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Everything posted by mastrmindalliance

  1. http://www.1-pc8838.com/pn328l01-328l-1950-days-auto-ssss-asian-7750-p-10136.html
  2. You mean as a professional awesome photo taking guy?
  3. Damn that's good. BTW Josh is undercutting Angus by $20 on these.
  4. And Debs, and Nikkis and Belindas and all the other scrubbers.
  5. Also, the reason there's a lot of buzz on the forums is because the 005 is "out of stock" (quotes probably required ). So the 318 is arguably the best Hfactory rep peeps can get their hands on right now.
  6. andreww - I commend your persistent inter-forum outing of this sale. You've done the community a great service at the four forums tagged in the sale pic. Some may say it has nothing to do with anyone except the OP/seller, but that's not true. It has something to do with every member who makes use of the member sales and trade section. Member sales and especially trades are implicitly trust based. When someone is trying to pull the wool they should be outed by any member who spots it. It's anything but thread crapping, it's doing the entire membership a service. Good on you andreww.
  7. I agree with this. I have only bought the PP24 and j12 ladies rep. THE PP24 is good but I was so dissapointed with the quality of the j12 that i practiced my dremeling and fine tool work on it trying to debrand it. Needless to say, it's now just a pile of junk. I'm about to pick up a Gen Oris Queen of Diamonds for the missus. It's a nice, sturdy and pretty watch. It's only worth about the cost of 3-4 decent reps. A good trial for her first auto.
  8. 1- don't buy the V1 2 - don't buy the V1 3- this is the one you want 4- Though sometimes the marketing photos of the Cal1 make it look so, it's just the lighting - there is no PVD gen • the v2 Cal1 rep is excellent. The only thing better on the V1 is the hands • the 6498 movement is excellent. The 6491 probably is as well • the v1 has a too thick bezel, making it a tell from across the room • The v2 is latest version • the gen comes on rubber but with a leather strap in the box. As much as i'm a huge fan of josh... buy an after market strap. They're miles better than what Josh will sell you.
  9. I have both. They are exactly the same except for CB. The newer ones (first run vs later run) have a clearer crystal like the 26k. I believe it's because they have no AR at all.
  10. Yeah the reason I'm wondering is becuase one of the biggest tells on the dssd is the thumb indent on the clasp. Its too poorly defined and shallow. On the subC reps it seems very sharp. If a swap is at all possible (even if the guts of the clasp have to be swapped) it would be a good mod.
  11. Is there anyone who owns both a decent quality (not 21j) Ceramic sub and a cartel (sometimes incorrectly referred to as noobfactory) DSSD? Sorry but the ETZ/trevor V5 (very different bracelets)and other $88 one won't do for this comparison. I have a small favour to ask... Are the glide lock clasps same length? No need to get out the calipers, just a comparison by eye will be fine. Thanks in advance
  12. Couldn't take 4 any longer (even with the .01 rls) downgraded back 3617). encountered more problems with 4 that were annoying me.
  13. i can only reccomend the patek 24hr quartz (no seconds hand). I've only bought two and was totally underwhelmed by the quality of the j12... I'd really like to know if anyone has picked up the new ladies tag aquaracer and any thoughts.
  14. Actually it's annoying the hell out of me. It robs the page's default TEXTAREA. So, for example if your homepage is google by default you'll type your query in the adress bar. This results in a 404 every time of course. Also the switching of "open in new tab" and "open in window" is bloody annoying. *Waits for update*
  15. I have exactly what you're after. Brand new/uncut black OR from SOH v2. Wouldn't be able to pop it in the mail till next wed though (tues in US) from Aus. if you still need, it's yours.
  16. There is no model number or identification this one except "Elsafe Assa Abloy" but judging from the pics on this page: http://www.elsafe.com/page?id=1587 it's the "Sentinel II". I think the original, older one, that had no branding is made by the same peeps because the buttons share the same shape and layour and from memory the lining is similar. Perhaps the iPhone thing has something to do with a lack of signal... Do we have anyone with iPhone Firmware knowledge? It wouldn't surprise me if there was a function to power down after say an hour of total lack of signal. My blackberry (Torch) get fulls bars sitting inside the safe with door open while the 3gs completely drops out. A quick googling turns up no info on it though. Anyone have the Dev SDK? This would probably have the FW function set...
