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Posts posted by Isoroku

  1. Who the F leases an Aston Martin and lives in an attached townhouse?

    A diligent researcher would make note of my historical complaints about a certain car payment that wa more than mortgage. And believe me when I well you that housing prices are neurotic in the Northern Suburbs of Chicago....I could buy a 4 bedroom 3300 sq. ft. brick home with an in-ground pool in Houston for almost half of what this townhouse was. It was dumping the Aston is what let us get both Infinitis and buy a place in the city without selling our townhome.

    @ Nanuq...

    Just so long as you know how to pick your battles....if it came to collision-time, I dunno how a Golf-based Beetle would go toe-to-toe with a Billie-Jimbo-Bubba-Bob-mobile...again, just pick the battles with the ones you can outrun! :lol:

  2. I'm waiting for the GTR to show up. I understand it will be labelled under the Nissan badge. I'm a Nissan man through and through...however, I did look at the Infinity G35 recently...just didn't like the idea of a AWD without stick shift. Infinity dropped the ball there.

    It's not a rally car. Besides, it's better to have all the power go to the rear wheels and keep the 52% front / 48% rear weight distribution.

    Having the GTR be a Nissan is a big boo boo....you are going to have a $80,000+ car being sold at dealerships whose service departments offer Rental Dodge Neons or Sentras as service loaners and salespersons whose idea of selling is "what'll it take for you to drive it home TODAY???"...or a service customer waiting area with 3 month old magizines and possibly older coffee....Or better yet, Finance managers that try to sell GAP insurance to people who pay cash for thier cars.

    Mr. and Mrs.-" I need my payments under $300 a month" are not going to be the primary buyer for that car. It'll be a guy who could write a check for the dealer's entire inventory if he felt like it. It should've been an Infiniti so that the customer would recieve that right service and amenities.

    And it's not Infinity....it's Infiniti. :winkiss:

  3. Supposed to have 310-320hp, hubby says...

    biggest improvement is going to be fit and finish, though. Supposed to compare favorably to the Germans.

    Know this:

    If it is fun-to-drive/performance/extrovertion/testosterone increase/balls you want, Infiniti is THE car. B)

    If you want some quirky goofy front wheel drive black turtleneck-wearing Starbucks-inhabiting beatnick's car, then Saab or Volvo... :huh:

    If it's a grossly overpriced VW, then go Audi. :Jumpy:

    If you want to cause that mythic "it will happen eventually" 8.0 Earthquake that is going to send California in to the Pacific....buy the H2 or H3. The total Spaz-fest of the Greenies will cause sufficient pressure and agitation to the fault lines. :yuk:

    If you want a "F@ck you" car...go with the Continental GT Coupe from Bentley....yeah, it's got buttons from the Pheaton, but it will...and this is coming from a woman, mind you......get you laid in a most expediant and consistent fashion. It will also cause your friends to not let you hang out with thier wives. :o

    If you want a car that's like a Buick on Steriods, but with better fit and finish and reliability, go Lexus. Just know that the exclusivity is kinda "meh"....See BMW

    If you want Exclusivity, DO NOT go Lexus or BMW...they are like assholes. Everyone's got one. <_< They are nice enough cars, though.

    If you want incredibly frustrating and high maintainance but can't help being in love with it, go Mercedes....You're car will never look so good in a service department. :yeah:

    If you want $10,000 off MSRP (retardedly inflated though it may be), go domestic like Chevy, Ford, or Chryslers/Dodge. I never could imagine that people could actually be sold rebates....it's like people spend $25,000 on a $20,000 car because it's $10,000 off a $35,000 MSRP. :blink:

    If you want to be a total 100% complete prude with complete and total boredom as your primary purchase issue...go Toyota. Fantastic car that is garaunteed to never break, hold resale value, provide pleasance in all it endeavors to do...without any hint of being fun, interesting, or appealing.

    If you want to buy a Honda, buy a Honda.

    If you want to buy a brand whose clientele is the cast from "Temple of the Ancients" and "Ben Hur" , go Cadillac. They have tried hard of late to dodge the geezer image with thier ultra sharp-razor styling, and while the cars are decent looking...it's still an old foogy's car....that's right...Simcon tops, white wall tires, gold plating on all the trim...you see it on SRX's, CTS's, STS's, etc....

