to allign your datewheel overlay is an easy fix...
I have changed the overlay on my 1680 and my SD..
Her is the way to do it...
Resamble the movemt from the case
The hands must bes set to 12' o clock,cover the dial with paper to beware it for damgages
Remove the hands
Remove the Dial,its glued on the movement,you get it off with a small nife,pull the Knife on the ring where the dial is glued..
Take the knife to pull off the datewheeloverlay paitently
After the Ovelay is off, take some glue and put it on the datewheel and allign it.
you get best results when you allign the numbers to the middle of the stem
put the Dial on the movemnt for a test,when its okay,you can install the hands at 12'o clock
than all the same way back
and thats the result..
Hope this helps....