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Posts posted by grifter

  1. Gen everything 3717 has arrived! Quick pic from phone. Will put a strap on and do a nice photo shoot.


    First impression: My socks got knocked off my feet and I did 15 cartwheels! What can I say? It's gen :D

  2. +10000 Zigmeister's work is fantastic! Completely strips old lume and fills with new! No topcoating just to get it done. I was so impressed with him and his work, I've got a slot in april for him to work on more of my watches :)

    Pbdad is also fantastic, although I've only worked with him on vintage builds. He's currently working on a vintage watch for me now, and I plan to go back to him for lots more! The work I've seen on his modern pieces looks awesome!

    Vac I've worked with on one watch and for me, it was a bit sloppy (lumed over the metal on some indices) thus I was dissapointed.. Not trying to put him down, as I've seen some fantastic jobs from him. Only speaking from personal experience.

    My 3 cents :)

  3. I'm not sure, but they do look similar. I asked lex for some close up pictures but never got them.

    On another note: Are there two different versions of the kevlar strap? I've noticed two different stitching patterns on them.

    One has stitching near the lugs.


    The other doesn't.


    I personally like the one with the stitching. Hopefully one will pop up somewhere. :)

  4. For 1k, you could get a really REALLY nice and modded rep for a beater!! How about the Mark XVI's concepta has? A franken Mark XVI would be an awesome beater. Or the divers from IWC are nice and I'm sure you could source a gen dial and crown for them?

    I like the Oris line. Nice stuff there. Ball is ok, but the lume is distracting to me.

    Totally agree the beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  5. Yes the lexxori!

    He wouldn't provide close up shots of stiching and the back of the straps. He hides the imprinting on his photos. Then I asked him how many he had because I told him I knew several friends who wanted this strap. I was hoping to get a good deal and pass it on to all the bros who bought "genesteins" and he told me he would have a few more in the next couple of weeks and he would sell them for $150 shipped. I thought that was waaay too cheap for brand new gen straps. They retail for over $300. I got a rep kevlar from PT for $50 including a buckle! LOL So His lack of providing pics and his offer of $150 for straps made my radar go on alert. The pics were not good enough to pic up flaws on the strap, but I found flaws with the seller. Pardon any confusion.

    Whoever bought the strap.. I hope you can prove me wrong! Please let us know if it comes in and is gen!! Then we can get them for $150! :D

    Pics of the strap I got:




  6. I was watching a supposed gen kevlar on the bay, but after looking at a gen kevlar I saw that the seller was lying! It ended today at $202!! Thank goodness I researched a little and saw the flaws.

    I picked up a gen croc for cheap on TZ but was hoping for something more sporty like the kevlar or chronissimo. In the meantime I'll just use the croc strap.

    So the only part that is rep on mine will be the buckle! LOL

    What price range are you thinking about spending on a gen beater?

  7. Hey guys, I've enlisted the help of my good friend who owns a design studio to help me make some good DWO's. I will be trying to make vintage ones. I enlisted my friend because he's got the printers to make them look good.

    I will experiment with waterslide and also different types of card stock. First up will be silver flat 3's. I will also eventually try the white round 3 open 6/9's from the 80's.

    Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!! If you've got any straight on pictures of the gen date wheels, please post them. If anyone knows the dimensions I should make them to fit ETAs let me know.

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