There is a great post on RWI today that also shows the very same construction inconsistency across a good selection of gen watches.I have observed that issue as well with regard to Gen Panerai watches and those that follow Panerai history know the odd-ball construction issues that have gone on over the years with individual watches let alone throughout a models construction year. And so it should be with the "Hand Made" nature of these watch, no 2 watches should be exactly the same and that difference should be celebrated. On the other hand, the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth that goes on over macro 3rd party photographs that show horrible flaws that few if anybody can see and even less care about, ends up stopping a lot of people from enjoying a fairly well crafted and inexpensive replica. So if you are hanging on to tight about the "perfection" of all genuine watch brands,or agonizing over the fact your reps "Font is warped", you should really lighten up and relax a bit and enjoy what you've got, instead of what you don't have. Because nobody is going to know it but you !!!