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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. He posted his website, and he's posted a lot of comments in the thread - just click on his name and use the link. I'll go back and find it for you if you have trouble. Bill
  2. Advertising "puff" is one thing, but Joshua will talk to you directly about any questions you may have and answer them quite frankly. I did not expect that my SDs would actually be "perfect," I just wanted the best available. I have that one you are referring to - I actually bought several of them after I received the first one and had a chance to look it over. It's a watch that gets a lot of wrist time. Unlike my MBW 1680, it's not a bit delicate. I don't have to worry about getting the crystal scratched (sapphire vs the old stuff) and it is waterpoof to the limits of my tester - 132 feet. Whatever the flaws, and these guys on here can identify all of them, it's a heavy, well built, nice looking watch - and it suits me just fine on my wrist. BTW, I wouldn't "bet the farm" but I'd bet $100 that my serviced "Perfect" SD will keep time with anybody's out of the box gen - if I tried to tell you my experience with the one I wear as compared to the Internet official atomic clock, people would think I was lying. Bill
  3. I got mine ordered thru George - my prior efforts to acquire them were, shall we just say, rather "unlucky." They were expensive, but people I have come to trust assure me that he is a man to be trusted, and the watches will be worth it. I have an MBW 1680 on my wrist that I bought second (or 22nd for all I know) hand, and I really enjoy this thing - even though I do have some other nice ones to choose from. That's JUST my Rolexes The best Sub/SD versions sold by Josh and Eddie Lee are fabulous, and I am proud to have them in my modest little collection, but I have a love for old things, so I wanted some first rate vintage too. Bill
  4. I am still working with Lego and Lincoln Logs. I expect to have the starter sets mastered in a year or two. Bill
  5. I have every faith that they will make it right for you. I have bought several watches from members, and one was an expensive mistake - rather than identify the problem and thereby point a finger I definitely do not wish to point, let's just say it was advertised as having a swiss movement that turned out to be an Asian miyota (I made that up as an example of something a seller genuionely might not know). When I contacted the seller, he had no clue (truly and no doubt in my always skeptical mind). He made every offer any man could make to make things right (pay return postage, send me a gift, refund extra for my trouble . . . everything) and refunded my money that very moment. I think most of our regulars are like that, and I appreciate having these forums that bring like-minded people together. No matter how this works out, may I respectfully suggest that you do as I always do when little things [censored] me off, and reflect upon the fact that as you read this short little note, some doctor, somewhere, told some parent that their child's tests came back terribly bad. A little something I once wrote Good Luck, Bill
  6. Yes indeed - Pure FUN; that's true for me as well, and as weird as this whole thing seems to my wonderfully patient wife, it's a far better "guy fun thing" than most of the others she's heard about. The thing that all the new people should learn, as I have learned reading all these posts from the "experts," is there is only one truly, perfectly knowledgable expert on these forums, and his opinion is the absolute final word for me. That's me. (Can't you almost hear the new guys say, "WTF?!") "Yep, you heard that right, not By-Tor, Tommy, Randy, Ziggy . . . I am the expert that none of those guys can ever hope to be, simply because I can answer the only really important question that none of them could hope to reply to, "what does Bill like?" I enjoy reading what all you guys have to say, and I have learned a great deal from all of you, but the most important thing I have learned from you, as all of you guys have pointed out over and over at one time or another - this thing is for fun, and we should all enjoy what we like. I really do think that's the most important. Bill
  7. Either way Dude . . . I know you and I know where you live! If my new toys trouble me terribly, I know right where to go! LOL Bill
  8. I have read this whole thread carefully and thoroughly, as I am very interested in the MBWs, and have one on my wrist at the moment. All I can say is, "By-Tor, you're making me crazy!" I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. I study those pictures, and if I turn down all noise in the background, dim all the lights, and squint really hard, I begin to think I see what you see, and when I go back and forth til my head hurts, I really can see what you're talking about - especially since I can study my MBW with a magnifier. Yes indeed, enlightenment finally pierces the veil of my ignorance, and I get a glimmer of pure, pristine, truth. This MBW is not perfect, and I consider making the call to cancel my order for the three more I have on their way. I mean, after all, mortgaging the house for three more flawed watches is not the act of a rational man - but with all the trouble I had sourcing them, I decided to think about it over lunch. This afternoon, I look at my MBW again, with all the flaws you clarified for me, and the damn thing looks perfect again, so I go back to your pictorial, kick the noisy munchkins out to go play in the street, dim the ambient lights, and squint til I once again see that my MBW has flaws. Jesus, my head hurts. Screw it . . . I'm not going to cancel my order, and I'm not going to strain my poor tired brain into any more headaches. When my MBWs arrive, if there is any remaining recollection that create dissatisfaction in my mind, I'll ship them off to Randy or Tommy to fix. Bill
