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Lil princess

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Posts posted by Lil princess

  1. Hi everyone.

    I posted recently about Patek pocket watches being turned into new marriage watches.

    I love the look. Ticks all the boxes for me.. Gen, BIG, see the movement, beautiful face. I want one! No, I need one!

    What are people's thoughts? Do you think they would go up in value over years?

    I'm looking at this at the mo


  2. I was reading on another Rolex owners forum and the AD's say that if you modify a gen Rolex using gen parts then they consider that watch not being manufactured by Rolex.

    So, if you have a great Rolex rep which you modify and make as good as gen it is no different than a gen Rolex that has been modded with gen parts!

    What are people's thoughts on this?

    I love the Franken watches, even gens! Makes them much more interesting and different.

  3. I like that one more because it kind of celebrates the fact that it uses an old pocket watch instead of hiding it. Nice!
    That's what I thought. :) Years ago, watch movements were sold to jewellers who then made cases for the movements to go in. This is what a lot of the high end watch makers did. So essentially that is what is happening there.
  4. Thanks for the info! I've found a couple more. I'm really really tempted to get one of these! I love big watches and patek is my fave watch of all time! I know it might not be 100% patek but its only the case and dial? http://www.ebay.com/itm/PATEK-PHILIPPE-CO-GENEVA-20-JEWELS-CHRONOMETER-1896-/170982756025?pt=Pocket_Watches&hash=item27cf5dceb9 OMG! This is a beauty. Look at the movement too! I could look at this forever

  5. Thanks md. Contests too!

    I know it's my wedding and it needs to be a gen but it all comes down to the ol pound n pence... We've spent 15k on the wedding and honeymoon and I'm not gonna have the spare cash to get a gen as we've also just put a deposit on our lovely house so it's a bit tight...

    I quite like Vespamatts idea of if I get a rep I could eventually get a gen dial and movement in stages...

    Any ideas on a nice decent dress rep?

    Thanks for the comments so far

  6. Hi everyone.

    I used to be a poster on this forum but unfortunately when the site changed I lost my login details and because of the birth of my daughter I changed it to lil princess.

    Anyway, I'm getting married next June and my fiancé would like to buy me a nice watch I can wear on the day.

    Ive had my eye on Patek calatrava but can't find an accurate rep of this :( has anyone got any ideas for a nice dress fairly accurate rep I can wear on the day?

    Would really appreciate the help. I've done lots of searching but to no avail.


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