I enjoyed reading your story, and I compliment your skills in servicing your movement.
Must feel great doing that and with a huge power reserve to boot.
My 2846 in my great white runs the longest and is my most accurate too..and it hasnt been serviced!
Interesting tribal,
I can see in your pics that your hev is recessed a little.
What happens on the inside? Did the pin go inward? Does it interfere with the movement?
Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time I have heard any of this mentioned.
Someone, I can't remember who, was in this same spot awhile back.
I think only a gen fits, the diameter isn't the problem... I think it's the threads.
Ndt, phong have gen threads and most of the reps that were tried didn't .
Josh is the best. If your smart you will realize the language barrier and proceed with that in mind.
He's not pushy or trying to pull a fast one on you. You just have to word your questions with this on mind and read his response accordingly. He's one of the best dealers out there.