I had the same issue with my DG4813 42mm PO, after 3 days of use.
The best solution for me is to change the tube and crown with the gen one ! It's not that expensive !
Nice watch, I have to wait for mine that is on the way now....
I was thinking at what you did for the strap a black "croco or aligator" like, where did you get the strap ? What the size of this strap (27 or 26) ?
Bad new for me... The crown won't screw down anymore on the tube. I decided to order a gen tube and crown to see if I can do something with it.... I'll keep you informed (I saw many great tutorials here...My biggest worry is to remove the tube, I don't know if I necessarily need to remove the movement)
I just received my 42MM PO with DG4813 from andrew.
I'm really happy with this watch, it's really nice. It's unbeatable for the price.
I had to solve the claps issue by tuning a bit the claps spring and fitting the bracelet to my size was a little tought but I did it.
I received today my SOH 46. It's obviously not a V2 (The dial is more like V1 but I knew it when I ordered the watch).
But your are right, it's a really nice watch, I like it a lot.
I just checked the comparaison you made between V1 vs V2 and the QCPics I got, it's clear to me that the one I ordered and only available now is the V1 (V2 is not built anymore).
I hope that I will still be happy with it....
You are right it's probably the V1, I should check the comparaison you made between V1 and V2 and check on the QC pics I got.
The strange thing is that this version has be updated on our dealers site mid 2010 where the supposed V2 (at least the one bought by tyromee) was updated mid 2009.
Yes but the one available now is still different that the one in this post ! Does this mean that there is a sort of V4 also not as good as V2 ? I'll show you pictures as soon as I get one
The interresting thing is that this model seems to be no more in fabrication. Andrew will send me one with a dial that doesn't have P linked to the A (like the V1 dial). For him it's the only one available.
That exactly the reason why you made me change my mind...
I won't try to put an ETA into it and I was thinking, if it broke I'll buy a new mvt or a new watch..... At this price and the quality linked with it the 21J makes really cense....
Hey guys, just a thought, but I had in mind to get a 42mm PO with a swiss ETA but you convinced me with your advices to get the 4318.....
The good thing with that is that I'll be able to get it sooner....
Bienvenue à toi....et fais gaffe une fois qu'on commence, on ne s'arrête pas facilement.... (je dis ça alors que j'ai commencé il y a peu, c'est dire...)
As many people I'm interrested in the PO and as many people I find it difficult to decide between the "famous" UPO and the new ultimate 42.
I always find really nice a purple AR coating and the new ultimate 42 seems to have that, but what is the 45 UPO the same or not ?
Thanks for your infos...