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Everything posted by Physher007

  1. I wish... its tempting but if it gets over 1000.00 there's no way I could justify that. Ofcourse if it doesn't over 1000.00 it would be a steal. I'm no Omega expert, but thats one of the best looking SM's i've seen. I'll bet $1262.50 How about yout? Price is right rules, Highest bid wins without going over
  2. Pretty bad ass watch and at a good price right now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ME:B:WNA:US:112
  3. I agree, though I am FAR from an expert. I thought that on every gen HBB the bezel screw threads were aligned - true?
  4. Now I am winning... HHAHAHAA!! MurcieLago - I really wasn't giving you a hard time. There really is a forum for testing. And your picture on the other post should be bigger IMO
  5. Whos giving him a hard time? I was just trying to give him some advice. And now, we are tied in posts my friend... your move
  6. Yowza... That's called the crown not the dial, so ya know the other buttons stop and start the chronograph functions of the watch. Bentley watch, mustang sig. Lee, are you a car guy?
  7. Oh, and welcome to RWG. Trust me when I say before you invest any money on a watch. Invest the money on a VIP membership. You will not regret it
  8. You know there is a forum specifically designed for this purpose? And its, again - not agean
  9. Have you tried asking Ruby if she can get that watch for you? She has a reputation for finding what cant be found
  10. I think this is the "Passed out on the floor of the casino" shot. Beautiful watch, I am not sure I have seen that dial before. I will most definitely be buying one of these buggers in the near future. My first chrono perhaps?! Btw: Would anyone mind explaining the frozen sub dial? Good thing?
  11. And if you decide you can no longer wear your watch because you effed up the bezel and decide to cut and run... I'm your man!!! I love banged up watches, ....I am like the island of misfit toys
  12. yeeuuugg.... You kill me. I just hope that all of those we are simply reitteraterating Edge's sentiment (such as myself) are taking the time to go vote in on the poll happening next door. And go donate.
  13. I have a business - that is why I chose not to replicate watches. If someone were to come to me asking for legal advice I wouldn't con money out of them and then say "If you don't like it, go to law school". But I don't think that is the issue here. The dealers that are being discussed aren't run of the mill replica watch salesman, they are supposed to be trusted - and that is why they are supported here. What do we have if we cannot trust our dealers?
  14. The reason they "fix" the price is to protect their profits. If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to ask $300+ for a crappy asian movement
  15. I've been sitting here waiting for some sort of response from any of the dealers involved. Is it that you don't care or that you don't take this seriously? Either way. Is there anyone who believes this to be an over-reaction on the part of the members here?
  16. oh here we go.. So there has been a suggestion for a sub forum. Any other ideas on how to fix this problem?
  17. @ttk - I have no bubble to burst. And I didn't mean to implicate you (or any dealer) in this thing, I was making a generalization that referred to the subforum more than the dealers. Lost in translation I suppose
  18. Well stated. How many times has a newb popped into general discussion and asked where to go for reps, only to have two or three people point him to the dealer's section. Now the dealers section is full of scammers. I feel so betrayed.
  19. Do you honestly find it necessary to bash Americans every chance you get?
  20. Shouldn't we expect these things? I agree with you that honest and open conversation is a good thing, but we are talking about dealers who advertise on our forum. Because of this they are members of our community the same as you and I, and I don't care for being treated as less than. The auction scam sub forum sets out to notify the community of scammers, should we need the same system for our own members? I don't think so. I think that we, as members of the same community, all with equal standing and opportunity to discuss our views, should stand up and say we don't want scammers among us. Members, dealers, or otherwise. So if there is in fact purposeful disception, I think we should do something about it. As stated by another member, if one of us was trying to sell a watch and misrepresented the movement, then he would be labeled a troll (or worse) and immediately banned. Should we not expect atleast this level of honesty from our dealers?
  21. I agree with you entirely. I just think more drastic measures are needed than a subforum.
  22. I thought the whole purpose of this sight was to avoid dealer scam?
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