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Everything posted by HagaNRG

  1. Still aren't any A&F or Hollister in EU?
  2. What about GAS JEANS? I always loved the brand, in the first place because of their MotoGP presence. (I have many of their GAS Honda clothes). So I thought that Gas is one of the best names in JEANS business, then last year I went to London and found that there aren't any GAS JEANS shop (maybe only one) in that City. How come? Gas Jeans isn't that high quality brand I always thought?
  3. Do you think should I go for this? Some Chevelle...
  4. HI guys! COuld anybody tell me what is the LEVI'S Jeans model that is woren by Llewelyn Moss in the movie No country for old men? Could be a simple 501? I always loved the 512, but this one seems a little bit slimmer than that, but not so slim that those young bastard emo kids used to wear.
  5. Hi there! Please excuse me I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and taset, but yesterday I bought my new favourites, a pair of Puma Ducati shoes. It isn't a casual boot, but it just look's like as if I would wear biker boots. (i mean superbike boots, not the chopper-western ones). They cost me almost 200$ (in my country) and been thinking of get them for almost a month. Now I hope I won't regret, and won't look like as a clown in them. So far so good with jeans.
  6. Hi! I would like to buy some hoodies from AF or Hollister. The only problem is I live in Hungary, EU and the only option to get them is to order from abroad. Shipping anything from US to EU could be an amount, so I would rather order clothes from an EU based webshop. I know the ebay is full of them but I don't want to get fake clothes, so please-if you know- tell me some official or at least trusty shops. (I know there is a new Hollister shop in London, in Westfield but i don't believe they'd ship me anything.) Thanks for any option dudes!
  7. That Crocs replika rocks! (I am looking for almost the same colour, this it the only one i would be able to wear and go outside the street in it. But I still don't convinced myself.) Let me tell you the original Crocs slippers costs way too much for me- about 50$- for an ugly rubber shoes, but there are replicas of them everywhere now in every color options, and they price just only 15$.
  8. Thanks for the exhausting answer. We will see, first time I tried on boots like this i felt myself as I would be the Joker. Recently only fits me my Levis 512 that has a really nice outfit with the bootcut. (there is another thing that a sneaker Nike or Puma goes well with almost every kind of tops, but as i have mostly hoodies, tshirts, or track tops, I have to collect some leather jacket, or western shirts to complete the outlook the boots would give me. Another option is the Superdry boot:
  9. Dear fellas! I never been a boot guy, just a simple sneaker wearer youth. Now I start to think to get my first MAN shoe. (if i will feel myself ridiculous in boots like these, i will go for the good old Puma race drivers shoe, like kart cat, or future cat.) What do you think about these: Superdry
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