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Posts posted by whoever

  1. Frustrating thing is, the non chrono version which is far cheaper, 500 euro is a bit too small, 38mm. I had it on my wrist, and since it's only the dome crystal you see, it's very feminin, (though, there is also 34mm version, which is perfect for a girl!).

    I was very fond of a Lange&Söhne indeed Carl, but i can't find a proper rep. (Flyback Chrono, see below), even though it's not at all the same thing here. The best price i've seen is at Mary's, but for what reason ever, she doesn't respond to any mails or pm i send her for a deal....so i'm a bit stuck. :whistling:

    only thing left to do.....I'll start to put some money aside then....

    Is there allready a thread "affordable gens"?? The Junghans should go in there....!



  2. just back from the pre-christmas shopping fight where people yell at each other, fight and slap their kids....

    but anyway, i stumbled over a really nice watch seller (if interested i'll pm you the adress, in Paris) who had these ABSOLUTLY stunning things:

    Junghans watches, Max Bill designed in the 1960 style, with a dome crystal....going from 38mm to 40 or 41 i think....

    DOES ANYBODY HAS EVER SEEN THESE AS REPS? Or does anybody has o gen for sale?

    Acually, the gens aren't that expensive: from 457 euro for the simple dial to 1280 for the chronograph...

    i almost bought one....my friend held me off, reminded me of christmas and the gift dictatorship in which we live..... :whistling:

    check out these pics...what do you think? Worth a rep....!!




  3. hahaha damn!! i thought somebody would tell me: HANDS OFF!!

    NOW i'm tempted!! Crap! :animal_rooster:

    funny thing about your skeleton, i've seen the exact same watch with another brand on it two weeks ago here in the sale section...if i find it again i'll show you! I almost bought this one :)

    found the link...not exactly the same...but so close!!

    My link

  4. Very nice the McIntosh TwoTone! That's what i was thinking about for the years to come...well...counting in years.... ;)

    I looked around for a very long time before i made a decision for anything...

    When i got my speakers i tried a few B&W, but they were a bit to "heavy" for my small appartment...

    The SA Speakers are surprisingly powerfull even if quite small and very very thin.

    I can't recommend them enough!

  5. It's good news.

    Most of the time it is. My posts in trying to help you through this, are about that things usually work out well in the end, particularly with "collectors" known here.

    Ordering that first rep, or the first rep from a dealer previously unknown to you, is stressful. I certainly remember the stress I went through the first time, six years ago.

    Tracking itself can cause some stress the first time when you see 'sent to customs" and figure that your much desired watch will be confiscated or you might be getting some attention from the "authorities". It's just the normal course of events. It's usually ignorable. I have bought dozens of reps so I have had a few problems. They were all worked out mutually. Be prepared to do that.

    A part of buying any rep can be the thrill of the risk involved, but there are few stories about failures, and they are usually solved to everyone's satisfaction.

    So my point in this thread, and my previous posts, is this: read, read, and read the posts and archives on this forum. You will reach a comfort level at some point, and then buy that watch you want.

    If you have an actual problem, you will definitely get some useful help here.

    "Carl out"

    that's great news mate. Glad it worked out for you.

    Fair point Carl. I thought you were having a go at the man, who was obviously distressed. Like you, I've bought a couple dozen now, off 3 of our 'trusted' with pretty mixed results. They've each communicated well, but insisted on different postage charges. Though I'm not that demanding, so perhaps I need to go in bargaining more strongly :pardon:

    all's well that ends well huh.

    all the best,



  6. 'morning gents,

    Ok, i got some news from W-Eden:

    They told me they didn't charge anything at all, the fixing was free, and that they didn't understand neither. So it was surely a mistake in the email...for one reason or another.

    Great news!

    I'm happy to hear it, i'm thankfull for the support here, really. I think even if i wasn't sure about the facts, i just wanted to share my doubts, and i think the forum is there for that...but i didn't think that Carl's reaction was rude, so no harm here....it's just that it's not always easy to see in your mail that you got to pay sth without knowing...:) and i'm not in a financial situation in which i could say i don't give a damn.... :whistling: (yeah, some would say "get your hands of reps then!"...but i can't.... :clapping: )

    For what it's worth, i don't really know the feedbacks about W-Eden, like rek001 told us, but i have to say, even if the watch broke quite quickly, W-eden responded always VERY soon after my mails, shipping was fast, and, the Speedmaster i got was really nice, especially if you consider the price! When i changed the strap at my watchsmith he was really stunned about the quality of the dial etc.

    Now, i'm waiting for this beauty....thanks for your support guys!

    Have a nice day

  7. It's rarely necessary here with any of the recommended sources.

    I suggest that you go to work, to sleep, or whatever works for you for the next few days and don't worry about things.

    If time goes by and you get no positive results, then come back here and we'll discuss it on the basis of facts and not fears.


    dont you think that's a bit rough Carl? Obviously he's been stung for not asking the question. The fact is that he has been charged a fee without consent!