  9. That SEIKO Marine Master Springdrive is on my gen list. I think that is an awesome piece; I am just hoping the price comes down one day. Bill
  10. What a brain trust - an incredible amount of information from people on the ground. Where does Japan fit into this rep cultural, economic issue? Are reps manufactured in Japan? If so, how do they compare to the Chinese? Bill
  11. Did the Chinese really rep a Chevy, call it a Chery, and win? I am a Chevy fan, I have been for most of my life, but that's rich - that's just too funny! I really do believe we are pretty much saying the same thing, especially in one respect - The Chinese are going to do whatever they bloody well choose to do, unless/until the world makes it worthwhile for them to play ball. Now, if you could just tell me who makes the best Sub . . . Bill
  12. I can only tell you what I know from personal experience. My most recent case involving IP was the case where Qwest filed suit against "Ma Bell Michele," that was covered in the Wall Street Journal. You may find it interesting that although this case started with Qwest, the bazillion dollar corporate giant crucifying a Private Investigator single-mom on public assistance for calling herself Ma-Bell Michele, the story ends with THEIR settlement offer to her. WSJ Article Then, to see how I was involved, you might want to take a look at the following. In the section entitled "MaBell Lets Fly With A Rock," you will see a link to my Declaration in that case. The Ma Bell Case Story If you read that, you will find a sworn document as to my background - I'll leave it you guys to decide the "for whatever it is worth" to apply to my humble opinions. The case is over . . . Michele didn't accept their $5000 offer, but I cannot tell you due to the confidentialy agreement what she did accept. I can tell you, as some of my friends on here know, I was a single parent with four children for many years -- I did not accept a dime from her. Finally, while I want to be very clear that I do not doubt what you were told, a basic understanding of the counterfeit industry should make it clear why the deliberate flaw concept is impossible. These people are independent, diverse and disconnected - and the players change from day to day. There is no person, or group, with whom a Chinese Official could work out a deal, or reach an understanding with. A lot of people fervently believe that "deliberate flaw" theory to be true, but I do not, for a lot of reasons. Respectfully, Bill
  13. Yep, I'll buy that . . . Randy, our ubiquitous noob. Knowing my place in the pecking order of horological acumen, I guess that means I need to don my pointy hat, sit in the corner, suck my thumb and drool down my shirt. Bill
  14. Absolutely true - and for the time being, China is pretty much thumbing their nose at the rest of the world on the IP issue - what is the world going to do, sanction them? They are the fastes growing consumer market in the world, and they are the home to more production than one would imagine. Frankly, and I know I will get flamed for this, I cannot condemn them - where you stand on issues is largely dependent upon where you sit. The Chinese have an enormous, industrious, hard working population of very, very ingenious people - living at third world poverty levels. If my brother, unable to find work, living marginally and desperately trying to survive, could sit in his basement and crank out remarkably good Rolex replicas, competing with them head-to-head and make money, the IP arguments wouldn't mean squat to me either. It will change as politics change. One day, China will agree to adopt the internationally recognized standards and enforce them - when they get concessions that make this worth while. It doesn't compare, but consider Nigeria and their scams. The Nigerian government makes a token effort to crack down, but the average Nigerian has got to believe that if people have so much money, and they are that stupid, they deserve to lose it. When crime plays a big part in the national economy, national politics reflect that. Bill
