"The Black Bay Time Machine Issue"
That's killer! Even vintaged it's cool! Throw some flake hands on it!
(still can't wait to see how you engineer a red tube )
You've been busy J, this ones going to be interesting.
I didn't care too much for this watch at first, but I really like it now.
In fact I was wondering how long before the rep factories would rep it.
Any idea on how your making a red tube? That's one of the coolest parts
I saw part of an interview with this guy last year, I thought something was off with him then.
He seemed to be trying too hard and not really genuine. That's why my smilie face at the beginning of this thread.
I'm not surprized by the new revelations about him.
He's gotta wish he was invisible himself now. I cannot imagine how much shame and embarrassment
Hmmm this is interesting, new development
NBC San Diego is reporting that Jason Russell, the co-founder of Invisible Children, the advocacy group behind the "Kony 2012" viral video, was detained at 11:30 am on Thursday morning for allegedly masturbating in public.
I don't know..they get an "A" for effort, and I do like the case...but the crystal, strange subdial hands situation..kinda not for me.
Maybe that's a rendering/mockup...and they are working it out? (i think I would rather have the new Tudor)
I have emailed Yuki for several months now and so far he's never had them in stock.
The gen ones that come up on ebay and VRF that I have seen so far have been too much $ for me.
I have been watching gen non red 1680 dials now for a friend that owns a gen 1680.
I have seen good dials from 400-600$ on VRF. To me, if you are building a serious frankin that is not too much... compared to 150$ for an Ingod.
But..as High says....once you get into the 3500$ and up range..you might wanna just get a gen
I'm no MBW expert but I have done a pile of research on them and own three.
All of mine are older original versions and I've never had a newer one to compare, but everything I've read has stated they are not the same dimensions and gen parts need modding to fit. That's why I've bought mine second hand. I don't know that there are any real problems modding them though.
Oh yeah.. I wanna be just like LHOOQ too
Also... Pics of supermodels Akira!!