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Everything posted by phillycheez

  1. I rather sell to a known trusted reputable no hassle member in Europe than a random lurker in CONUS. I used to be paranoid bout shipping outside the states but I've long grown out of that. Never had an issue and you make some great connections! I say, people should always keep the option open. You can ALWAYS decline an offer. It doesn't have to be first come first serve.
  2. Sinn and Damasko. Amazing watches for their price point. I believe they have a couple models in your price range. I've owned a U1 before and their quality is top notch. I've always wanted to try a damasko. There's also Stowa.
  3. Best jeans I've ever owned have been Gustin. I'll have to update this thread on how they look now! They got some serious patina.
  4. Just realized how ridiculous their pricing is when you back it! Unreal! I paid triple that amount a year ago. I'm buying another two at those prices. Hopefully they get backed!
  5. I actually didn't think anyone would ever bring up this company... I own two pairs. Might as well throw some watch shots in there..
  6. If you have an itching to sell. Sell it. That watch can always be found again. It's not rare or anything.
  7. True. And if i were to put my money on it I would say it's due to polishing or weathering to some extent. If anyone wants to try over polishing their 702 crown to see if they can replicate the hollow holes... I'll try it if I come around to owning one again. I think it's a cool characteristic.
  8. Totally plausible. I just don't think there's enough info out there to make that a conclusive statement. Only reason I'm suspicious is because my 5513 case was barely polished itself which makes no sense why the owner would polish the crap out of just the crown. Of course it's totally possible a previous owner replaced the crown with this one. That's vintage for you and you just never know. Especially cause Rolex never confirms nor denies anything about their vintage models. And the fact that all the info on vintage rolex is practically a bunch of anonymous Internet posters that collaborated their knowledge and information on some site... Excluding a very small handful of published and known Rolex enthusiasts. http://www.network54.com/Forum/207593/thread/1298566375/Submariner+168000+Crown+question https://www.rolexforums.com/archive/index.php/t-165045.html
  9. Majority of 5512s and 5513s have a 703 crown these days.. Mostly cause anyone who sent their rolex in to RSC for service had a new crown installed as it was a recommended service. But 702s is where it's at and what I would install. If going gen it's best to find it with the original tube though. Threads can be an issue and you wouldn't want to ruin it. Here's another version of the 702 crown from my old 5513. "hollow holes"
  10. There is no difference.
  11. I imagine he should be a member here. I know Kroexist is on rwi. His DLC work is superb and has done gens including a GMTc.
  12. Well.. To be honest they rarely come up and they are expensive. Best bet it to lume a Yuki pearl so you can match the dial and hands. But yes... I would fade the insert. I've faded gen inserts in drano before. Turned out fantastic.. PM me if interested and I will tell you exactly how I did it. Here's a gen 1675 I used to own with an artificially faded black insert.
  13. Since you chose the "service look" I didn't expect your costs to be that much lower than gen if not the same cost. The journey is priceless though and that is an amazing build.
  14. Fade the insert. Match the hands. Tritium pearl. Looks fantastic by the way. Amazing job on the fixed bars.
  15. If I was going to get a nice case I would get one custom from Donerix
  16. I'm in for a 20mm... Brown with a tad of patina is my preference. Or just dark brown.
  17. I would definitely get a maratac NATO. I've tried many NATOs and these are always my goto. Check broadarrow.Net/maratac Their Mil-series is the G10 To get a perfect fit, don't be afraid to take a hot nail and burn a hole through it. Do it quick though! In and out. You don't want to leave black residue or have a wacky hole.
  18. I just don't get it... What kind of person pays that kind of money for a watch who's sale is one pic? Some serious crazies out there.
  19. I've lost less dealing in gens then I have in reps. Actually I've pretty much broke even in the end. With reps I imagine I'm at the very least, $1.5k down since I started. Hmm... Come to think of it... Those 5 year maintenance costs to RSC doesn't look that bad any more.. And agreed with above.. You can insure a gen.
  20. I like this better than the shark. OD Green and black always looks good.
  21. Very nice. Gotta love those tritium pearls.
  22. Haha. That feeling of 'OMG this gen is so awesome sauce' wears off unfortunately. I love your builds though!! I really want a rolexaddict build. I was about to send him a gen 5513 that had a relumed and touched up dial so I can have him re-lume it but jacek was kind enough to take it back for something else. One day... I'll own a RA build.. one day.
  23. I assume the OP is just talking about the 16610.. And in that case I agree. I would never buy a gen 16610 cause the rep looks so good, especially a franken. But I also would never buy a 16610 in general. Too played put imo. Huge fan of the 1680s though. But after delving in to gen vintage rolex's I've come to realize I'm too picky for even that.. I like a certain patina on my rolex and choices are slim and expensive in the gen world! I've sold a 1675 and two 5513s cause the patina wasn't exactly to my liking. In the rep world we can make it look exactly how we like it! And just to show you how crazy I am... Here's a 1675 and a premo 5513 I sold.
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