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Everything posted by mastrmindalliance

  1. Thanks! Fits better now I removed an extra half link . Oh, yeh, it's the 45 hehe
  2. Ok, i think it's setting wheel and post. Looks like the setting wheel post has popped out of the corrector lever (does that sound right?). Does anyone know the proper way to put it back together? Do you put the setting wheel post into the corrector lever first, then place the setting wheel on? Any advice much appreciated, Oh, the keyless is out, but that's a cakewalk now
  3. The second run didn't have any refinement IMO. Only lack of AR (in my case at least). I have ones from both first and second run.
  4. ^Lol. What are you going to do if i'm not careful with my comments superlative? Get your knickers in a twist even more? And ^^LOL at your edit as well. Trying to make it sound like you have a justifiable reason to take an internet forum joke so personally? Let me clear my throat. Heh-humm... LOL. Lets see; girl covered in tattoos that are supposed to infer "fallen angel" posing in black lingerie straddling a public toilet seat... pretty sure they were shooting for the slurry feel. It sure isn't Mary Poppins. Here's a pic because you're awesome:
  5. Woah... I think you need a holiday superlative. You're taking the game too seriously.
  6. Erm yeah, I understand both the traditional English and the modern colloquial English meanings for it. Clearly, the latter was referenced in my post. Just in case you don't: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=slurry
  7. OP's pic is definitely shopped - joker skull bottom left. As for the toilet slurry above... here, i fixed it.
  8. ^wow! /thread. Now lets get back to talking about how i fixed my keyless works, saved the earth, and became the greatest ever. (I'm glad the membership at large now knows who it was. I've always been uneasy using my CC in this game, so i use debit visa, but I'd be even more uncomfy giving my deets to any particular dealer known to have hackers in his employ. Sure there's some chest-thumping and drama-queening in here, but the membership should know. IMO, this is the issue as it relates to the membership - not dealer wars).
  9. As I understand restitution is being sought and is really the only suitable solution outside of the forum. Inside the forum, I thought dealers got the boot for non anti-competitive practices?
  10. Huzzah and Yahoo! Thanks to this I finally managed to fix a keyless works on my own. I am overjoyed. Well… I have more than this post to thank (although ultimately, it was indefinitely helpful, thanks sneed12) to be fair this post was the inspiration. I have to thank many an interweb resourse including the ETA.ch site, WUS, PMWF, Homage forum and many more random google images and horology sites. Mostly due to the fact my movement is clone and after disassembly I couldn’t work out where a certain cog (something to do with date I believe, the one that sits under the bit with airplane wings ) belonged. I also have to give a big thanks to the kind peeps over at Wrist Check for answering probably the noobiest of noob questions a noob has ever asked. I decided long ago that inside the watch case I was useless, any tinkering I did inside the case always resulted in failure and destruction. All stemming from one simple bit of info that will probably surprise anyone reading. Here’s a hint for anyone reading who was like me three weeks ago – You remove all the hands at once – yes in a stack. Beleive it or not, it was this fundamental nugget of knowledge that had stopped me attempting anything more than changing rotors. This actually took me a few hours, a few days a week, and many attempts to get right – here’s another tip for people practicing idiocy like me – use the correct stem. Thanks everyone. I know it's not really a big deal, but i am very happy Btw, I no longer need the little diagram defining order of removed parts in the picture. I know this part of the movement inside bloody out now. Haha, thanks everyone. Now to fix a movement/watch that isn’t a junker Fixed and working (albeit covered in sweaty finger print smudges inside and out):
  11. Great review, thanks. But an awful looking watch. The design could only, possibly, be saved with stick or dot hour indices and a new bezel font.
  12. Hmm, perhaps there is a newer/bigger version. That would make it the same size as the monster. The version i tried on at about christmas but it was too small. It appeared to wear about the same as the monster but only because of the crown position and the battery pusher. it was actually kinda flimsy by comparison. I will be checking the shops again though because i'd loved to love this watch. post up some pics if you get it
  13. Unless there's a brand new version of that Kinetic, it's actually smaller than the monster (39mm Vs 42mm without crown).
  14. Haha Dave^. I don't have a wife but ordered and paid for something a lot like this yesterday. Well, exactly except for what looks like a 2 karatish stone... In the meantime, here's an old wristy had handy of my "GF" (until she gets upgraded)
  15. I didn't bother to check out the link but Silix sells the really cheap stuff. They are trusted dealers here. There are probably others too.
  16. Yes, dealers are people too. A little manners and courtesy (from both sides) go a long way in any business dealing. Civility and patience are required should something go wrong. Just like the real world . My only dealer is Perfect Clones. Josh will solve problems where possible and is super speedy.
  17. Steel. But outside of summer, which is very hot and humid here, it's just a personal preference.
  18. Burbs? I dont live in the burbs. "City" is colloquialism for "CBD".
  19. Haha, not far wrong. I can go just about anywhere in SG by cab for about the same price as a bus fare here in Australia. For example, it would cost me 4.50SGD (3.40AUD) to go one way to the city from my place here in Aus - which is exactly 6.8k's. For the SG'ers reading, by contrast, the taxi fare from CQ to TgKg (6.5k's) is about 4.50-5 SGD. Here in Aus, travelling the 6.8 kilometres from the city to my place in a taxi costs 49SGD - about 36AUD. Things aren't so bad over there. Oh, and i believe the bus fare for that trip is about 20-30c.
  20. Isn't the real kicker that you have to win a lottery of sorts to even be allowed the privilege of paying all that money? The trade off is your flat (sort of) and low income tax rates. Cars are cheap here in Aus by comparison, but I pay very close to half my income in tax.
  21. That's the one. I've never owned Bergeon but I can tell you that these are an [censored] load better than the swiss (?) AF ones designed for watcmakers.
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