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Everything posted by sssurfer

  1. TWP, you have a gift in making the others feel like old, intimate friends whenever reading anything from you, from a few words exchanged on a trivial thing like a replica watch, up to an ironballs public expression as in this thread. At least this is how I felt on almost any occasions I exchanged a few lines with you, or even when I just read anything from you (well, there also were a few drops in style at times to tell the whole truth, but now it is also clear why). This is a rare gift, it is a shame that fate is raging that way on a person like you. Fortunately it is not only fate, you have the power in your hands to drive part of it, your drink & drug habits. Getting in touch with AA is the greatest thing you can do for yourself and your family. I saw dozens persons in even deeper waters than yours, and AA WORKED. About all that is not in your own hands, I am no prayer but my thoughts and wishes go to you and your family. For job reasons I followed several people affected with lupus, especially about their neurologic involvement, and many of them are carrying on a much better life than originally feared. Some of them an all- or almost- normal life, actually. Keep up. If you decide to give up with the whole rep thing, please don't cease to frequent the forum at least. You would be missed.
  2. OMG! How thick that strap is? 4.3, 4.5mm?!? It is excessive. And the fact that you feel it uncomfortable is the final evidence. I cannot see one single reason to wear an uncomfortable strap. Sell it and take a thinner and softer one.
  3. Ok, I finally found time to do my Inferno test at last (I was not aware it just took 10 mins). Result: 2nd level of Hell (stat=1&xyz=14). At first I got disappointed, IMO. What, a mere 2nd level? Me?? Then I saw it was even better than most other levels. Type: Lustful. Score: Extreme. Mmmm, delicious. Then I saw there was another Extreme level: Heretics. Mmmm, maybe even better? I thought a little on whether I would prefer to be Lustful or Heretic. Cannot I be both? I actually am!, I screamed. Then it came to my mind that as Heretics are often supposed to retain an even tiny bit of religion (their brand new religion, I mean), then I am no doubt Lustful rather than Heretic. I suppose that it was that question about astrology, tarot cards, and fortune-telling, that got me unmasked. Thanks Rya for the great website! Now please you all forgive me, I have to check that New Dating Quiz...
  4. On the relume issue raised by kruzer & fishgodeep -- I agree 100% that a relume is a very nice add-on to these watches. I actually got my 028 relumed too. But on the accuracy field it is not absolutely required, IMHO. In the end, these timepieces are supposed to be tritium and 10 years old, so a weak lume is somewhat justified. Don't you think so? P.S. babola, if you read this, please PM me and free your PM box. Your cyclops is ready, your PM box is full, and I am soon going to leave on one week abroad.
  5. Yes, fantasy. If it was not gold, but SS (or platinum?), it would have been a 058 rep.
  6. Nice! Really a bold project, congrats! It reminds me of Phoband's PAM 666.
  7. Argh! But another witnessing of the invaluable contribution that The Zigmeister gives the forum...
  8. Whew! I think that I just got saved by TT's sense of humor. Thanks, TT.
  9. Yes, DLC is pure Carbonium, so no Nickel issue. Quite expensive though, I am afraid.
  10. This is just to let babola know that his cyclops is ready. babola, I tried to PM you but your PM box is full. I am also going to leave for a week from March 17th to 24th, so if I can't hear from you within this week you will have to wait until late March. Apologies to anyone for using this section as a PM replica.
  11. Unfortunately nickel is a component of most PVD coating too. On what I heard, the only reliable solution to Ni allergy are full-Titanium watches. I also seem to remember there was a thread by Victoria about it a few months ago.
  12. Wow! Glad to see you here, and thanks for the info! Unfortunately, IWW is not willing to work on rep cases.
  13. Gen. Even the circles in the subdial match. The "T SWISS MADE T" looks a tiny bit too close to the "6", but I suppose it is the pic. (P.S. yes it's a 024).
