Thanks for posting this!
I love reading vintage Rolex blogs and sites, it always just reinforces how much I love the history of vintage Rolex.
Amazing collection of parts and stuff that guy has.. ha! there's a picture of prototype Tudor the lower right there's a green Tudor chono dial ... I bought that same dial last week
Excellent writeup Chiman,
Very ingenious tube application. The dial texture came out good, I like whatever you do to dials to age them..I've seen others you've done. It really makes the watch look authentic
He had 9 for sale...there better be one left for me in the morning!
I think I'm going to do the Trevor explorer route, and then put a brand new eta 2846 like sneed did.
Lol I just tried to order one myself..... but my debit card maxed out...I bought too much stuff earlier today...I'll grab it in the morning. Now I gotta hunt something down to put it on