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Everything posted by Anguz

  1. Hey arm twin. That is a fab and groovy looking watch bro!
  2. Classic RWG. Awesome lads!
  3. Greetings and such, LOL. It's too bad I'm right handed and wear my watch on my left then. That flyer is interesting indeed. I shall have to test it out. Cheers pal, Anguz
  4. I think it looks really good, but man is John Mayer a douche, it's lucky he's kind of funny. Ever see his funny or die sketch?
  5. She is a sexy one pal.
  6. Hey gang, I have a couple of questions. Number One. How long will a noob stay running while not in use? I noticed today that after not wearing it for a day that when I started wearing it again, it took quite a lot of moving around to get the time to run correctly, it kept stopping. After I sufficiently moved around in semi-exagerated movements, it did start to keep correct time again. Number Two: Is there a specific way that I should set my noob down when not in use, and by that I mean, should I lay it flat, or on its side or on its crystal...or what? Any advice would be Dire Straight!
  7. She is a fine looking watch. Can't wait to see your pics Red.
  8. Noobmariner
  9. Hey Pal, A fellow Canuck here. Welcome! My advice is listen to the veterans on here as they know of what they speak. Any questions or worries will be answered here as this is a very friendly and informative board. Good luck to you my fellow hoser. Cheers, Anguz
  10. Omedeto gozaimasu! I and many others are in your debt. Arigato gazaisamu Lani-san. Here's to a million more!
  11. Hey gang, I'm sure a lot of you probably know about this but I was looking around on this website and it was pretty cool for celeb sitings for watches as well as clothes and such. www.coolspotters.com It's pretty neato. Cheers! Anguz
  12. Cheers Lani-san.
  13. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2005/dec/01/shopping.jesscartnermorley Enjoy
  14. @Strat You made a good point. I have no intention of diving or even swimming with my noob, I have a Casio I use for diving. Your point, about it being in the rain or even if I am washing dishes and some water spills on it, thats really what I'm worried about. Cheers
  15. Hey, we have the same quote. I guess great minds think alike!
  16. Hey, Wearing a noobmariner. Arigato sensei!
  17. Good advice gang. Before I start taking sh*t apart and injecting fluids , I need to do some major league research and studying. I am loving this thing right now and if I ruined it, I would be heartbroken. Also, as far as people looking at it...hasn't happened once. People don't care I think, unless they are WIS. Though I feel cocky wearing it, like a broad with breast implants! Cheers again lads.
  18. Hey By-Tor, Thanks for the advice and I shall take it as well. I figured as much really, but just wanted to be sure. Cheers!
  19. Hey gang, Just how waterproof is the noobmariner? Cheers in advance.
  20. I got my first today, a noobmariner as well. It it's awesome and I can't stop looking at it. It's keeping me from my James Joyce paper...oh well. I got a question for ya'll, how waterproof is the "noob?" Cheers.
  21. Hey gang, It's a grand claim I know. But the Beatles tried to fill the world with love and peace and I feel that RWG does that to. As we all know, the world is full of givers and takers. I feel that RWG encourages givers and selflessness. As a guy who has never really been given anything, I just want to let everyone know how much this place means to me. After 8 hours at school then 6-8 hours at work, this is a place where you can read, look, have fun and chill with people who like the same things that you do. Lond story short (too late, I know) Thanks RWG, and to one person who knows who they are especially. "I still believe that all you need is love, I just realized that just saying it isn't enough." -John Lennon Cheers to everyone!
  22. Uh...does that really say SS on it? Though it's a fine looking vintage watch, the SS part creeps me out...just my opinion of course.
  23. Very nice. I like both of them. I especialy like the first one. I think it's the font Chopard uses on it's watches, it's very distinctive and bold. Bitchin indeed.
  24. Those Chopard's are really starting to grow on me. It's amazing what happens when you look at enough watches long enough, the one's that at first fly under the radar, eventually pop out. Congrats on that piece. Sweet shirt too
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