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Posts posted by SCM

  1. One of our flight attendants (male) is in his early 20s. He comes from money and rotates through one of (5?) gen rolex's every time I see him. Being a watch geek I always enjoy talking to him. He took me to his store in Fort Lauderdale one night we stayed in town...needless to say, they remembered his name

    Long story short, there are 21 year old flight attendants wearing 20k dollar watches.

    yes like what panerai153 mentioned, there ARE people wearing gens, that do not belong in the typical categories..

    You must be a pilot. ;)

    ..or a flight attendant!

  2. One of our flight attendants (male) is in his early 20s. He comes from money and rotates through one of (5?) gen rolex's every time I see him. Being a watch geek I always enjoy talking to him. He took me to his store in Fort Lauderdale one night we stayed in town...needless to say, they remembered his name

    Long story short, there are 21 year old flight attendants wearing 20k dollar watches.

  3. This can be a tough one. It's been discussed here before but a lot of it is where you are in life. Would you think something was "off" if one of your fellow broke college buddies was wearing a $7000 dollar watch yet can't afford good beer? It seems off because it is off.

    With that being said..wear what you like. Tell them it's a nice piece you purchased from a watchmaker friend. You don't have to tell them it's real or fake..they'll stop listening after the first sentence of explaining it, especially if it's a franken. Wear a watch because you like it, not because it represents status.

    A lot of it I think has to do with the poor college student theory. People inquire because something doesn't add up. I noticed a DSSD on the person who took my order at McDonald's the other day. I never questioned it or cared but it did pique my interest because of the scenario. I have a good job and make ok money and am in my 30s. Not once has anyone so much as mentioned my watch let alone asked a single question about it. This I think is for two reasons: first and foremost, they simply don't care about watches in general and especially don't care about my watch in particular. Lastly, I think my watch makes "sense". I only mean it makes sense in that the age:profession:income:watch ratio all seems to add up.

    Bottom line, do what you like and be proud of your rep. Wear it well my friend.

  4. Hello! I'm a newbie to this forum and I've been looking for a rep 116710 for the past couple of months. I saw a lot of "TT", "BK", "Andrew", "Josh" all of which I don't know/understand. Can anyone point to me a website/thread/email address and help me out? :bangin:


    And lastly, does anyone know about this? http://www.classywatches.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=295_429&products_id=1551

    They even have a youtube video of the watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7Edz8X9bec


    I appreciate any kind of help I can get :)



    TT and Andrew are the same dealer. They are on the trusted dealer section.


    Andrew is Perfect Clones. Trusted dealer section.


    BK is BKLM. Trusted dealer section.

  5. Thanks guys. I'll buy both, not sure why choosing which one I buy FIRST would be a tough decision. Not sure why the chrono worries me, no one seems to complain much about them. I'd really like to start a 1675 build but I'm still a little to noob for that adventure. I'm afraid that if I bought a "vintage" sub from Andrew that it just wouldn't compare. I may just skip the build and buy a gen since I've seen the Pepsi floating around for the low 5k US range.

  6. It's been two weeks so I think I've been patient enough. Time for another watch. Racking my brain thinking about what watch to go with. My perfect watch would be a 1675 but that gen/Franken/build is a little more than I'm looking to spend right now...(read as..my wife wouldn't authorize that). I really like the vintage rolex GMT/Sub/SD but not sure if one of trustys offerings are up to the level of great builds I've seen on this site from you all. I'm likely leaning towards the other direction now, something different. I really love the look of the new CPo and would certainly buy the 42 with black bezel and orange numeral accents. I also like the Breitling Transocean Chrono in either all black or white on the leather. The worries on the Breitling are if the chrono is just asking for trouble with all the mechanical going on. I understand the 7750 is meant for it but its simply more stuff that could go wrong due to potential lack of QC. The other issue is I've heard the leather straps are junk. Not a deal breaker though as I'd ride it till the wheels fell off and maybe go with a hirsch. Any thoughts guys? Anyone have vintage rolex collecting dust? I apologize for the one continuous post. For some reason, on tapatalk when I put in breaks it simply removes them when I post.

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