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Everything posted by hyster

  1. I admire you wanting to mod your watch but dont you feel the dial is a bit of a giveaway to someone who knows the watch?
  2. I would say "I have the same luck, I bought a painting and a table, a picasso and a chippendale, unfortunately piccaso built [censored] tables and chippendale couldn't paint to save his life" Seriously mate,"Interesting watch" and a quiet, "you do realize its a fake", in a concerned tone when nobody is listening would do it. Nightmare scenario though
  3. An automated pm letting people know they have been here a year is sent, but if it was maybe pointed out a little more clearly how important donations are to the survival of the board perhaps with links to the paypal (and any other accounts) we can pay into. I realized there was a vip membership obviously but just did not grasp the fact that others were paying for my privilege of being here. When times are tight and donations are needed, again a blanket PM just politely pointing out the situation would certainly help me to get the message. Not saying I will always in a position to help but I will when I can.
  4. I dare say it will happen when the forum gods get the chance. When I read a thread earlier I felt like the guy standing at the bar all night, never buying a round of drinks. Anyway, suitably embarraced and ashamed, back to the watches.........
  5. I've chipped in. Better late than never
  6. Wow ryyannon, that took me by surprise Good idea though, I've enjoyed reading those. I will take this as a wake up call to start being more active around here, thanks for including me and thanks for the warm welcome.
  7. Good idea for a thread Bing-o. Some good suggestions there, I have the asian steelfish on its way. I don't have one but would throw the Tag link, the non-chrono one, these get overlooked and are very good.
  8. This one has the potental to be a real winner if they get it to a good standard and the price is not too silly. Keep us posted if you can.
  9. I like the ratings, it adds someting different to this forum. Good Idea, a good way to encourage positive contribution to the site. Don't know what ZING is but you would appear to have it sssurfer
  10. You will get used to its size, they are a great watch. I must admit I enjoyed it recently when a friend admired mine.Passing comment for the third time, I took it off my wrist and handed it to him, I watched his mouth fall open when he turned it over and looked at the movement. "If I was you I would wear it upside down" Just as well it looks kind of pretty from the front too. Wishing you good health to wear both watch and strap Sir.
  11. Totaly agree with that, keep the rep pics for here. As a side issue, I have to say DSN's customer service is really good, I bought his ultimate fiddy at the tail end of last year, a month or so ago it developed a fault, I contacted him and was surprised at his responce. No ifs no buts, just send it back. He replaced it with a new one no problem. The one he sent had another small issue (these are reps, quality control will always be an issue), again, send it back. Waiting for it any day now (the postman must think I'm a weirdo the way I hang around when he comes past) So you can rest assured if anything goes wrong he is no going to walk away from you. I think the Paneristi are on the whole a set of tossers, 99% of them would be secretly gutted if they held and inspected you watch. F**k them! Enjoy you watch.
  12. Good luck with the project, I would be interested to know if someone could offer this sort of thing in the UK. Hope it all goes well for you DuDro.
  13. I agree and have just ordered an Asian SFSO, some would strongly disagree saying that because the gen has such an obvious AR that the ETA version is worth the extra cost, I've went for a white dial one and if the lack of AR bothers me I will look in to having it coated. If the movement dies I will pick up another from cousins. As ever, you pays your money and you takes your choice.
  14. The new bond smp has the word seamaster in red and under the omega symbol, before it was white and in the lower half of the face. hxxp://www.omegawatches.com/index.php?id=285&details=1&ref=22228000&no_cache=1 (change the xx to tt) I think thats what you are referring to anyway....
  15. Put it outside now, bury it in the garden, Its probably going to burst in to flames and set you house on fire Seriouly, you have had no luck with that watch and I sympathise with you,no consilation but you will be a wiser guy at the end of it. Hope you can pull something positive out of this whole experience. Good luck for when you buy the PO (you know your going to, right?)
  16. Fantastic idea, I'm off to try it................
  17. Its a beautiful rep but the datefont is really poor on most of the ones I have seen, it always draws my eye. By-tor's looked better though.
  18. I wondered as well when I read Ruby's post on RWI, Hopefully positive changes are being made.
  19. Very good point. Even the gen will get dirty after wearing it after all. I love mine, I think its a great looking watch.
  20. You simply have to take both, it would be like choosing between your children. Two fantastic reps, for two different occasions. Enjoy your cruse.
  21. Hope I didn't upset you, that really was not my intention. I did say it was as close as I've seen but if we don't pick out a small inaccuracy here and there we just end up thinking we have a perfect watch when we don't. Genuinely sorry if I upset you though.
  22. As close as Ive seen, date font, poor pearl and closed four on the bezel jump out at first glance.
  23. kruzer00s right, the pearl is poor on that later model, the 4 of the 45 on the bezel is also closed (if you know what I mean) It should be an open 4 like the gen. Its a minefield isn't it.
  24. I've never used Sashwatch but I've used Joshua, hes spot on. As for the watch, Its the same watch they both sell, with the newer 28800 bph Asian movement, just bear in mind its a fantasy model. Nothing wrong with that, Its a beautiful watch but genuine article was only made in titanium. Its been replicated twice to my knowledge in titanium, the first of the two reps being the better, old Asian movement though and no longer available, now if they did a rerun of that in titanium with the newer Asian movement I would buy one in a heartbeat.
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