Hi, I'm totally new here but I've been interested in replicas forever. I'm glad I stumbled across the site; I've gained a ton of knowledge so far.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew anywhere that was selling the Gucci YA055213 watch. I think it is simply the most striking watch I've ever seen, and I'd take it over a Rolex any day! Now, this watch only retails for *only* USD$1100 so I'm sure some of you would just want to tell me to get the real thing, but I am a college student and I don't really have a thousand dollars sitting around. I've seen this watch listed on various websites, but none of them seem trustworthy because they all use the same photo. I have not seen a photo of this watch taken by any of these replica websites.
If anyone can help me find a reputable source for this replica, I will be hugely grateful!
Here's a photo: