Hey there,
I have worked in kitchen in Niagara Falls, Canada. I have worked in Hotel and Casino kitchens and I would say that what you see on TV, on shows with Ramsey are true at times. They are rough places and you must have a very thick skin in regards to getting ribbed, taking swearing, and the opccasional projectile. You will get burned and cut and don't even think about complaining about it!. On the other hand, it can be fun, exciting and crazy. I am over 30 now and have been out of the kitchens for a while, I worked there while getting my degree's, which are not quite done, in a completely unrelated field.
Some head chefs of hotels make really good f'n money, but that is going to take a loooong time, if ever. Most cooks work for little more than minimum wage to start.
And I saw that someone said to read Tony Bourdain's book, that is a good idea as it is realistic, warts and all...
PS, I hope you like to drink.