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Everything posted by KenMc

  1. If ya never makes a mistake, ya never needs da correction capability. Not that that ever worked for me.
  2. Well a certain ~ somewhat contentious member here could use this, but I suspect every Spell Check software has it's limits...
  3. I have reason to suspect that Joe is loved by the Kleenex Tissue company, Band-Aid Brand bandages, and numerous suppliers of grinding paste, buffing compound, dremel bits. It has been clear that he has never been loved by Mavis Beacon or any spell check program. Yup, that's about it. If I have missed anyone, don't take it personally.
  4. Well Joe, I guess I can't deny that I wanted to see my warning level pegged....EGADS !!! what happened to the warning level meter? If nothing else, at least people can now start to smell the foul air coming up from the Carolina's Baby. Bout time IMHO. Go ahead, ban me, not like I care anyways.
  5. This is too funny !!! Let's arrange a Telethon, call Jerry Lewis, is there a Doctor in the house ?
  6. nothing has changed as far as I can see. Just the same bunch of slow learners !!!
  7. lume colours different for the hands& dial. Swiss Made font too big. Six marker looks crooked. Not enough sparkle in the dial surface. Yacht Master font too big, but it's the right red. Crystal is not high enough relative to the bezel. Bezel notches look too shallow. Not something you want to wear around other reals, sorry if I have upset you! But you did ask.
  8. looks good, nice chunky style to go with the OM. I wear my OM with a rubber strap with same clasp as yours, it keeps the weight down and stops the rattle of the bracelet ~ yes I'm anal about that!!
  9. I see nothing has changed around here... FWIW, I have also found no consistancy with the movement retainer clamps, they either have a slight bend or nothing. Not that I have as much exposure as The Zigmeister.
  10. Capabilities? what's a The Zigmeister?
  11. I'm touched to my genuine core !! Okay, yes I hardly ever visit here anymore, but I did warn you !! I am spending all my money and time with Japanese watches, Seiko, Orient, Orient Star, Citizen Mechanicals. They don't break, they cost little, and they all keep excellent time. Not one that looks like a Paneri either, and you may remember how I feel about that brand !! Thanks again for the warm wishes, I am suffering with a broken left wrist right now as a result of a deranged 70 year old bicyclist... So I have more time to visit sites that previously got overlooked but not forgotten. Ken
  12. Ahem Admin, you might want to keep your free flowing information "buttoned up" once you start playing with other peoples money. Brits are usually reserved types? unless this has changed? Seriously, you talk too much about very private matters. Congrats anyway !!
  13. This is about as original as sin. But I like it anyway. Drive on, Swing Free, Shoot First and ask questions later.
  14. Sorry, but your pics don't really show what you're referring to... Anyways, glad that your happy with the performance.
  15. depends on how you intend to mount the o-ring....!
  16. Go to the mall, ask a semi-capable jeweller to sell you what you need.
  17. KenMc


    But consider how the plate would read in your rear view mirror... WTF, I forgot this was Nanuq that started this thread, he don't use no damn rear view mirror !!
  18. I am one of the 100 or so people from Vancouver, that don't live there anymore. Had to move. The reps couldn't handle the rain.
  19. What really surprizes me about joe is his statements that The Zigmeister and Palp are out to get him, and that he is the best of the best, the one who taught the rest. What a load. But wait !!, I did a search on Google and lo and behold, it was RBJ that invented the Dremel, man I was gobsmacked !!! Looks like I'll have to have a big bowl of crow soup tonight...
  20. We told you so. Unfortunatley most of you guys seem to be sssllloooww llleeeaaaarrrnnneeeerrrs.
  21. Met The Zigmeister a few times, beers, dinners. The waitress' always give a funny look when we ask for a table with really good lighting - you know for looking at the watches we bring !!
  22. Enjoy, we'll let the other experts answer all the repair questions while you're away...... this should ensure a bounty of work when you return !!!!!
  23. I used to trust the water bead test, but now I understand that it's flawed. Sort of. By virtue of how Sapphire crystals are processed, they are far more polished than mineral glass, hence smoother & less porous. This smoother surface affects the way in which water beads up, so it's nothing to do with the differences of sapphire versus glass. Highly polished glass would perform the water bead test just as well as sapphire. However, ask yourself this " would a rep maker use highly polished mineral glass ( read extra cost and hard to source) or would they use the relatively easy to obtain sapphire? " 5 years ago sapphire was more exotic than today, with increased usage the price of any commodity comes down. BTW, you can't do the water bead test on a dirty crystal. Regardless of what type, glass or sapphire.
  24. I can relate. I hang here mostly because I have good buddies, the attraction for reps has mostly been replaced with purchases of reals. I love watches, it's amazing what you can get for < $100 in a reals. No quartz, but Orients, & Seikos. Reps allowed and I suspect will continue to allow me to meet some excellent people.
  25. I could have predicted this hype about joe would explode at some point. He's just talented enough to keep it going far longer than I thought. Either I overestimated the people that would seek him out or under estimated Joe. In the end, spending 2-4 times the going rate for a rep (from our better dealers) is scam territory with all the requirements for caveat emptor.
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