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Everything posted by Devedander

  1. I usually make an event of it so it takes a while... you know, bring the laptop to check the forums, serve up a plate of some nice bbq chicken or a maybe veal parmasian and put on a nice watch... bring it all in and make an evening of it... sometimes fall asleep for a while too... it's like a mini vacation in my own home!
  2. Gah... so many parts... that's truly amazing and gives me a new respect for whatever person was nutty enough to come up with that... I would assume that is going into a Daytona somewhere? I always wondered, does the higher beat mean a shorter power reserve?
  3. While I believe they do drop ship, I recommend Silix as they have always worked to make right even the smallest blemishes on my watches... Also might want to try belial2k over at RWI I believe he directly ships all his watches.
  4. Could get a seconds at 9 daytona...
  5. I am eager to see some hands on reviews of this one... look incredible... Here's to hoping for some bracelets for it to come along...
  6. I think that was covered already when I said: Blind leading the blind?
  7. Yeah I would say send it back... have you talked to the dealer about it? I would think it's a no brainer.
  8. If going to Thailand maybe wait until you arrive and pick out your new rep there...
  9. So did you get your press? How do you like it?
  10. Hey if you like it, who cares if it's fantasy! And I agree... at least it one ups the plain old exposed balance wheen and puts in the triple strut deal.
  11. Is there a way to change the month? Maybe you can roll the months past dec 31 and see if the year rolls...
  12. Sorry if it's a noob question, but that's running seconds at 9 right? And is there a reason in some pics the 6 oclock is not completely vertical?
  13. Any idea on the relative price of the ceramic (ie more than the current ones)?
  14. Either way that doesn't seem to be a display back unless the metal you are seeing flips open to reveal a display back...
  15. Maybe you tressed the crown release too hard? Did it have circle with a slot through it to push?
  16. Me and my Mao Tai wish everyone a happy New Year as well!
  17. On the subject of tag chrono I wondered is the date font on Trusty's right? It looks signifincantly different from what I would think the 25 should look like... http://www.trustytime.com/index.php?main_p...products_id=236
  18. I don't necessarily think so... I mean we have heard some problems but I think we should wait until there is a larger sample out there... a few small problems reported so far but nothing that I think would have been avoided by waiting for release a month or two.... Now whether later runs may have problems fixed is another thing all together... but I think had it been delayed it would still have been a case of "later runs may improve some areas".
  19. Thanks The Zigmeister... I will give my weird rubber case opener and a ball of tape a try when I get home... worst case I can deal with this problem if there is no chance of damage leaving it as is.
  20. The Zigmeister well if it's just missaligned is it something that can be fixed by rotating the movement in the case or something? Because at first glance that's what appears too be (the crown is not centered over the tube perfectly so it catches on one edge on the way in sometimes). More importantly do you think this could damage something (like bend the stem) if left alone? If it's potential damage I will want to look into it ASAP, but if it probably won't end up damaging anything at least I don't have to be nervouse about it. The Zigmeister well if it's just missaligned is it something that can be fixed by rotating the movement in the case or something? Because at first glance that's what appears too be (the crown is not centered over the tube perfectly so it catches on one edge on the way in sometimes). More importantly do you think this could damage something (like bend the stem) if left alone? If it's potential damage I will want to look into it ASAP, but if it probably won't end up damaging anything at least I don't have to be nervouse about it.
  21. I guess I could always do that... I have never had luck with tape on my other watches though... come to think of it I do have that rubber/wood caseback tool... maybe that would get it open too... If I can get it off what would be invovled in fixing this (still pretty new at the insides of watches).
  22. Thanks for the reply. It's this one: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=12217 After more tinkering I took the CG off and it does seem to be missaligned a fraction. With the CG on I didn't have much room to wiggle it, but with the CG off I found that it seems to go in until the back of the crown hits the tube, then if I sort of press it in different directions it will eventually line up right and go in. The missalignment must be slight because it doesn't appear to be miassaligned from looking. Is this something that could damage the crown stem in the long run if I don't fix it? I don't have a PAM caseback tool at the moment...
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