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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. Yep, you're right! Obviously a miserable excuse for a cheap fake - sorry you got ripped off. In an absolute fit of altruism, I'm gonna help you out and take that piece of junk off your hands for $20 so you don't have to throw it away. Where shall I send the PayPal? Bill
  2. Now that thread was completely hysterical. It amazes me that people don't see that for what it is. Bill
  3. Do you have contact info for someone at Helfands? Bill
  4. Oh mannnnn Does that mean that the domed dot that came on my vintages was more correct than the OEM replacements with the modern looking pearls? Bill
  5. What are you smokin? The man is evil, EVIL I say! Preying upon one's addictions . . . at least crack dealers only soak ya for $20 a rock! Watch version of "Where's Waldo" - and more MBWs on the way. I am Bill W, and I am a Watchaholic . . . Bill
  6. I'm a cranky old fat lazy bastrid . . . but I have a nice new tool kit coming. LOL Bill
  7. Then why not let him post the damn link -- some of us have better things to do with our time than search for things that others would like to show us. Removing a link that someone took time to post is pretty bad form, if someone were to ask me for my opinion. Bill
  8. GS . . . Gun Slinger Group Sex Grand Slam Wanna give me a clue? Bill
  9. You Betcha. Pics will definitely follow. I just need to get some of this stuff sourced and sorted out -- like the generic plastic crystals. I have micrometers and calipers - surely someone sells generic crystals according to a size chart as opposed to for specific watches. For the price of a couple of MBWs, I got a whole pile of vintage watches from Andrew - I figured it was about time I bought something from him anyway. By the time I work my way thru them, I'll be comfortable doing these mods. Maybe then I'll try tackling the MBWs. It is interesting to me though, that Andrew's vintage watches (nice ETA models) are not bad right out of the box. In fact, the only thing I see different (correct me if I am wrong here) is the way the bezel system fits and functions. If you take Andrews and grease the bezel groove/spring with silicone grease, packing it like you would a wheel bearing, it has a whole new feel to it. Anyway -- SOMEONE must sell generic crystals according to size and profile. Anyone happen to know, I'd like to spare myself the detective work. Bill
  10. If I want to improve the quality, or just replace, the crystals on Chinese reps, that do not take factory sizes, is there a way to use calipers to measure and then buy what you need? Also, is there a CHEAP source for GENERIC Tropic 29 and Tropic 127? One thing I discovered today -- the vintage reps Andrew sells are tapped to fit factory tubes and crowns - but they are actually pretty well made, triple lock systems with all the right gaskets in all the right places just as they come. They do not look anything like some of the junk we have seen pictures of and I am not sure I would have gone to the trouble to switch them. The tubes themselves are NOT the right size to use with gen crowns - although the thread size is perfect, the tubes outside diameter is smaller, so you cannot mix and match. You must replace as a set, but as I said, the gen sets screw right in. The factory tube requires a countersink into the case to make it fit flush, but that is easily accomplished with a properly sized drill bit. The threads as they come are perfect, but once you drill the countersink, it's probably a good idea to run a tap thru it. I was amazed at how easy it was to follow the advice posted by Randy, Ziggy, Chris and others in taking these watches apart. The other thing that fits Andrew's vintage watches PERFECTLY is the OEM replacement bezels. That sems very odd to me as I was under the impression that you could only use a gen inmsert on the MBW. Now for the crown guards . . . wish me luck. Let's just call this little project, the "Poor Man's MBW." Having bought a bunch of MBWs from George, I am a very poor man!! LOL Bill
  11. Lord love a duck . . . maybe it's cause it's getting late, but that struck me as so funny a mouthfull of wonderful merlot just shot out my nose all over my laptop! Bill
  12. Thank you. I apologize for being skeptical, but it goes with the profession. A professional associate, and friend of mine, had a case a few years ago where a gentleman from Texas hired him to locate his former wife in Tampa. He found her, and a few days later, they found her dead. She had been dead a couple of days and her children were a bloody mess from trying to wake her up. He had hired a couple of mutts to kill her, but they weren't able to find her by themselves. My friend didn't do anything wrong, and considering the story the husband told, any professional investigator would have done the same thing - but it has still been tough to live with. If anything seems a little bit odd to me I question it, but I'll not jump you thru hoops for nothing. It is 3AM here - please send me an e-mail and I'll look into this tomorrow for you. Bill TJGladeRaider@aol.com www.FraudsAndScams.com
  13. Chris . . . could I play with your avatar? LOL Bill
  14. How, exactly, did that happen? I'm having some trouble with this aspect of the story - were you just hanging around chatting with customs when your package came in? Or, did they feel it necessary to call you, and have you come watch while they opened your package? Bill
  15. Replica Virgin . . . nothing new about that. Bill
  16. That's one very nice Sub, and the price isn't necesarily ridiculous. The box and associated paraphernalia is worth some money, so it wouldn't be fare to compare that watch to one that comes wrapped in tape and plastic. You can nit pick any rep to death, but for all around quality, I think it is very nice - let me ask you this, is there any doubt that you got at least one-tenth of a gen? You should enjoy that watch, it's head and shoulders over most reps. Bill
  17. Is this a joke? Look who he bought it from. Look what he paid. Look what he got for the money. That is about one pitiful excuse for a rep. I thought that seller was known for first class product. I'd give him a chance to mak it right, but if not, I'd charge that crap back too Bill