    I would expect that a dealer would disclose this to start with and that given the timeframe there would be no cost to the buyer other than the shipping to China. Even that I believe is a bit cheeky given the DOA rate from some sellers. One dealer on here I have had to return a perfect 10 out of 10.

    I think you should let them know this is not acceptable Whoever and demand that you want to be reimbursed -at least through your next purchase. Other than that, we need to get serious abou leaving feedback for other members.

    and check out Joshua's new QC policy :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Well i think it's not normal too...even though i didn't ask right away. As i said, i feel stupid enough not to...but well.

    I've let Watcheden know via pm and mail. Now i'll see how it turns out. (i don't quote the name of the dealer to accuse him, if you look at my first post, i've already mentionned them).

    (and i still think we should add a vomiting smiley....it's always funny to look at....)

    Thanks for your thoughts gents, feeling better right now! Thats what i like about RWG, always nice people!!

    I'll keep you updated

    see you later

  8. Title should be: shipping back to China part 2:

    and i'm a bit nrvous to post this, feel a bit naive and ashamed...but then i told myself, what the hell dude, share your

    ignorance and learn in pain :(

    The watch was shippêd back to me yesterday as the seller told me this morning, so i was really happy when i got up today. It is on its way back, somewhere in Singa i guess, so it should be home way before Christmas... :clapping:

    BUT, in the minute i was reading the seller email i received the mail with the tracking number, and saw in the same mail that they charged me some money....!!!!

    Problem is:

    I don't know how much, it doesn't appear on my bankstatus yet, they have never told me how much i'd pay, and that i'd pay something! So paying without ANY info about it!!!!

    I know i was maybe a bit naive, i have to admit, i really thought they would do it for free, as the watch broke a week and a half after i got it....so i didn't ask about eventual charges. Very naive you'd say too? Well, maybe....but i'd expected from a trusted dealer on this board that they'd at least tell me how much it would be, so i'm a bit angry...

    I dropped a pm to the seller 5 minutes ago, to know HOW MUCH they'd charged me....so i'll wait for his answer....but i thought i'd share this.

    This is for sure a newbie thing the admin team should pin on the newbie welcome thread: NEVER DO ANYTHING BEFORE ASKING HOW MUCH IT COSTS!!!! :bicycle::black_eye:

    going to work with some stomacpain now....(where is the vomiting smiley?)

  9. Just curious to see if any of the members here also "waste" money on home audio systems like I do... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I have a single, VMPS 626SE that I no longer need. I'm wondering if I should post it here for sale...

    yeah! finally an audiothread!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    i was waiting for that....could you post some pics??

    I rediscovered the real pleasure of a audio system earlier this year, and it's fantastic!! I even dumped my TV for that...

    Everytime i listen to music now it's kind of orgasmic!!

    so between my love for watches and my love for amplifiers...where will i end....? :bicycle:

    Got myself an english system, with scandinavian speakers...pretty much beginning of the price scale, but yet VERY good....and it beats BY FAR things like BOSE or anything like that....




  10. i have to admit, i'm really surprised it arrived, i forgot to write the zipcode on the package.... :clapping:

    Well, now i have to wait again....funny thing to think of....this tinny little, very cheap, but hel of a good looking watch travelled more around the world than myself....

    i'm getting all nostalgic....i want it back.... :whistling::drinks:

  11. I returned a watch to China on September 28th. It arrived in China on September 30th, then it was stuck until late October. One tracking update on October 15th, that it had arrived in Guangzho..

    Finally, on November 4th, I got a mail from the seller with the tracking number for the returned watch. Finally, my Ploprof arrived home three days ago.. So 8-10 weeks seems reasonable (this was from Norway).

    hey Whoever,

    I've shipped back to that dealer many times, and multiple times for the same piece in some cases... I have found that it varies as much as what the others have said, but on adverage it takes about 6 weeks I would say. Of course it depends on what service you paid for. Did you send it registered so that you can trace where it's at??

    It doesn't seem to take that long to get there. The hold up seems to be when it arrives in China. But in saying that, of all the times I have shipped back there, I am yet to lose a watch.

    best of luck mate,


    thanks mates,

    i payed for the classic registered airmail, but it seems to be inoperent when i comes to the tracking....so i have no idea where the hell it is... :nea:

    maybe indeed a french problem!

    anyway, it's nice to hear from you guys that i'm still in the average waiting time, i'll be patient then...

    have a nice night/day.



  12. Hi there,

    i'd like to know if there is a norme on shipping back a watch to a seller in China (Watcheden). I shipped my rep back on 2 of november, it hasn't arrived yet....there is no trace, tracking number isn't working, don't have a clue why...the nice french postmen told me that this was normal, "once it leaves the country, the number changes, and there is no way to know what happend" :bangin::bicycle:

    I shipped the watch back, it was a first timer for me, a cheap but very nice Speedmaster, because i wanted to know if it would work out....but know i really start to regret this...i loved this watch...it stopped after only a week... :black_eye: )

    It's not a drama, i know, but i'd like to know if there is a actual risk of losing it, customs, a black hole somewhere between Europe an Asia...?

    Would be very pleased if somebody shares his experience with me...

    thanks for looking!



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