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About scherm

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  1. The package are now released from customs!!! First I sent them an "invoice" file, that they were unable to open. I then got an reply from them asking me to send it in some other way... Just copypasted this from the .doc I got from andrew saying I was unable to send the rest of the invoice. 商业发票/COMMERCIAL INVOICE 本文件须用英文打印填写/PLEASE PRINT IN ENGLISH TOY GIFT of USD35 in value. It did apperently work. But for the next time I will probebly ask him not to send "toys"...
  2. Ok, so I got another mail from them saying that they want the recipe or an bankaccount history with the transaction. Maybe I should try to make an fake e-gold transaction screenprint or something...? How schould i write the recipe?
  3. Thanks everyone! I just sent them an email saying there is an invoice in the package. Hopefully they will release it soon!
  4. The custom are holding my PAM111G from Andrew. Now they are asking me to send them a recipe/something that proves the value of the package. The thing is, it
  5. Yeah, hopefully it
  6. Aug 15, 2007 2:27 PM Int'l shipment release STOCKHOLM-ARLANDA SE 8:54 AM Int'l shipment release STOCKHOLM-ARLANDA SE The package Include one Carrera Brad Pitt editon from Andrew and one VC box. I did a quick search here at rwg and it sems like "Int'l shipment release" is more likely to be "held by customs" then International shipment release. Anyone hade simillar experience with FedEx?. Yes, it
  7. OK, so then I will go for silix vco. Last summar I was very close to buy preciuos times vco with box(I really feal the need of an nice watch box to al my reps. But hopefully I will be able to find an replica box, or maybe an original vco box at e-bay for this one. I have decided to pull the trigger on this one now so I
  8. Is`nt it not the same rep as pure time
  9. Watchmaker9 are shiping their watches from asia like many other dealers here. and the watches have not been exlusive for vm9 so far. Hopefully we will see this sub at a much lower price from our trusted dealers sometime soon. I can
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