  18. Who sells that watch? Is it possible to put a different band on it or do the springbars stay fixed in place? I have a black stingray band that would look great on that piece. Bill
  19. OK, I admit that I didn't hold Perfectionist's opinion in high regard, and I suppose I am guilty of mocking a mutt who is more to be pitied than laughed at, but that has nothing to do with bandwagon xenophobia -- I just thought his [censored] was tiresome. Specifically, if he wants to spank the Scot, and beat him into submission, I'll certsainly come round to watch the abuse, but proclaiming himself to be the victor in the battle that didn't happen reminds me of days I don't well remember at my age. Something like, "Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya . . . . you can't catch me." It seems to me that it is up to a man to do business however he pleases - and up to the buyers to do business with them, or not, as they please. I once bought a new car where they tried to add on a $250 fee at the end that was nothing but air. The manager "closing" the deal explained it by saying, "That's our standard practice, we add that to every deal." I told him, "Oh, then that's fine then, but you should know that I make it a practice to knock out a tooth of every salesman that [censored]s me." It turned out that I was more serious than he was. My point being, I have no use for sneaky thieves and liars, but if a man's upfront about the way he does things, that's all your entitled to. If you don't like the way a man does business, don't do business with him, and if you feel like calling him out on his behavior, feel free. Just don't be running around thumpin on your chest, proclaiming to have beaten the bad boy into submission; that sort of ego masturbation may feel good, but I don't want to watch. Bill
  20. Lord how I despise those mutts, and it amazes me that they get by with this nonsense. Since when is it illegal to take a product and modify it with non-gen parts . . . you just try and make your insurance company fix your car WITH gen parts sometime! Bill
  21. And a brave and noble ass whipping it was Even if I do have to say so meself I for one enjoy a fine spankin, and wonderful entertainment too Having vanquished the venomous villain, and neutered the Nazi Scotsman, I reckon we'd best not be keepin ye further As yer talents are most desperately needed elsewhere Take up yer battered lance, and gather up Sancho Panza Saddle up Rosinante, and hie thee thither to La Mancha There's evil afoot and demons to fight And no end of wicked windmills to tilt In leaving, just know that you carry with you all the appreciation, respect and admiration that ye deserve. Bill
  22. I cannot say I am surprised -- I rather imagined that you would disagree, but then I am widely known for my Psychic Connection . . . or was that Lucy's Lust Line? I get easily confused. The savings issue is worth commenting on. When the first 500 HP Mustangs show up on dealer lots, they will be priced at Retail Plus. If it took someone 6 months to put together a group buy, they would each save thousands - but see what happens if anyone waits six months. Fortunately, the watch world makes that swing in a matter of days or weeks. On your behalf, I would say that I admire your altruistic intent. Seldom have I seen anyone go to such lengths and aggravation for a group when they had nothing personally to gain. I suppose it's ultimately a matter of preference. I prefer to make my own deals, and select my own business associates. If others choose to have you, or anyone else, negotiate on their behalf, that's their choice too. All I am saying is thqat the "business is business" attitude is a bit simplistic. This is hardly the typical marketplace, and we are not buying conventional market goods here. As with most things, time will tell. Bill
  23. Hacked your password to make a "buy it now?" Nope -- I don't think so, there has to be more to it than this. Are you sure that you aren't looking at a Phishing notification? That's what it sounds like to me. If it was a Phish, did you click any links in that notification? You're a sharp guy, but if you have any doubts at all, go directly to EBay, log in and change your password. If your new password does not work, you were phished and your old one will. Log in and change it asap. Bill PS - thanks for that lead the other day . . . most EXCELLENT!! B
  24. If it looks any better, please keep your photos to yourself! That's all I need -- another direction for this hobby to go in. LOL That's a very nice looking piece. Bill
  25. I have an opinion, but it is just opinion, rather than any kind of inside info. The first guy to bring something desireable to market always demands premium pricing - the rule of supply and demand. The watch was overpriced to begin with for what it is. I say that because let's keep in mind that if all watches are counterfeit, name means nothing. Any of the other Asian movement chronos like that IWC can be bought $250 and less, so I don't think the initial price was realistic. Just my guess, but I think it's a sensible guess. If I was going to make a prediction, I'll bet most of these "group buy" leverage efforts will collapse under their own weight. It's too complicated to make it work to justify the relatively minor savings available, and trying to manage it will be a nightmare. Nobody will ever know how many buyers there really are til the money is counted. Once they have seen this thru in actual practice once, most folks will not find it so attractive for the reasons I mentioned. Even as many watches as I buy, I'd always pay $25 more to deal directly with a dealer I like and trust than have someone else negotiating the deal for me with some dealer who will never know I was a customer, or care what happens with my watch. Besides which, anyone with government experience knows what happens when you always have to buy from the lowest bidder. Few rules are absolute, but I generally find that, "While you may not always get what you pay for, you always pay for what you get." Bill
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