  15. Hello, and welcome to the forum. I am not an official anybody, and maybe just a busy-body, but I have bought a watch or two, and I want to tell you how important you are here - especially since some of the regulars can be a bit short tempered. I buy lots of stuff, but these are my Rolexes. In a recent post you could find on the forum, someone asked a kind of technical question. Ziggy, one of our favorite experts replied as follows. The question doesn't mean much to me - I never buy Asian movements, and the answer doesn't mean much to me - it's not a problem I'll have. Probably doesn't mean anything at all to you either at this point. As I read threads like this, by the real experts on these forums (and there are so many, that I'll not try to name for fear of leaving some out), it is an absolute marvel to me that so many members of these forums are not willing to pay a few bucks for access to this kind of quality information. That's not a pitch for your money - it's more a thought provoking comment for others. In the beginning, I thought the moderators were crazy - I am a man with little patience for asshats and I'd just give all the freeloaders the boot. Having been here for long enough to see what's actually happening, I can see why they have no choice. Other than the most honest and dependable of our dealers, the most important people here are the noobs - and by that I do mean you. For the experts, regulars and freeloaders who read that and said, "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I'll explain why I believe that. If you would agree with me that these forums ultimately depend upon the presence of our first rate dealers, I think you are going to agree with me . . . you just haven't figured it out yet. Regulars, pick your favorite dealer -- does anyone actually think they are here for the privilege of having their best efforts critiqued over fonts, mags, crown guards, pearls, . . . all those little, petty, picky things over which they have little, if any, control? It's great that we have experts here to do that, as it helps those of us who don't know to make our selections, but I suspect the very nicest of dealers all find themselves sometimes wishing you'd eat Draino and die. They are here to make a living selling reps. Now, pick your favorite pundit -- the expert you think is the absolute last word when it comes to what's wrong with a given rep and how it should be improved, and ask yourself, "How many of these does he actually buy?" Two, or twenty, very few people keep right on buying these things forever. The bottom line is, if these forums were closed to the noobs, the brand new people prone to ask questions that have been answered a hundred times, purchases would dwindle and die, and the few sales that would happen wouldn't support our dealers, or justify the aggravation they put up with. They'd leave. So, to the new guy I say - don't spend a nickel. Read a lot, use the search function, find out if collecting these things is really something you are interested in, and take full advantage of everything a lot of really competent, and very nice people, have posted here - all for free. If you do buy a watch(es), compare it to what you may otherwise have bought from some scam artist - or what your friends have bought. Look at what you paid compared to what they paid, what you got for your money, and all you learned along the way. Then let your conscience be your guide. Enjoy this place - it's great. Bill
  16. One more thing I'd like to add - just because it's a God's honest truth reality that you never see on TV, and it's a good thing to remember in day to day life. Some famous law professor was quoted as putting it thusly, "Never, ever [censored] with anyone with a higher capacity for pain than you've got." The point, perhaps better out, is this. Invicta can make a watch that looks just like the Submariner, and clearly label it "Invicta" stamping "Invicta" into the side of the case . . . but when Uncle Rollie says, "I'm going to sue you if you don't knock that off," it doesn't matter for spit that Uncle Rollie should lose that case - next think you know, Invicta's most popular seller is only available with a scalloped bezel and a weird, winged seconds hand. Invicta should have been able to survive and win the battle, but they could not stand the pain. I don't know how many of you know the Marcello C watch, but they have a real cult followinf, and I'll be curious to see if they last. There is no way (IMHO) that Rolex has any claim against them, but they are the bully boys of 42nd street and I'm wondering if they are going to slam litigate them out of business. Bill
  17. When I travel domestically, I always take three watches, wearing one and two in a small padded travel case in my carry-on bag. I usually take a Sub or SD, PVD Pam 28, and something ridiculously extravagant like a rose gold Patek Philippe. When I travel internationally, it's completely different, because I don't know what the laws are for wherever I'll be, and I am pretty sure that wherever that is, it would be frowned upon for me to punch out some clown that tried to seize one of my watches. I have a gen Ollech & Wajs valjoux chrono, and various other gens that I take - but if I do take extras, I like to take a pic of my kids holding them before I leave and put it in my case. I've never had a question, but I am not going to pay to import my own watch just because I cannot prove I had it before I left. Frankly, I'd like to travel with one of my favorite reps on international trips - has anyone had any experience with that? I will be interviewing a Swiss financier next month, and I'd like to wear Swiss reps if I knew I could get away with it, just because I'd get a perverse kick out of that. Anyone know about how the Swiss treat visitors. Bill
