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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. Well thanks, I do have several new MBWs, and several more coming, but . . . these are not MBWs. These are watches sold by a "Trusty" dealer. Bill
  2. Except . . . it's not an MBW. One of our other dealers sold me these watches. Bill
  3. Same source as the DRSDs, kind of expensive, but I like the look and I think I can make nice CGs. Bill
  4. I have a very nice dremel, and a pretty expensive set of swiss files coming along with some 1.3mm cobalt drill bits and larger pins! The watches already have upgraded crowns and tubes. Bill
  5. I bought some vintage watches that were kind of expensive. They sure look different. What do you guys think? The DRSD Pair The photo looks nasty - other photo is better DRSD w/Stingray Band and Deployment Clasp What is this thing -- the crystals are wild! Bill
  6. Why not post your question -- you might be surprised who knows what. Bill
  7. Oh Damn -- my brain must be broke. We are talking about hotmail and I am thinking about h%^&.mail - I am sure you know who I mean, but let's not teach the mutt anything. Getting old just plain sucks -- next thing you know, I'll be shopping for Depends. Bill
  8. As I am sure the punks are fully aware, that doesn't work with hotmail - otherwise, I'd have been on that already. Bill
  9. No big deal -- the man seems decent enough, I have one I don't need, and it's not like half a dozen board members I could name haven't gone to great lengths to help me get this stuff figured out. Bill
  10. Excuse me, but since I don't know you I am reluctant to suggest that you shut the [censored] up. What this individual is describing sounds like an elaborately contrived scam, initially involving an exchange with (although clearly not involving) Randy, a well known and respected member of this forum. There is a sort of credibility by association (professionals call this affinity fraud), and if someone I do not know seems to be engaged in discussions with someone I do know and respect, that can have some impact on my perception of them - and I feel fairly comfortable saying that I know a damn site more about frauds and scams than you do. IF this person's story is true, and it certainly rings true to me, he has been scammed by a deliberate contrivance that could easily have fooled anyone. I changed my mind. How about you shut the [censored] up unless you have something useful to contribute. Bill
  11. He e-mailed me, and I am going to send him a vintage watch just to share as I have an extra one, but it is starting to sound to me like this is a guy who really would like the MBW. Bill
  12. Who needs pants when you wear nothing but ankle length skirts? Bill
  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes . . . life at it's finest. That aluminum trailer hauls that boat anywhere with no trouble at all. When I get my next boat, I'll need a triple axle. I NEED a bigger boat! As the lovely wifey loves to remind me . . . never mind. Bill
  14. I have nothing with an Asian movement, broken or otherwise, but I have been browsing this thread for two hours now, and I must say that those are some of the most remarkable movements I ever saw. How can anyone doubt the existence of God? Bill
  15. I married my kids Sunday School teacher - no makeup, doesn't cut her hair, no pants. A fur thong . . . now there's a concept. Wife Luz and my boat LOLLLLLLLLLLLL Bill
  16. No dude - from Alaska? Why don't I go pick it up for you/ Bill
  17. Some time ago I made the statement on this list that the watch you are describing is my favorite, and I also made the statement that the first person to buy it and find that it was something less than I said it was could send it to me. As one never knows in the rep world when a readily available watch will become extinct, I own several of those "Perfect SD's" from Joshua. If you research that thread, you will find that there were no takers. Nobody has ever whined about that watch, pleading for me to follow thru and take that miserable piece of junk off their hands. It's a really fine watch, and I'd suggest that you seriously consider his "service package" if he is still offering it. Bill
  18. Oh Lord no - I'm an old bastrid from America, and I do the best I can with English. My wife is Colombian but I cannot may any sense at all of Spanish. I have nothing but respect for people who can communicate in languages other than their own - especially when I talk to those from Asia whose natural languages have nothing in common with mine. I sincerely hope you do not take anything I said as an effort to have fun at your expense - my intention was the complete opposite. Let me suggest this, e-mail me your address at TJGladeRaider@aol.com and I will send you a nice vintage watch. It won't be an MBW, but it will be a nice watch with a Swiss movement. I want you to see what a vintage watch is like. If I told you it was an MBW, unless you knew how to take it apart, you would never know the difference. It's a gift - believe me, I have enough of them that I can spare one. Bill
  19. I spoke to my wife this evening (I am off preparing for a trial) and she says I got a shirt in the mail from someone in Alaska. She unwrapped it and found what she describes as a really beautiful watch. I asked her how many pieces it was in, but she said, "It's really pretty." She says it's a very big watch -- is that a 45mm? Size matters you know! Bill
