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Everything posted by eunomians

  1. I agree Ubi. I was directing this towards the sellers who pass off these frankens as genuine items. There are some of these eBay items that really don't sell for much money. But then there are serious high-ticket items in which folks are getting scammed. It seems like more and more scammers are 'out & about'. Big bucks!
  2. There are tons of vintage frankens that pass under the radar on eBay. The practice of cobbling parts to make watch and then selling it as geniune REALLY PISSES ME OFF. The military SM300 frankens are old news. The latest wave of outright fakes I see all the time are the vintage Blancpain dive watches (50 Fathoms, Aqualung, etc). This includes the infamous Tornek-Rayville variations. SHAME on the sellers. And, of course: buyer beware! Arrrgh!!! No wonder I disappeared for so long. It's better to comb the halls of camera collecing, 12" LP digging and vintage audio gear restoration... PS. I did not even mention all the contention as of late in the rep world either. That is a whole different story...
  3. eunomians

    DW 6263

    Ohhh man, now that sounds mighty tasty! I will have to try a few of those Alaska Ambers, too! Cheers
  4. Great collection! I like the non-Pam non-Rolex theme. I know, I know, the Ferrari is a Pam, but... Cheers
  5. B - I am very happy to hear the great news!!!! Best regards to you & yours.
  6. I like the Seagull for reliablility first. Then the 7750. The V23/V72 are vastly superior to both of these and really should be in a different category all together. You could easily remove the auto rotor on the 7750. I am not sure if the 7750 would fit with a Seagull or V23/V72 caseback though. It might. Remember that you will need to get an OEM crown tube and crown because daily winding will grind the hell out of your screwdown replica tube/crown. Also remember that pusher placement can also be an issue - as well as stem height respective to the stem opening on the case. I think that the cheapest & most reliable way to go is 'manual' like you said (via Seagull/Lemania).
  7. eunomians

    DW 6263

    Wow, what fond memories! Now that was a real test. I never knew that cookin' a rep could have such a lovely aroma - until the infamous Nanuq SubBBQ. I still gotta try those Venison hot dogs my buddy has told me about (with a side of Grade AAA Alaskan BBQ'd rep & a pint of fine Ale).
  8. Someone's gotta have one of these watches!
  9. I forgot to add that 7750 is also a different size than V23. Which in turn is thinner than V72. Essentially, all of these movements are different (V23 & V72 being identical aside from thickness).
  10. I'd be careful of the asia 7750 movement due to reliablility issues. Seagull (Lemania) is the way to go as far as reliability. But... It is a different size than 7750.
  11. It is true that those V72 cases are a pain in the butt. Each unit that I have fitted Valoux 72 movements into had its own quirks. Major quirks. In the end, it was a veritable headache. So much so that I don't wear mine because they remind me of all that $$$, time, stress and headaches they've caused. Ok, slight exaggeration, but you understand my point. If you don't own a V72 powered watch and you are a serious collector like me (especially OEM watches), you should have at least one V72 watch in your collection. The Valjoux 72 is a robust & reliable movement - historically significant at that. Personally, I don't care too much for the 6263/5 watches, but I am a huge fan of V72. So if you're not so into these vintage Rolex chronos, get yourself an Heuer or Zodiac powered by a V72. I am sure that once u score a fine example, you will keep it forever. Forget about reps and appreciate greatness. -Cheers PS. Still lovely to look at though!
  12. I knew that you'd be up to no good
  13. Wow, I am impressed with these fine specimens. It seems that the rep makers have been on a roll as of late - creating wonderfully unique pieces! There should be a gallery somewhere here on RWGII solely dedicated to bottom of the barrel reps.
  14. I will second what Ubi has stated. A year & half ago, the 6263 fever was at its zenith - now the frenzy essentially ground down to a halt. There are more interesting watches out there, I suppose. Cheers
  15. My finest watch. Keeps excellent time, has an amazing 30 hour power reserve. It has great heft and is very solid.
  16. eunomians

    DW 6263

    That's funny, I gave this particular watch to one of my best pals last summer. Aren't we a good friend? I think it's really special to giveaway something that you know makes people smile many times a day (each time they check the time). Best regards to my buddy up in the high elevations and my other pal running from rabid Moose.
  17. I have been anti-Pam for quite some time now since I keep seeing goofballs here in Los Angeles and Tokyo wearing what looks like reps for the most part. Everybody and their mother seems to have a PAM. They are seemingly as ubiquitous as the Rolex Subunderwaremariner these days. For the record, I own a 183 and a lovely Luminor. Both have been fully modded. I've had both for a looong time now. I wear the 183 for formal occasions coupled with a Europelli Black Cordovan with Titanium stitch. The Marina I wear often, but not during these past winter months. It is more of a warm weather (short sleeves) watch for me. I've been thinking about goin' for another PAM instead of some Pateks or IWC models. Too bad there isn't a Breguet Type XX Areonavale that's worth raving about (I should sell all of my reps and buy the real thing). Anyhow, I'm thinking about going for a PAM 009 PVD model. Something different. Do any of you folks have one of these Davidsen PVD 009 watches? Care to comment? I am also intrigued with the 249, but it seems that Davidsen's hands are not shaped correctly. The 249 might be too big for me though. My 183 is pushing it, but I figured that 2mm more overall is a difference that is probably not noticeable. I am leaning towards the 009 in a big way. I want a base model with a historical twist. Best regards from Euno PS. For those that don't know me, I am an ultra-perfectionist. "Close" won't do. PSS. Here are my 2 PAMs thus far. Both were bought a looong time ago.
  18. Ahh yes, thanks for reminding me why I was going crazy over picking up one of those EE Daytonas. It was thee most accurate at the time. What a fascinating historical piece in the rep world. I remember the intense debate I had on whether or not to pull the hefty hefty trigger on the EE. It was not a cheap watch, but man did it look sweet. Especially when it was all dolled up with the box, tags and stickers. Wow. Best regards
  19. It's true that the OEM rubber straps fit very well and are very comfortable. I just am not a big fan of how they look. They're not terrible looking, but they do look somewhat silly on otherwise such a sweet watch. JMHO.
  20. Hey Ubi, is the EE 6263 larger than OEM/DW? I can't remember. I look forward to some pics if/when the EE gets a new movement Well, since folks are diggin' all these fine vintage Daytonas - how about some more pics! These are older images... I have newer ones stored on a drive that I can't access at this moment.
  21. Important: I would not 'direct link' Bill Yao's MKII site over here. If u want to post pics from his site, serve them yourself via Imageshack, Photobucket, etc. If u wanna use his parts, take apart your watch and measure all necessary parts. You will need a hand remover and a hand setting device, caseback opener, gasket lube, a screwdriver set, movement holder, various tweezers, a crystal press, etc... You should ideally practice on a donor watch before you attempt your main project. Invest in the best tools u can buy (swiss not china/india). It should set u back $150-$200 for decent tools. Or, try and find a local dude who will do the work. It's easy to do, should cost less than $20-$30 to do. If u are paying more, then u are being ripped off. Cheers
  22. Ouch! That is rough stuff not being able to wear a watch when u want! I get a rash on my wrist every 5 years or so from maybe cat fur or something. Usually it would last 2-3 days where I have to slap on some hydrocortizone. No watches for 2-3 days is hell. I feel naked without a watch on my wrist. PS. Best of luck with your addiction. I have been nicotine free since Octover 2006 and Ive never felt better. Live long!
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