  18. I gotta side with Pug on this one - and I happen to know a little bit about trademark enforcement, patent infringement and the whole gamut of stuff the legal beagles refer to as "IP," or "intellectual property," the fruits of the brain to which designers have internationally enforceable rights. To understand, first you need to understand the difference between a patent, and a trademark. The best example that comes to mind is this. Let's say you invent the internal combustion engine and your name is "Ford" (he didn't inevt it - but bear with me) so you apply for a patent on your engine and you start to build your car -- but what to name it . . . "Hey. let's call them Fords" So you trademark the name. Nobody else can build that Otto Cycle engine for the duration of the patent, but one day, everybody will be making them. Although everyone can one day use the technology you first patented, nobody will ever, never, ever, ever, never, ever be able to call their car a "Ford." Unless, of course, you sell them the rights. Ford does not "own" the name however. They own the right to avoid consumer confusion as it relates to their products. That's why you may very well see "Ford" Potato Chips, or "Ford" cosmetics as no consumer is going to associate them with "Ford" motor company unless they try to copy the "DESIGN" of the way Ford spells "Ford" -- which is a trademarked "Logo." If a guy named Joe Ford wanted to market Ford potato chips, he would have to make very sure that he did not write "Ford" on the bag in such a way that a consumer could think they were related - and I do mean VERY sure, because if it appears that the sales of his products are in any way attributable to that confusion, Ford Motor Company is going to get that money. I can tell you, as a matter of absolute fact, that the notion that rep manufacturers can incorporate some minor little glitch into a design of a counterfeit watch and be "home free" is horse [censored]. Read some IP cases and get a feel for the issues - the question invariably boils down to the question of consumer perception. The very, very worst replica of a Rolex watch that ever existed was an absolute, clear cut violation of their trademark - not their patent on the sub style watch (Everybody is making them), and not their "Mercedes Hands" (Everybody is using them) - but the NAME and the LOGO, and it wouldn't matter iof they called them a RALEX either. It is every bit as illegal to counterfeit badly as it is to do a wonderful job. I know that many people believe many things - especially when it comes to the law. I bet half the hookers in this Country believe that if they ask a prospective "date" if he's a cop and they lie about it, they are protected. No matter how widely or fervently [censored] is believed, it's still [censored]. As for the pervasive glitches and errors in counterfeit watches, frankly, I think this little group sometimes forgets their place in the grand scheme of things. People have a natural tendency to see themselves as the center of their universe, but I gotta tell ya boys and girls, it's a damn good thing that we are the tip, rather than the iceberg - we're not even the tip, more like a chip on the tip. Counterfeit watch sales are BIGGGGGGGGGGG business - sales estimates are extraordinary. In the grand scheme of things, these little groups of connoisseur collectors don't have any significant impact on the market at all. For every watch that's sold to anyone on all these forums put together, a shipping container load sells elsewhere - and the buyers of those watches don't know, or care, about the flaws we talk about here. Remember the last great "Rolex Roundup," where the hounds of the swiss watch industry decended upon the various forum dealers, rounded everybody up, and carted them off to jail . . . as people furrow their brows trying to figure out what I am talking about, that's my point - it hasn't happened. Ask yourself, "Why not?" Surely you don't believe it's because we are the world's best kept secret? Noobs stumble in here every day for Heaven's sake. The bottom line is, we are an insignificant little niche in an enormous market, that neither the gen manufacturers, nor the counterfeiters, care about. Be grateful - the last place you ever want to be is caught between those two. That's what I know, offered to you for whatever it's worth. I also have various speculations and suspicions, but those I shall keep to myself. Bill
  19. I'm no rocket scientist Eddie, but I'd have a hard time imagining how anyone would think you'd do a paid advertisement for your competition - whether they knew you or not. But what do I know . . . it may rain two headed llamas here tomorrow. Bill
  20. LOLLLLLLLL -- aint that the truth. Spend a freakin hour trying to get this figured out, and another hour getting everything all put together, and damned if he doesn't beat me to it! Oh well, "All's well that ends well." Bill
  21. I see you beat me to it Andrew. I am glad to see you made the mistake I thought you made - it would pain me to thing Joshua was all wrong about you. Bill
