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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. It's kind of frustrating to spend $500 on a machine, and a lot of money on watches, and then invest the time to test this watches in that machine, only to see this same issue brought up again and again with people arguing with great conviction that reps aren't waterproof, and nobody seeming to recall all my prior posts. ALL of the watches I tested were watertight to 5ATM - the vast majority were watches I got from Joshua. A couple of the gens I tested were not watertight. I am a Divemaster, I quit logging hours at 3000, I live in SW Florida, I own my own boat and I wear my "Perfect Sub" and "Perfect SD" diving all the time. Bill
  2. OK you guys -- sounds like everyone knows who Birdman is but me. Can one of you guys e-mail me a bit more specific info? TJGladeRaider@aol.com Bill
  3. I needed a "pointy thingy" that wouldn't scratch inserts, or plastic crystals and rummaged thru things until I found some of those hardwood little spears you use to make kabobs of one kind or another. At about a foot long, they look like a toothpick on steroids. When you break off a four-to-five inch piece, it gives you a very hard, pointy piece of wood on one end, and a rough textured flat end on the other. Bearing in mind that these are straight grained hardwood, and not like some cheap pine, that ends are very tough. Unlike factory inserts that press into place, these cheap plastic things are glued in so when you change them, you need a way to scrape the glue out - and that point end works perfect. Bezel inserts are what a machinist would call "interference fit," which is to say that they are slightly bigger than the bezel they snap into and sometimes getting them pressed into place is really tough. Using that hard flat end, I can press as hard as I can on a place about 3/16 of an inch round, and I'm pretty stout. Trust me - you cannot break this little stick pressing straight down. You can work your way around the toughest bezel insert this way and bring a hell of a lot of force to bear without so much as a scuff mark. When your done, you can use that flat end to polish the insert. Bill
  4. I have a chronic problem opening Sub/SD cases with a cheap tool set I bought. Before I go spend serious money on a better tool, does anyone know for sure if the good tools fit these rep cases? What size should it be? If better tools fit right, can someone suggest a source? Bill
  5. "Bearded?" Are we talking about Thai clams? I'll defer to TTK on this oone, but . . . Bill
  6. Yeah -- doo doo occurs, but I reserve the right to remember it forever. I bought a watch on the forums represented to be an MBW Milgauss, back in the day when I didn't know how to tell. Bill
  7. Yes, exactly. I just sort of fiddled and wiggled with it - now all is well. Bill
  8. Whoaaaaaaaaa -- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I just went thru this an hour ago. Take a very small crew driver -- smallest you have -- and manipulate that push button while you insert the crown. If you wiggle the push button, VERY GENTLY, it should spring back into position. Mine just did. Good Lord I hope you have good luck -- trust me when I say I know how you feel. Bill
  9. It might never arrive either, but at least if something does happen, you can be sure he will make it right. Bill
  10. Brian . . . is that you Brian? You keep the authoritiesaware of your current address? LOL Bill
  11. I'm sorry, but you failed to follow directions. If you wish to request help, you must first obtain the appropriate forms, and submit them in triplicate, specifically stating the type help you need, from whom you hope to receive it, where you need it, for what purpose, and for how long. Further, you must properly identify yourself, providing your name, address, home phone number, work number, cellular number, fax number, e-mail address and emergency contact number. If you are a member of any special class, entitled to special considerations due to race, sex, creed, sexual orientation or political affiliation, you must provide this information along with appropriate documentation. If you suffer from any particular disability that would qualify you for preferential selection, and accomodation, you must let us know that too. Once you have submitted your request for help, please allow thirty days for processing, after which time it will be submitted to committee for review. The committee has forty-five days to make a recommendation, which is sent to our Board of Directors for consideration. The Board of Directors convenes bi-monthly, and many of the Committee's recommendations are acted upon during the first session in which they are considered, but those that are acted on most expeditiously are generally those involving "[censored] can" recommendations. In any event, the Board of Directors can be expected to reach consensus within ninety days of receipt of the Committee's recommendation, not counting weekends, holidays, and every-other Friday. Following favorable action by the Board, the matter will be referred to the Resource Coordinator, who will dispatch help as manpower, funding, and other resources allow. Thank you for allowing us to be of assistance, and remember: "Always save that last bullet" Bill
  12. I think this is a wonderfully clever idea . . . if you don't give a [censored] what you eat, or how your rectum is used by friends and neighbors. When you trade that watch in, they may not look at it, but you will be required to produce ID. When that watch goes back to the factory, and they find out what happened, some nasty folks with no particular sense of humor will show up and take your ass to jail - but you'll get out pending trial if you can post bond. Ever price a decent criminal defense - figure $10K minimum, and even then you may still find yourself shacking up with some big ugly bastard who may think you're cute. Prisons are full of clever bastards, and the food sucks. Bill
  13. Yeah, I know too. You'd spend all your time getting baked on my boat, toasted on my beer, and incessantly roasted by yours truly for giving up life in a place where even ugly old bastrids like us can date beautiful women. Besides, what's an occasional non-violent coup among friends . . . personally, I'm about fed up with our very own, "King George." Bill