  14. Not at all. I did it, and the result is good -- not at the level of sapphire, but 90-95% of it. A bonus is that by AR coating mineral glass (double AR, I mean) you add to its scratch resistance, while with sapphire you reduce it.
  15. Think what you like. Your risk, not mine. End of story.
  16. So, 024 J series' OP number is 6688 -- and one BB number is 1226473. Good to know. Congrats!
  17. Yes. Also noticed that I got my explaination from you, not Neil. Faster in communication as usual. That was a possibility. Even more believable than Neil changing the assigned destination because I publicly reported the facts.
  18. Thanks Sanro for your kind words. It has been really a pleasure to have to do with you, and to make something for you. I am really glad you are enjoying your timepiece. A quick technical note: the cyclops is centered exactly above the date window. Therefore, if you want to take pics with the date perfectly centered in the cyclops, try and position the camera lens exactly above the cyclops. You may even get help from the camera reflection on the crystal to get to it. All the best, my friend, Marco
  19. First of all, TTK, glad to read an explaination at last, and sorry to read about your illness. You know that I agreed with you on you not sending by mail. In reality, I was exactly hoping that you would give the items to Narikaa to take them to EU. Are you saying that Narikaa gave Fasttap the watches that you allocated to me? Why the hell?? I already told you that I naturally appreciate your position about the matter -- even if I would have thought twice before ordering almost 800 USD from you should have I been in knowledge that you already were under the Thai Police sight (as you later explained). What I did not appreciate was the complete lack of any communications after our Skype session of late December. How would you feel after getting assuration by someone you still trust that the items that you are waiting since a long time are going to leave on the next few days, then nothing shows up, and no pm, no explaination, the other going offline on Skype within 10 secs after any time you go online? As a matter of fact, our actual status is that you have my money and I do not have your watches yet. You retain as your right to give or not to give explainations and when. Ok. Then you may also expect this brings consequences with it. In my case, the only consequence has been making the matter public. I just reported the facts, without calling you a scammer or what. Should you have just dropped me a PM, even that would have not happened. May I have an explaination about Narikaa's behavior now, or is it going under silence months long as well? Apart from this all, have my sincere wishes to your health. Believe it or less, not because of me getting the watches that way.
  20. I have the tester(s). If you are really interested, please PM me and I'll give you my address. And thanks for supporting the Replica Science! Close to zero. Yours would be the first one.
  21. What about no fundamental and no objective line? EDIT: please disregard it. Too simple, and it adds nothing to the discussion.
  22. Vicky, with all due respect, unfortunately your anedocts are no rebut. Pug already explained the first one, and sacrificing oneself to a child's life is a well known both genethically- and memethically-driven behaviour. Imagine I (like the "Saw" felloon) abduct you and put you into an empty room. There is just one button there. I tell you that in another room there is another one that I am going to kill in a while unless you press the button before I act. If you press it, I'll instead kill you and leave the other one free. You know absolutely nothing about him/her. He/she may be anyone from a child to an 80-years-old serial killer with a cancer that will kill him/her in a week in any case. What do you do? Too simple? Now you have two buttons, one green and one red. The red button will kill you and save the other one, the green button the opposite. He/she has two identical buttons in his/her room. If noone of you will press a button in a while, I am going to kill you both. And I might go on... Better not.
  23. The mothers in example are maximizing their chance of survival and reproduction of their genes and memes. The strangers in example might be maximizing their chance of survival and reproduction of their memes, if they share some common memes (e.g. religion or other beliefs). If they are perfect strangers who know absolutely nothing about the other one, sacrifice is not going to happen, unless because of previuos obligations socially taken (e.g. firemen), number considerations (e.g. sacrificing one to the life of many), or because of being driven by a specific meme that is intentionally (either consciusly or inconsciously) spread to take advantage of others' sacrifice.
  24. Just bad luck. When I went to California, the waitress let me fock her on the table in the end.
  25. Yes, that comes from the Officine Panerai making lumed instruments and pointing devices for the Italian Army even before making watches for them.
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