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Everything posted by Omega

  1. Yes, I am afraid it has the engraving, too... But it's a sub with lugholes!
  2. There is no 14060 without lugholes... And the size is like the Sea-dweller, only thinner case and bezel. Insert also fits from SD and contrariwise. Ask tribal, he installed a 14060 dial in a SSD without problems. I read here on the forum that some members want to built a no date sub from a nob case with gen dial, but I think the dial is to small for the case. Othewise a gen 16610 dial can not be installed in a noob-case without grinding the dial to a smaller diameter - so maybe it fits...
  3. If there is a 2824 mounted - Yes!
  4. Hey, that's a fantastic one my friend! Congrats!!! I can't await to get mine complete...
  5. Is this order correct for a 45mm version, especially the hands? Thanks!
  6. Thanks a lot guys...
  7. That is what I like: Perfect and clean job... Impressive work, The Zigmeister!
  8. Maybe someone can help me. I know here was a member who posted the side, but I can't remember. Thanks
  9. I wish I can see it in person how you drill a virgin lug with a handdrill. Even drilling existing holes have not such a clean finish like machine drilled! Anyway, It depends on the eye of the wiever. And I am very stingy with my work, it has to be always 99% clean! I think Rolex drill them also on a machine, if they do that by hand then you can applie for a post as "lug-hole driller". Just kidding... BTW: The countersinking guarants a nice pop in for the springbars without scraches. You can see it as "My improvement"! I saw it on some vintage pieces (pic added). But it's not the problem not to countersink them, that is not the hardest part of this job... Please notice also, that the pics are taken with very strong macro. All seems much bigger than it is! Here a gen Red-Sub that I had 2 years ago here, you see light countersinked lugholes from inside:
  10. Thanks, Stephane... No problem, you're welcome. I await you...
  11. Thanks guys...
  12. Oh, if someone is interested in buying this cases - just PM me with a offer. I don't need them for now...
  13. I discribed it in my first post, Dizzy. It's not a big deal and there is not much to tell about, I drilled some holes - that's it! You need heavy industrial machines and quality tools. But it's not a "Dremel" job, if you that mean...
  14. Today I found the best solution to drill the lugholes, for now. It takes a lot of time, but it's possible to drill very clean lugholes - like you see here. They are even from inside polished! Both cases are completely overworked (polished case/rehaut and brushed lugholes from down- and upside). On the CN-case I did also the CG's... CN: And now some eyecandy for our Noob-lovers... Noobmariner: Both cases: And of course some shots of my beauty:
  15. I agree. That happens in 80% to me by taking off bezels on noobs or CN's. But I bent them all back without problems like Sir-Lancelot discribe it...
  16. Very nice watch, Stephane! You know how to stand out from the crowd with your projects...that's great!
  17. Yes, that's true The Zigmeister. That happens on my first try on a 1680 a year ago... But the courious thing is, that it is a bigger risk for breaking a drill by expanding a hole to a bigger dimension than drilling a hole in full material! On a non-hole-lug it's only hard to find the correct position. I've done some HE-Valves, and the drill goes thru the steel like butter... Thanks to all for the positive responses...
  18. Let me first do it on some cases to find out the best solution, I will then get back to you. Promised...
  19. The sprinbar is not drilled! It's pointed... And BTW, it looks great on your watch... Here is a pic from my MBW:
  20. 16800 was projected, but I think it would be better a very rare 168000... I will not use this case of course, the case was only a victim for my test. It is a good job, but I want a perfect job! The guys from GTG in cologne knews me, my watches and what I mean. BTW: I did it with a drilling machine with 2400 r/min. First I pointed the correct position, then I used a 1mm drill to make a 0,5mm hole (lug must be in horizontal position!). It have to be that way, because the 1,2mm drill will not go in the material when the lug is in the (correct) slanting position! Furthermore you need a quality-drill, if you have not the tools and knowhow to raze the drill again, you will need for every hole one drill! And of course it happens sometimes that the drill gets broken in the hole... Believe me, it's not easy...
  21. I asked myself if it's possible to drill some lugholes on a sub without some... And yes it is, not easy but it's possible! Here is the result: BTW: It is a CN-Sub, and the lugholes are 1,28mm. On the macro-pics they only look bigger. Sorry for the bad pics, I will try to make better ones in the next days... So what do you think?
  22. Congrats my friend! Its a nice watch with a great story, never sell this one!
  23. Sorry, I don't read the whole thread. But I want to help... The 2836-2 exist with the sword regulator, like you have on your movement. I saw it on some Rado watches, gold plated like yours. But I have now not the time to search exactly the same movement pic. But here is one in nickel:
  24. Great review, and count me in for this one with lugholes...
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