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Everything posted by Anguz

  1. Congrats brother.
  2. Im in Niagara but moving to London, England on May the 17th...will be too busy around that time. Would have loved to go. Have fun. Don't drink too much. Sorry, what I meant to say is...do drink too much! Cheers.
  3. Hey yo, We are trading places as I leave for London in May. TSN is a normal cable channel. You will get it for sure...though it might be in French in Montreal... Cheers. Anguz
  4. Sub on RAF strap.
  5. Hi lads, I would like to put a cool looking desktop clock on my desktop or maybe screen saver, whichever is available. Do you know of any good places to find them? Cheers in advance! Anguz
  6. Thanks to all who run this this place. And a special thanks to the man from the Aloha state who did me a wonderful solid that I hope to pass on in the non too distant future, once I am finally free of Uni and moved to England. So to that brother, honto ne arigato gozaimasu!
  7. It is RAF band colours, but too short to be a NATO. I reckon its "zulu" size. Pretty neat nonetheless. I bought it at a pawn shop for $5! It was attached to a [censored] Blacks Photography Watch which didnt work. It is now trash, I just wanted the strap
  8. Happy non-denominational long weekend everybody. I'm off to work.
  9. Noobmariner
  10. Vostok Komandirskie
  11. Anguz


    Forgot to show the Russian flag coloured zulu-ish strap that came with.
  12. Cool and the gang.
  13. Anguz


    Hi there, Picked this up on the weekend at a flea market. From the looks of it I would say it's probably about 10 years old. Anybody have any idea how to date one of these? It's a pretty neato watch methinks. Sorry for the crappy quality of pics. My camera is dead...have to use webcam. Cheers. Anguz
  14. Very interesting read. Thanks a lot.
  15. Hey gang, Some of you may have read my post about looking for an Antarctic themed watch for me to buy my brother as a gift for putting me up for a week when I move to the UK in May. Well, I couldn't figure out what to do so I finally asked him. Turns out he knows quite a lot about watches as well, who'd a thunk it? Anyhoo, he wants a basic no extra dials Omega Planet Ocean. As you guys are the experts, I shall go here first. Where do you think I should go to purchase this right now as their seems to be a lot of turmoil going on I'm thinking in the $50-100ish range. Any advice you could give would be awesome. PS... I'm in Canada and want to order it here and then deliver it to his place in the UK. That shouldnt be a problem should it?
  16. Hilarious cartoon brother! As for the watch...I'm still not sure what I want to do. I appreciate everyone's advice though and have seen a couple of cool watches I've never seen before to add "to the file" upstairs. However, I am looking rep, not gen. Something more symbolic, than functional. Cheers lads!
  17. Thanks lads. I suppose the Panerai is the only one out of those I a can actually get...other than the Explorer. I like that Arktos though. I don't recall seeing it around here much. The omega is just the moon watch with a giant red thing on it right? Cheers.
  18. Hey gang, When I move to the UK in May I will be staying with my brother for a week or so. He works for the UK government and just returned from a 2 month stay in Antarctica. I want to get him a watch a thank you present for letting me stay with him. What watch do you think kind of represents the Antarctic, or do you know what some famous explorers wore there...as I don't know too much. I know the Rolex Explorer is the obvious choice but...what do ya'll think? Thanks lads. Cheers, Anguz
  19. Hey gang, Have any of you come across these watches. This model that is very Hublot like looks quite good. Anybody own one, what do you think? I came across them on Amazon and they can be purchased for quite cheap, around $120ish. Anyhoo... Cheers, Anguz http://www.stuhrling.com/item.cfm?MainCatID=55&SubCatID=260&SSubCatID=196
  20. Cheers guys! We should definitely set something up then. I am thinking the end of May. I arrive on the 17th and reckon I'll have somewhere to live by then...I hope! And some sort of employment...she shall see. Any job offers? LOL Anyhoo, let's see if we can organize something. I shall keep in touch, people of England. Cheers, Anguz
  21. Hey Gang, As most of you don't already know, I moving from Ontario, Canada to London, England (after a week in Cambridge, UK visiting my bro)in May. I was wondering if the London and surrounding area members ever have any gtg's or anything? A few pints and so on? As I know on one at all in London, I would be totally up for one. Anyhoo, if their is one, I would be willing. If not, look for me soon at your local club(not strip). Cheers, Anguz
  22. Hey gang, I was shoveling the rest of my snow and had to crack up some ice. After a few minutes I was like, what the $#&*? I looked at my arm and the crown from the submariner had put a dent in my wrist and broken the skin. Has anyone every injured themselves with a watch, or am I the only moron? Cheers, Anguz
  23. That music on the AP video made me laugh. Cheers.
  24. Hey Lani-sama, I saw this photo on the web and immediately thought of you, as you are the King of Doxa on here. This guy is one of my heroes. They watches were already pretty boss in my book, now much higher! http://lesmala.net/plongee/cousteaudoxa.jpg Cheers. Anguz.
  25. Happy b-day arm twin!
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