    A really expensive penis enlargement is the item of preference? Porsche. Doesn't matter what you men believe....well attributed men don't drive Porsches. And we women know it.

    Dosa....get the Infiniti.....it's you. As for the performance capabilities that far surpass your performance driving skill or municipal allowance...just remember that it's not that you would, but you could. Unless you are not amoung the well-attributed.(See Porsche)

  4. Like Tenacious b...we are an Infiniti family...

    hubby took my G35 Coupe....So I could get this to move the little ones around in....and still have fun driving. :)

    Wes insisted I get the Sport Package (see; "dubs")...so it's a rough ride, but when the kids aren't in the car, I can drive through a corner at any speed and it's like it's on rails.

    Some love the styling, some hate it, some are simply :blink: about it, but it will always get noticed.





  5. You stand a better chance of becoming a moderator than I do. You are the first on the waiting list for becoming a RWG moderator last I heard. I wish you all the best for you and that you and your family will prosper.

    Best regards

    Gunnar :)

    Dunno where you heard that...Iso=not mod material. As for wishes, I reciporocate the kind and warm sentiments! :)

  6. Homage all the way :wub:


    Knowing you were crushed @ RWG1 consoles me after seeing that picture. I loved your little antics, too....disrupting everything, erasing info, and posting as others.....and now, posting a pic of that watch. I am proud to have been the first to single you out on RWG1. :)

    I am going to be visiting this forum more now....I will enjoy seeing you hating not being a mod....and can't wait to see if the dicotomy will come full circle: Will you be Kenberg's little kitten this time?....oh....can't wait to see....

    Welcome to RWG, Gran

  7. This subject has been discussed in great excruciating detail on the other forums. But here goes again. As Pugwash stated, the brands do care!! Tiffany sued ebay for allowing fake Tiffany products on the auction site, and they had Ebay dead to rights, because they bought hundreds of items and found that most were fake. Cartier, LVMH and others have mounted a vigerous campaign against sellers of fake handbags, shoes, jewelry etc.

    We can rarionalize til the cows come home about replicas, counterfeits, fakes, etc not hurting the companies, but the preception by the manufacturers is that counterfeits "Cheapen " their brand(s), because it greatly decreases the "exclusivity". The companies want you to lust after their products, and if you can barely afford them, you will lie, cheat and steal to have a Herme' bag. Now when the women who can afford to buy the product see every high school girl sporting "their" handbag, the matrons certainly won't buy one. Let me give you a personal experience from years back. I bought a genuine Rolex Day-Date 18k gold, President bracelet, etc. Set me back 5k and that was back in the 1980's. I was very proud of that watch, it was a real status symbol ( in my mind anyway). Well, about a year later, I bought a new car. Went to the dealership to sign the papers and pick up the new vehicle, lo and behold, the sales manager and the salesman both had Gold Rolex "Presidents"!! On closer examination, it was obvious that both had quartz movements and were obviously fake. I knew that because I had done a lot of research on watches and especially Rolex. But to the aaverage Joe, they were real. The impact on me was "why have agenuine 5k Rolex when every guy on the street had one". The exclusivity was gone. I sold mine a short time later, and went for quite a number of years before I bought another Rolex. And then, only s/s Submariners and Seadwellers. Had the Gold Rolex, not lost it's exclusivity to me, I probably would have over the years bought others. This atitude, be it good, bad or indifferent, elietist, snobbish, call it what you like,is why high end brands hate counterfeits. It erases the snob appeal when everyone can own one.

    The attitude of many of these companies certainly run contrary to the value system that many of us have come to embrace over the years, but remember their are many,many vainglorious people out ther who want to have the only one of something, they don't want to meet their 50k Breguet coming down the street on the arm of the postman!! Conversly how would you feel, if you had just bid sucessfully on a genuine Double Red Seadweller, shelled out 20k for this very, very rare watch and the second day you are wearing it, you spot another one on someone who obviously, to you at least can't afford this expensive watch, big letdown, you bet!! That folks is why Rolex SA and all the others are in a fight to the death against replicas,fakes counterfeits.

