I feel silly posting this, but I thought it noteworthy, for a couple of reasons, and was wondering if I was alone in my misery. I have 3 times missed the opportunity to buy this watch, not for lack of funds, but just timing. I have never wanted a watch this badly. I don't even really like rolexes. I had a SSD, but I sold it, and I'll admit I regretted it a little...a little. But this watch, I want it so badly it's making me sick. I have been thinking about it obsessively. I know that's not healthy, but hey neither is devoting a good portion of my free time to an illegal hobby.
My questions are:
1. Is anyone else feeling this?
2. Am I / Are we feeling this because it's just such a kick@$$ watch, or are we falling victim to this bullschnidt marketing ploy being put upon us by the dealers / manufacturers?