  22. Dear Andrew, As you may or may not know, I hold Joshua in very high esteem. We exchange e-mails almost every day and I happen to know he thinks a lot of you - an opinion that carries enough weight with me that I am inclined to speak up for you here, and say that I do not believe that you are deliberately trying to slime competition that you cannot compete with. I don't know what you sell, but having bought at least one, and in some cases several, of everything Joshua sells in the way of Subs and Sea Dwellers, I think you would do well to get your facts sraight before George's supporters, of whom there are many, slap you around unmercifully. In case you went to the wrong web site (and browsing thru the threads, I am pretty sure I see what has happened here), let's be sure we are all singing from the same page: Georges Web Site If you cannot see the difference between the pictures of George's vintage watches and the ones that Joshua (and presumably you) sells, a closer look that will show you the difference, I suggest you go here: Randy's MBW Lesson If you pop the bezel off the watch that you sell, you will not find the retaining ring and washer system like the MBW. What you will find is a wire tension spring inside the bezel . . . if you cannot get the bezel off and need picturs, I'll send them as I took mine apart to compare. Further (and I tried this as well), you cannot simply swap them out. The MBW fits the gen crystal, the Chinese watch does not. Being the resident detective here, I feel pretty sure I see what has happened and I think I knjow how you got confused, but since it's your mistake, I'll leave it to you to explain it. Bill
  23. I don't know, I just see what I see, and I try to be towards others as I would have others treat my children. As for my belief that gender itself is more sliding scale than black and white, the prison system is a place where I think this is most apparent, second to contact sports and the military. The vast majority of "real men" who found themselves cast into the prison system would soon discover that absent the protections of civilized society, where the law of the jungle prevails, they would not rise to the top of the pecking order. Instead, the most "masculine" of their species would scare them to death, and many "biological" men will deliberately adopt a most unmasculine role in the interest of survival. Similarly, football, boxing, the Marine Corps . . . all separate the men who are more masculine from those who are less so - and it isn't necessarily related to physique because, if it was, you could pick winners by their physical stats. Therefore, it seems to me that "Masculine" v "Feminine" is a sliding scale of a lot of things, mental, emotional as physical - much of which you cannot see. Anyone who doubts that, should take a long look at Oscar De La Hoya. The "Golden Boy" of boxing is perilously close to "pretty," he has delicate features (for a fighter), a gentle disposition (for a fighter), and he sings almost as beautifully as he fights - but where jungle rules prevail, he's right at the top. If he's not a real man, there never was one. Personally, I'm real clear on who and what I am, but I never had the day that I decided any of it. Fetal development happened, biology happened, puberty happened . . . all with no deliberate input from me. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to grow us as one of the children, that the vermin amongst us ridiculed as "sissies." Worse yet, is the thought of finding myself with the physique of a girl. (All jokes and snickering aside) Given the choice to have the beautiful young body of the girl we are talking about, or my tired old carcass, I'd have to stay me because that slipper simply would not fit, and every moment of my waking life would be war between me as I know me, and that physical me. I can also tell you, with absolute conviction, that were that the case, and someone could change it, I'd do whatever it took, and pay whatever it cost to have my old worn down ass back. I don't know, but I think most guys would feel that same way. In other words, and frankly admitting that I really don't know what I am talking about, I don't think men just choose to become women, or vice versa. I believe that there's something a lot more involved here than that. I am blessed to have five wonderful, healthy children - the eldest of with the Navy SEALS doing whatever they do, and the youngest just four months young; they are the center of my world and I love them mor than life. I can say, with absolute clarity of mind, that if this young lady was a child of mine, it would be most unwise for any man to talk about her like she belonged in a carnival sideshow, or treat her as a sexual novelty, and let me find out about it. We'd find out how "masculine and manly" he is when things get primitive. Thank you Linder for seeing what I was trying to say. Bill
  24. Complete BS - I have tested the Subs/SDs from EL and Joshua 9in a pressure tester and they all test to 132 feet. My MBW Vintage isn't waterproof at all Bill
  25. The one thing I do know is, she is a REAL person. Somehow, that concept seems to have gotten lost in this discussion. As for what I think, or anyone else thinks, I am quite sure that she has heard enough opinions to last her a lifetime, and I have no doubt that the slimeballs of the world have caused her grief and pain. There are a great many things in this world that I do not understand, but it is my observation and belief that Male vs Female is not a black and white thing - it's more like a sliding scale and the little knowledge about fetal development that I acquired over the course of having five children seems to explain that. The young lady is truly beautiful, and I am sure she has been thru a lot to get to where she is, but you only go around once in this life, and you owe it to yourself to be happy if you can. I hope she is happy, and I pray that life is kind to her. Bill
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