    I understand....but consider this:

    Exclusivity is exclusivity. You felt that your watch was devalued because those two oafs at the car dealership had replica Rollies....but a replica is not a genuine, no matter how close. Yours was real, thiers not. end of discussion. If the concern is that "I paid through the nose for something with the name 'Rolex' on it, and this other guy bought something with the same name for a fraction of the price, and now I'm [censored]"...Then you get what you deserve, IMHO. The whole idea of buying a genuine soley because you have something others can't afford, then you have an inferiority complex....Buy a mega-home...but a S550 Benz....buy a baseball team...you can't fake that, and you will have something others can't afford.

    Buying a genuine because you really love the history, design, and brand equity provided by the company, then you shouldn't be phased. Replicas can't provide that. They provide the "status"....and if the those who are in a position of priviledge are so concerned about having [censored] others can't, then they need to set thier sights higher than a watch. Wanna impress me with your mad-cash, exclusivity, or whatever? Get a private Lear plane....buy a 6,000 sq. ft. house on the hills over looking San Fran....take me for a ride in your Continental Bentley Coupe....

    Anyone who drops $5k-$30k on a watch and then demands exclusivity is a twit. Buy a Fossil and spend the rest of the money on a bigger house, cooler car, or whatever. Having exclusivity being a part of your purchase decision of a watch is poorly advised, IMHO.

    Marxism sucks....but it existed for a reason.

  8. I have to chime in here...

    King has a long standing and well deserved reputation. It is apparent that, in this industry, our beloved dealers are sometimes at the mercy of thier suppliers to to delivery on thier promises...sometimes they do...sometimes they do not. Let me give you an example. Wes ordered an EXP II from Joshua. The dial has a....minor.....issue. It had a GMT Master II dial!!!! How a GMT dial got on an Explorer II is anyone's guess...hubby was a little perplexed to say the least. When shown a photo and asked what my options were, Joshua told me that another Explorer II would be sent on it's way ASAP.

    Our dealers get screwed once in a while by thier suppliers. It is the nature of the beast. Thier willingness to step up and eat it when something like this happens is why we don't mind dropping $200-$400 on a replica.


    Thank you so much for replacing Wes' ExplorerII ! You are truly a great dealer, and I think everyone needs to be reminded of it once in a while! thanks! :D

  9. Congrats.

    But didn't you lease an Aston Martin last year? What's the status of that?

    The lease on the Aston was killing us. The payment was higher than our mortgage...and I was not the primary decision maker in that transaction. I was opposed to it 100% until my husband took in to see it in person. We got sold, period. Thankfully we weren't upside down in it, so we got clear of it rather easy, but only after carrying a gargantuan payment for too long. It was a beautiful car, but it was far more than we could afford and still save any kind of money. (we have kids who will be going to college, and retirement nest eggs we want to build.)

    @ Cheese

    You and your sound like the kind of folks who get the fastest of the fast, so I dunno if this applies to you...

    The FX45 is faster 0-60 than the Cheyenne non-turbo 0-60.....and it's built on the chassis of the Nissan 350Z with a 52% front/ 48% rear weight distribution...50/50 under acceleration...But if you're looking at AMGs and Turbo Cheyennes..then I guess that's a moot point.

  10. I think that there is, without a doubt a large buying segment for very expensive replicas provided that they are spot on...right inserts, bezel pearl, cg's, etc...

    Look at some scam sites like best swiss and idealwatches...they charge huge money for either the same watches or ones of much poorer quality....and they sell watches all day long.

    SS Sub for $750 on best swiss? Think of what our suppliers could do given a customer base that will pay $750 for a Sub...We have 90% reps for $200....

    I think that there is another reason that the small flaws remain in our watches.

  11. LOL veni. You're my hero now...

    "I have requested to be unregistered" - what do you want to hear now?

    You're acting like a little kid begging for attention....

    And THAT..... I think you don't even know what you're talking about. (says the mod who doesn't see a dime for his work).

    And you're aware that the same guy (the one who sells his soul) runs RWG too?


    I think people should be appreciated when they hold themselves to thier convictions. He obviously feels strongly about this, and should have the freedom to express it...

    Then again,...there was a I time not long ago when I expressed my feelings and everyone treated me like what Bricky is saying now.

    Now....well...just read my sig...

  12. Honestly....I got one for a friend, and it did the same thing...the chop really wasn't too bad...dunno how bad yours is.

    I tend to wait until I have a REAL issue before I begin to tax the good graces of the dealer. If the chop is really bad, then it could be a bad movement and need exchange....otherwise, I wouldn't press it with the dealer...just MHO...do what you feel is appropriate.

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