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Everything posted by Deepseadweller

  1. Are you referring to the 5517 from Trusty ? http://www.tt88time.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_103&products_id=15 Cheers DSD
  2. Actually my family tried to convince my grandfather to press charges against anonymous but he never did because he was embarassed and I think the person he acquired those fakes from wouldn't have been deemed suitable contact for a police officer. So I don't know if the man who scammed him was ever brought to justice. DSD
  3. That would most definately be a genuine Milsub 5517. DSD
  4. My wife is happy as long as I buy her a pair of shoes for every watch I buy. She is not nearly obsessive with shoes as I am with watches so I guess I have made a good deal. Most of my friends take no interest in watches, so I don't discuss it with them or even show new acquisitions to them. When I feel the need to "talk watches" I usually turn to my dad, who owns a small collection of Gens but is not reserved about replicas. DSD
  5. Actually it was the complete project for 1K so Phong's case it out. I have emailed reg regarding a 5513. Cheers DSD
  6. Hi TMG, thank you very much for your advice. With a case from J&W as a base a budget of 1K would be out of question. Your budget opttion looks very interesting though. Is any of the trusted dealers selling MBW 5513 at this time ? I will do my homework on the other parts you mentioned and would be happy to hear from you regarding the set of hands you are selling. The downside of using an MBW 5513 would be that the case engravings would be wrong as they wouldn't say 5517 but 5513 though ... but I guess I could live with that. Cheers DSD
  7. What was the first rep you ever saw and what did it do to you ? Here is my story: Sometime in the 70s my Granddad bought two "white gold" "omega" dress watches (on "white gold" mesh bracelets) and showed them to the family. All of us were very impressed and there were a lot of "Ohs" and "Ahs". Although he was a cop, he was a very trustful (some might say gullible) person and had bought those as an investment from a rather dubious source. He was convinced that they were genuine and he had paid a substantial amount of money for them. My father (who was and is exactly as leery as my pop was trustful) quickly spotted that the Omega sign was crooked and appeared to be hand-drawn. When my grandfather realized that he had been scammed he wasn't as much angry as he was disappointed and sad. I remember him sitting in the kitchen, hunched over the watches and shaking his head for a long time. I knew nothing about "intellectual property" or "copyrights" back then but I knew that, what had been done to my grandfather, was just wrong. Everytime I see someone on the bay or elsewhere trying to sell a replica as a genuine watch I am reminded of what happened to my granddad and I get very angry and sad. Sad because I don't think he was as trustful after this incident as he was before. The other thing I realize every time I recall this, is how much replicas have improved since then. Cheers DSD
  8. Hi, A noob to the forum but I have been collecting reps for some years. After having succesfully ruined a number of watches (all of them inferior reps and gens) and having completed a watch making seminar I am thinking about building one of my personal grail watches: a Milsub 5517. I would like to ask the seasoned members and roles experts of this forums for advice on which parts to get. My first thoughts on this: - case The best case probably is the one from Phong but, even if I'd be able or willing to pay 1.5 grand for a case, it justs fits the gen. 1520 movement, right ? So, this leaves the question which case to get correct engravings, a nice caseback (also with correct engravings) solid bars and so on. Any idea on a good case or a basic rep that could function as a base for this ? - movement It appears that the original 5517 used 1520 (19800 bph) and 1530 (18009 bph) movements ... so it would need a slow beat movement. Which rules out 2836 or 2824 movements which have a beat that is much too high. What do you think ? And obviously this would also affect the choice of my ... ... - Dial Where can I source a 5517 T-dial ? Obviously Yao used to do those and they were great ... but it doesn't seem that there are any of those floating around. and ... - Hands Omega Sword Hands ? - Bezel insert. I suppose the one from jewelryandwatch is the best ... - Crown, tube Guess it would be worth to spend the money on gen parts ... Oh well ... and then there is vintage lume, general vintagizing of the watch ... sigh ... Oh ... I hade to promise wifey to keep it below 1 grand all together ... So, if anyone could help me to get started, happens to own parts I could use, please reply. TNX in advance Deepseadweller
  9. is always looking for (depth tested) diver's watch replicas

  10. since you are in Europe I would definately go for a European dealer (Eurotimez or PT). I am also a noob but very interested in diving watches and especially the DSD and it looks like PT is getting a lot of cheers for the "supreme" SDDS. http://ptswiss.com/product_info.php?cPath=...products_id=214 I am not sure about all this "ultimate", "supreme" stuff ... but judging from the shots on the site and from what I have read on it it seems to be a fine watch. I might be getting one myself. DSD
  11. Should have done a search for "ploprof" before posting this ... there seem to be plenty of posts on the subject already. Sorry for posting a faq from a noob. DSD
  12. Hi, I just read on a blog that Omega is going to reissue the PloProf diver's watch, which was originally developed by Omega together with JYC himself. Do you guys think there is any chance that this may get replicated by any of the factories ? Cheers DSD
  13. I am working as a consultant, mostly business plan evaluations and due dill of tourism / sailing / diving / adventure related projects for investors. Also help people in this field to find funding for their projects (which is tough nowadays). DSD
  14. Certainly will get around to that soon. BTW: love your avatar
  15. Hi, it all started with a BP FF (Bund) given to me by my father (who was a diver in the German Navy's "Tauchdienst") when he left the service. Since then I have been collecting dive watches. Some genuine, some rep. If you have any interesting dive watch to offer ... I might be interested. In replica dive watches I am looking for a minimum tested depth of 10 atm. I am 39 years years old, have been diving since I was 16, am a diving instructor (VDTL, CMAS), love sailing, my son, my second wife (not particularly fond of my first one ). If you have any interesting dive watch to offer ... I might be interested. In replica dive watches I am looking for a minimum tested depth of 8 atm
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