  20. It's a shame - just pitiful, but the truly sad thing tro me is, they are doing what works. The reason I find that so sad and troubling is that the general population are a collection of C-Student sheeple that vote according to whatever whim someone can induce. I guess we have all read the thing that gets passed around every year, explaining what ultimately happened to the people who framed and signed out Constitution. Frankly, the fact that they died over it, or wound up losing evrything doesn't mean much to me - intelligent men with vision took a big risk and it cost them. I could accept that if that's all there was to it. What bothers me is, those who survived the Revolution should have been OK, but the people who gained so much, evidently gave not one rat's ass for those that survived, and allowed them to die in poverty. Anyway, I guess this rant business has no bearing on watches, but it troubles me. I'd like to think that people are fundamentally good, moral souls, but I suppose the truth is that the bulk of my human brethren are no better than I am. Bill
  21. Hardly. The point the original post aspired to make was obscure, causing me to address the possibilities that I see. Should you elect to reread the original post, and my reply, I think you will see that I am making two separate, and distinctly unrelated points. In an attempt at simplicity, let me try again. IF the issue raised is the sad, and troubling, trip down the mass-media propaganda lane, I agree that this is disturbing. IF the issue raised is an allegation as to the deceitful nasty nature of the conservative Republican right, as evidenced by their apparent support of a sad, and troubling, trip down the mass-media propaganda lane, that boat don't float. The liberal left started this political propaganda docudrama nonsense. Let me try to put this into a clearer perspective for you. Let us suppose that a terrible dispute arose causing the Japanese see fit to drop an atomic weapon on a couple of major metropolitan areas somewhere in the US and someone launched into a long, desultory, rambling Philippic that seemed to be saying that the use of atomic weapons targeting cities is evil, and/or the Japanese are genetically predisposed to unthinkably evil behavior as evidenced by their inhumanity of this unconscienable act. I might well pen a response to the effect that this sort of warfare is inherently evil, but the Asian genetic predisposition to unthinkable behavior assertion doesn't wash in light of the fact that we did it first. Unless the reader lacked the intellect of the average house plant, they could not possibly construe that to be a weak argument, or a suggestion that two wrongs make a right. If, for some reason, that explanation leaves you confounded and confused, by all means, have another go at it. I am here to help. Bill
  22. Yeah, he is a disponible guy alright. You'll understand once you have been here for a while, as what people are telling you is the truth. If you spend $500 on an MBW expecting to find the Holy Grail delivered to your mail box, you are setting yourself up for serious disappointment. I can easily imagine a person getting a new MBW, comparing it to a virtually identical vintage that a friend bought from any of our dealers for less than half that price, and concluding that he had been the victim of a grand scam. Unless you have the intention to pour a lot of money into a watch, do yourself a favor and buy the inexpensive one, wear it a while and see how you like it. Most people will prefer a watch a crystal that doesn't scratch every time you breathe on it, and a bezel that clicks when you turn it. I own a few rep Rolexes, but compared to some of our most avid collectors, I own just a few. I have recently acquired a half dozen or so MBWs and I am, for the first time, considering the acquisition of a safety deposit box - BUT NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE MY BEST WATCHES, ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE RARE. There are no MBW dealers - MBW does not want to do that kind of business. The "George" that you have heard about is a collector, and a gentleman who is exceedingly popular among those who know him. If he provided watches to people who did not know what they were buying and why they were buying them, he would have trouble, he doesn't want, and none of us want him to have. The people you perceive to be giving you a hard time are simply trying to keep you from being disappointed, and avoid having your disappointment cause you to do something that would create trouble for a friend, thereby necessitating that the person who referred you be required to hunt you down and kill you as an act of contrition. The bottom line is, if you do not know EXACTLY how the MBW is constructed differently than comparable watches costing half as much, you shouldn't buy one. I am not going to tell you how to contact George - the sins of my past are sufficient without adding another untimely demise to that equation. I just don't want you to feel that people are abusing you. Bill
  23. And your point is? I don't know, and I am too busy/lazy to look, but were you equally offended when that miserable little fat fuk liberal sucker of moose appendages, Michael what's-his-name, produced his little anti-Bush docudrama that the liberals, and their friends in media, pushed as if it was the Holy Grail. I admit that I have been alive since TV first became widely available, and I acknowledge that the use of docudrama propaganda is a new, and troubling political tool, but don't even think about playing this off as a Republican invention. Bill
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