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Posts posted by r@f

  1. Solved!, thank you!

    It's possible that you're subscribed to an entire sub-forum, not just the threads you're interested in.

    If you receive an email from a thread you didn't want, find the sub-forum that it's in and just check that you're not subscribed to it. e.g. under General Discussion, on the top right there's an option to subscribe to the entire forum in the drop-down menu, so you may want to undo that if it's active.

  2. ok, but now i am getting notifications of topics that i am not subscribed...

    Hi Raffo,

    Just to double-check the obvious...

    You have a tick next to the setting in My Controls > Email Settings, and then you subscribe to topics is that right?

    That's the bit to check. Failing that, it might be the emails not getting through to you (marked as spam or something)

  3. the problem is who are the MAJOR DEALERS ?..

    On the net there are tons of dealers .. the major ones for a newbie are a mystery...

    ok i'm going to sound like an oldtimer here, but how much easier can it get? the major dealers all have websites with automated payment processing; it's practically as easy as ordering from amazon.com :bangin:

    back in the day finding a dealer was like going on a wild goose hunt :mellow:


  4. do you think the online shops i listed are ok?..

    hello hellooo!!! Wow, 2 days and already a supporter! Very well!!

    the pam127 does not have trouble with explosions as far as I know. that was more with the luminor 1950 44mm models.

    In your budget you should consider a good after market strap. The rep straps kind of suck compared to gen quality and appearance. there are great straps for around 90usd from Gunnystraps for example. matches the 127 perfectly. If you look around you will see some of those 127 gunny combos have been posted around here on this board.

  5. THANK YOU!!

    It would be nice to know the dealers closer to the high end factories...

    It might be easy for you to recognize the good ones... but for newbie like me is really hard...

    it could be a price issue ?.. higher price better product ?.. i think in this genre is not so simple..

    The way I understand it, there are a couple different levels of dealers and factories.

    There are a lot of factories making reps...but there are really only a couple factories (maybe 2-3...nobody knows for sure) that make the high end ones.

    There are about 4 or so dealers that work more closely with the high end factories than others...and they often front buying expensive gens...get them copied and either keep the gens or sell them and recoup more money.

    These "Level 1" dealers are higher volume dealers and getting better pricing because of volume, and because of volume have more input into the factories.

    There are "Level 2" dealers (not real designations...just for reference purposes) that deal in lower volumes...and then Level 3 dealers who may buy from the Level 1 dealers...and then down the line.

    Essentially...the lower down the line...the smaller your profit margin because you're not buying volume...so you can't offer as good service, because each service/warranty call, costs a significant portion of your profit. At Level 1, you get great prices because of volume, and can afford to replace a watch or 2 here due to customs issues, provide better repair services etc, because your initial cost is much lower due to volume.

    Reviewers here don't get paid for reviews...but fork out lots of money in terms of buying the pieces, and spending the time.

    People don't often say where they buy their watches from because each person's preference is personal based on experience. Every recommended dealer here has had complaints by a few members at one point in time or another...you have to decide which complaints your willing to deal with, based on the dealer's 'pros'.

    Good luck...and keep reading...it's informative and fun.

  6. no no.. i didnt mean it like that..

    I just wonder, ive seen some reviews here, that they dont mention where they bought the watch.. and then some other user replies and says "just ordered one...!! "

    how the hek knows where to order from ??.. :D

    I think one of you questions you are asking here

    Is the reviewer getting paid or a friend of the producer?

    And as far as we know the answer is no. There was an issue with paid reviews a couple of years ago and it was decided that it was not in the interest of the many on the board.

  7. Hello I am reading allot , but i miss something..

    I am trying to understand how the replica world works..

    Are 2-3 big producers that produce the rep.s and then the dealers distribuite and sell ??..

    Are producers also dealers ??..

    When i see some one reviewing ex. a fantastic watch ! is some one in particular the producer ??..

    I dont know if i made my self clear.



  8. Hello, i am reading alot, and i see that one of the best is Davidsen, but is out of EU, and i also see tha the PAM127 could explode ???...

    How about



    Precious Time ??..


    Hello i am considering to buy a PAM127 , But i would like to be free from custom troubles..

    So who is the best panerai trader based in EU ?


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