  14. If they follow thru, I think there would be a lot of interest in watches that COME with crystals, inserts, CGs and springbars done - much the same way Joshua did in offering watches with a service package. Color me lazy, but unlike so many of you guys do all these mods because the mods themselves are a hobby, collecting the watches is my hobby, so if someone can sell me the watch with ther mods already done, I'm going to go for that. I really like the way this COMEX looks, and the bezel turns very nice - unlike so many out there. Fix the CGs and install the bigger spring bars and serve it up with a rivet bracelet . . . I'm satisfied. Bill
  15. Yes indeed. I understand that the Comex and the 5512 are available -- I'll post some pics when they get here! LOL
  16. Well, one guy has had his taxes audited for five years - and it went rather badly. One guy, who is actually a little fat and unattractive, was frequenting his regular pub when had the most wonderfully easy time picking up what had to be the most attractive woman he ever slept with. I guess he has found out about the herpes by now. One guy's wife got a call from a really [censored] off faggy fellow named "Brucie" who was very upset that she wasn't open minded enough to share - on the same day that his boss found the rather questionable porn on his business computer. Jesus Dude . . . what else would you want? I haven't actually killed anyone in years. Bill
  17. My point exactly. Does someone make a lume kit where an old drunk with shakey hands can get the relume done while avoiding the snakes, and ignoring the spyders on the walls? I want my vintages to GLOW. As for the watch vintagizers, I simply cannot relate. To see you what some of you guys do to nice looking watches strikes me as, well . . . since I like so many of you, let's just say, "peculiar." Would you take my 1866 Henry lever action rifle, scratch up the beautiful brass receiver and beat up that perfect walnut burl stock - no, don't tell me, I don't wanna know. Bill
  18. \ Yes. I really don't care about giving a person basic account information - just not to my primary account. If he wants to do a bank transfer, the legitimacy of the incoming funds is the responsibility of the sending bank - the "buck stops there," if you will pardon the pun. Similarly WU - once you have your money, it's yours. Bill
  19. I certainly found that video to be disgusting, but since I am not a vegan, I am not sure that I can reasonably point an accusing finger. We like dolphins - nobody wants to see Flipper murdered, but cows are considered sacred to Hindus. Imagine their revulsion if they could see what goes on with beef. Carnivorous life invariably means death, and death is gruesome - especially if it is efficient. Crabs and lobsters are boiled alive, fish are often filetted dockside while they are still living, and dolphins are massacred . . . but none of that compares to what human beings have done to other human beings. Can you imagine how the world stood by and allowed the Japanese to perpetrate the horrors they dealt to the Chinese and Koreans . . . can you say, "vivesection?" Sure, I knew you could, and what a [censored]in ugly day in the neighborhood that was. Our grandparents must have had no conscience to allow that. How about Nazi Germany? Can you imagine how the world stood by for the horrors they perpetrated on their non-Arryan brethren? What kind of people were our parents to have allowed that to go on? Personally, I don't know anything about what has gone on, and continues to go on, in places like Darfur, Kosovo, Khartoum, Somalia, Rawanda . . . or at least that's what I'll have to tell my children. Bill
  20. I can tell you what those of us who do a lot of investigative business internationally do. Open an account at your bank strictly for incoming transfers - you can use any kind of account that you like. Never leave any significant amount of money in the account. Keep in mind that giving someone the information necessary to wire you money is no worse than writing them a check - everyone you ever wrote a check to has that same information printed on the check. I would MUCH rather risk incoming wire transfers than accept ANY kind of check. You cannot imagine the frauds related to corporate checks and cashier's checks. The most common one is the cash back scam, and it can be really sneaky. Say your buyer tells you that they are wire transferring $350 to your bank and, sure enough, you see that your balance jumped - but by $3500, not $350. Joe Conman says his secretary made a mistake and wired you too much money. Since it was a wire, not a check, you wire the balance back. Next thing you know, you are WAY in the red - and you cannot figure out how that happened since there is no such thing as a "bad" wire transfer. Then you find out there never was a wire transfer - the con man sent your bank a certified check via FedEx to be deposited to your account. The check was a forgery so they took the money back. Be careful out there. Bill
  21. I have no recollection of having seen any watch at all, and you were able to focus on the PEARL! You Sir, are one very sick dude! Lord, what a collection of pics! LOL Bill
  22. On vintage watches, I guess the dead lume look is realistic, but if I had a 1665 I wore everyday, it would be re-lumed. What do you guys think - would you rather have your vintage show up with dead lume or super lume Bill
  23. This is something I got from Andrew. Since he knew I wanted some vintage subs to practice on (I bought a whole bunch), he sent me these to play with. I think he and Joshua are going to produce a "Perfect" vintage series, and I suspect that this is just part of the prototype from what they told me. I don't think they actually have these for sale yet, as I think they are going for completely mod vintage watches with real parts, but you would have to ask them what they are up to. If these guys sell full mod vintage watches, with real parts, that will be quite an event. I know this, the bezel insert is lots better than I am getting on my MBWs. Bill
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