A buddy of mine has one and it is stunning. I could not stop holding the thing. I haven't stopped bugging him to sell it and I think he's not my friend anymore
Well, I for one am damn glad China is China. First, I'm in no position to judge anyone and second, I have a full box of pretty quality reps! Call me a selfish SOB, but that's how I look at it...
Hi Adam --
If you are looking for a daily wear AP, I would go with the Diver V3.5. I have several ROO chronos, but I don't think they make for good daily wear watches, mainly because of the movement. I wear mine for a day or two, then put them away for a month or so and all of mine have help up well because of this. The extra gear puts a heavy stress on the movement if worn too much in my opinion. Just something for you to think about.
cc is a real stand up guy, but everyone here knows that. I almost dealt with him before a thing we had planned didn't pan out (Surely not his fault!) I would buy just about anything from him