it. I had a chance to look at a DSN DW not yet assembled into the watch, and it looked just a little less good than a Lello DW. Still, once mounted in the watch, it looks worse. Unfortunately DSN was pretty stingy about further info on the matter. In the end, I think that the cyclops is the greatest problem of the two. But not the only one. After working on dozens different cyclopses, I developed a bit of a sense of how much of a problem is due to the cyclops and how much to the DW, and here I would say it is 70-75% due to the cyclops, 25-30% to the DW. So, I think you may expect an improvement -- but not a great one -- by replacing the DW only. Sorry for not being able to offer a better advice, I too got very few info about this subject.
  12. They look exactly the same, IMO. Surprisingly enough, as, AFAIK, DSN and the other makers developed their solutions independently. They both came to using a recessed cyclops embedded in a sandwich crystal, though. This is less surprise, as this is the only way to have a 7mm cyclops with adequate mag on 7750 PAMs without getting into low room troubles between the cyclops and the hands.
  13. Yes, but they are doing it by simulation. Also, extending valid predictions from 1 day to 2 days proved easy... 2 days to 3 days, uneasy... 3 days to 4 days, tough... more than 4 days, still unreliable. That is exactly what we would expect from a complex system: the more in the future we gather, the greater the error between the predicted trajectory and the actual trajectory, due to our necessarily incomplete knowledge of the initial state. We know that the system will be somewhere near the attractor... but where, that's a different matter. This even by simulation, I mean. BTW, I recently got an amusing tale by a mathematician friend who is a teacher in our university. He was paying a visit to another friend who performs wheather forecasts. The guy was comprehensibly proud of their good results on short-term forecast, but was also a bit frustrated from their bad results on mid-term and long-term results. As much as they worked on it, he said, they could not get better than 49% at a few days. "Nothing easier to make a better prediction", my friend obviously smiled, "just invert your prediction and you will get up to 51% reliability in a snap!" Absolutely. In my hope, I should have a book published this year about highest mind functions (thinking, reasoning, consciousness) analyzed as complex systems and reproducted in their smallest features and their evolution as neural networks (an about 15 years ongoing work). If you like, I would like to send you a copy. Maybe you can find a friend able to read my language. (... but yes, where is Vicky???)
  14. Both. But I would say that the cyclops problem is the greatest of the twos. About the upgrade... this was a step in the right direction -- still far from perfect, though.
  15. Nasty -- sure. More nasty than cute -- I humbly disagree Adriana: you are right. A stunner. Yessir
  16. Ouch, I missed this very interesting thread until now. First of all, thanks Freddy for your awesome review! So it seems that all is left to know is whether the 7750 fits into the new case. If you try it, please let us know the outcome. I think I would take the case @ $139 in order to get to an almost perfect Daytona. About Tony, I went under the impression that he is a good seller that suffered from enlarging his sales by putting on his own website and using other people. So he aligned descriptions and prices on his website to the unreliable level of so many scam websites around, and he is now dropshipping a larger part of his watches. Most times, you get replied by a guy of his staff who just tries and give you reassuration, working just as a rubber wall. But if you keep your point and show that you know what you are talking of, then the sooner or later (quite the sooner, on my limited experience) you get replied by Tony himself, and he always comes through. Before he opened his website, I got several watches from him and I had a 100% satisfaction rate -- all watches exactly as described, all they perfectly working, better prices than elsewhere. After he opened his website, I got only one watch from him -- the Daytona I posted here -- and I had to send it back as it was not as described. What I got back was an even better watch than I originally ordered. So Tony keeps a high rate on my personal book. Unfortunately, I had to lower my orders with him as I now don't know what to expect after his unreliable descriptions. As seasoned rep lovers/buyers, we can take hints from price (often still unreliable, though), pics, and some details in the description. But it became a trouble... what it was not on CQout.
  17. Also, there are a few different sellers (from US, UK, and Australia) for Panerai screws on eBay. Just do a search for "panerai screws". I tried them all and got slightly different length screws, so I now use one or another one according with different cases. I am unsure they fit a DSN case, though -- I never tried them on such a case.
  18. Absolutely agree. If you try and put a 7750 into a case for manual PAM, the least it can happen is that the stem does not align. Most likely, even the caseback will not close. If you want a handy reference about a few movements sizes, maybe this can help: Movements.xls
  19. The Zigmeister no doubt. Other modders: maybe, if they already make relume works.
  20. Nice 104! Not so nice a girl, I would say. I would expect someone finer with Hugh Grant.
  21. Thanks for the review, gianton! All in all, a great watch. If it were not for the date, it would be impossible to tell the dial from the gen without a side-to-side comparison, and even in that case hard or almost impossible to tell. Same about the caseback. I stll wonder why Davidsen does not make improvements on his Contemporary crowns. Maybe it's because he sells a lot of pre-V / vintage models, where that crown is pretty correct. What a shame for the misprinted "t"! I think you are doing well asking for a replacement.
  22. It does not sound good. It sounds excellent. ...And this sounds even better!
  23. It depends on the lenght and diameter of the rep tube on the rep case, t. If the diameter is a no-fit to the ... uhm, I don't know how to call it... the crown "ditch", then the crown stays away from the case and there is little or nothing that can be done. If the diameter fits, then the crown can still stay away from the case, if the tube is too long i.e. if it was designed for a crown with a deeper "ditch". In this case filing down the tube is a fix. The crown can also stay too close to the case. Gen crowns are not flush with the case, there is about a 0.3-0.4mm distance. A decent fix for a crown too close to the case is often just adding a 2nd crown gasket. I hope this makes sense. I tried palp's crowns on several different rep cases and I found all possible result, from crowns too close to the case, to crowns too far from it. It depended on the case, not on the crown. Still, palp's crowns were a good tradeoff. They fitted most cases with little or no further modding. Better, under this respect, than e.g. lello's crowns, that needed to file the tube on 90% of cases. I think that if you can just remake palp's crowns, but 2.0mm thick and without their aligment issues, you will have a winner.
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