  17. Back from the Phils and all I can is... Wow! I won't bother answering any of my own questions for you because the trip was brief and would be innacurate. I'll comment on the safety factor though. All in all I think it's much like any other big city - yes,there are places you shouldn't wander into with your tourist skin. Keep your wits about you but dont let it spoil your holiday. A caveat - the locals will tell it's VERY unsafe in Manila, and while i would never ignore the advice of people who know much better than me, i got the feeling that they think you will blindly stumble into an urban ghetto. As a very well seasoned traveller my advice is just to use your common sense - you should be mindful of yourself and your important belongings anywhere you go. The people are exceptionally warm and hospitable. The shopping and services are extraordinarily cheap (do tip for services). Make sure you smile a lot as this seems to be a universally adhered to cultural trait of Pinoy people and dont get cranky at the inevitable obstacles you will confront in the cities (especially with transportation). In fact, i'd suggest you would waste a lot of time and a little money if you plan to 'wing it' getting around. A little help with local knowledge will go a loooooong way in this country. We were surprised by the amount of desperate poverty. Yes I've seen this before in my travels in the region (Malaysia/indonesia) but not since Africa have I seen this depth of urban poverty, as opposed to rural in the above examples. Make sure you give something back for your guaranteed awesome experience - a little will go a long way here. Finally, (outside of the cities) in the mountains and coastal areas it's a beautiful country. Our experience turned out to be more cultural than the resort style kicking back we had in mind. The trip was much more amazing for this reason. Have many pics if you want to see more when i get home, but here is one I snapped at the Black Nazerene procession in Quiapo on Good Friday during Holy Week. This was just nuts - think 1000 times moshing the snake pit at Metalicca. We were close to the 'front', if you like, in this pic. According to the paper 30,000 peeps turned out for this. I'm not religious, but they love that Jebus dude: And in case you were wondering - the rumors are true - it is an entire nation of smokin' hot babes. Though i think if that's what you go there for you will quickly find yourself in trouble. Even though I know many words - no combination of any of them would convey very much about this country and it's amazing people. You just have to go there. Oh, Edit heh: Saw many watches but didn't 'look' at any. So, I'll assume that it's like all asian travel - my advice is to just use our forum dealers.
  18. Ok, back in SG and using the in room safe again. This is a different one and it's branded "Elsafe". Even though it's a very different safe (size, shape, colour, keypad - this one is more modern) it exhibits the same things. I bought a compass from the local travel shop and it does indeed appear to have some magnetic properties. Firstly, here is the control pic outside and not near the safe. It gets this reading everywhere inside the room and on the balcony (and is accurate jusdging by google maps): I was careful to keep the compass in the same orientation for this pic laying inside the safe: And a different reading outside the safe by the safe door locking mechanism: So, I don't know enough about magnetism's affect on watches but I'll take the benefit of doubt and keep them out. This safe powers down the iPhone 3gs as well. With further testing I've found that it doesn't power down the iPhone until the door is shut and locked. Holding the door closed without locking it won't power it off. Also, it saps power from the toothbrush, but takes over night (my toothbrush doesn't have a powerguage for any defineable rate). I have the charger with me Edit: Oh, i wanted to take a little video of the compass/magnetism but needed the flash so this is the best i could do.
  19. Yes, absolutely. Not enough coffees this morning morning when I posted... The iPhone requires a hard on (lol for aussies reading) when removed from safe, but the battery isn't flat. It's something I can test in another room, at this same hotel when i get back from PI. In PI I'll check just my travel documents into the office safe i think as all valuables will be left here at the GF's in SG.
  20. Yes that makes perfect sense. Especially with the practically antique 3gs I have. The toothbrush is still a mystery though. A cursory googling doesn't turn up anything related to magnets and battery flattening. Although i found some stuff about forming a circuit with poorly insulated devices that could drain battery. Though it seems unlikely with a waterproof device (in my hardly expert logic) and would also mean the safe was faulty (they are supposed to be fireproof as well), and this has happened on a few occasions/different safes... hmmm.
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