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Everything posted by yepme

  1. Agreed! I'm new here and only on my 3rd rep ... but reporting a dealer to palyal is VERY unprofessional and VERY bad judgment. I had a rep die on me, requested input from board members, contacted the dealer and had the problem resolved to my satisfaction. Your actions have INCREASED my cost of procuring reps, and made our dealers lives harder for NO REASON. The last thing I would do is whine to the payment vendor to cause undue headaches to my vendor. You, sir, in my opinion, are a whiny girley man who should be pummeled. May I say your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Thanks for making my enjoyment of a new hobby more expensive and hassle-filled. That is all I have to say about that,
  2. Devedander, I have got ALOT of recommendations on this watch in a gift post I made. This is an excellent review, thank you for sharing. May I ask if this is one of the versions going for $198 and which dealer you used? Thanks again for the great review.
  3. Am I missing something ...? I see no mention of the NRA or cold-dead hands on their website. Paypal sucks bad and these guys are a viable alternative. Maybe the white flag you are holding up is blocking your view of the screen?? :Jumpy: (Just teasin' ya in good faith, Pugwash)
  4. I'm glad I asked, your points on the Rolex and the "its a rep" crys are well taken and have steered me away from a Rolex rep for her. A gen is out of budget ... her mom (my sis)is disabled and father has nothing to do with her, so she is stuck with me. I got her scuba diving trained/certified when she was 10 ... and plan on taking her on a another dive trip and she wants to join me skydiving. I'd rather drop the bucks on experiences and memories that will last a lifetime vs. a gen watch. Thanks for the thoughtful recommendations ... I'm out shopping around now, and will narrow down my lisk and ask for your opinions. Thanks again! Cheers.
  5. I would be interested in one of these, I got a nice YM from EL, but the 6 o'clock marker is "crooked". Thanks!
  6. Thanks Ethan, that is a great looking watch! The kid would not appreciate it though (the GF would ) She has no knowledge of fine timepieces other than the Rolex name, so I have to stick with a rep in that brand. Your post most likely just cost me more money though ... I better get one for the GF too.
  7. My niece is graduating from HS soon. She is keen toward my Yachmaster rep, and I'd like to get her a rep as a gift. Anyone have any experience with reps with "diamonds"? I'd like to get her something lady like, and am leaning towards THIS ONE but am unsure if it will hold up to the "abuse" of a teenager. Will she end up knocking out the little diamonds? As a rookie, I would value your feedback on this as a gift for a young lady. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and recommendations of alternatives if you think there are better options available. Cheers.
  8. I'm late to the game, but count me in
  9. Who gives a flying flock about their views on stuff other than commerce. LOL white trash ... I'm buying replica watches and complaining I have no way to transfer funds, but I'm not using a site who is pro something besides pro-commerce ... give me a break ... this is just to funny ... kinda hypocritical don't ya think geez ...
  10. sash, GEARPAY is an alternative with a similar fee structure to paypal. I'm not a merchant, but I frequent other boards that merchants prefer gearpay to paypal.
  11. I've been eying THIS ONE on Amazon
  12. More info than you will ever need at this LINK The link is an excellent FAQ about reward cards, price protection, balance transfers, lots of good stuff. Good luck, Ubi
  13. Would I be out of line asking what the tax was, Devedander?
  14. yepme

    Going Home

    Neil May you and yours have a great holiday season, cherish your time together, because it always gets shorter.
  15. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate your input!
  16. I was going to order 2 Noobmariners from Neil, and he raised an excellent point that I would like feedback from the group on, if you have any knowledge on the topic. I was gonna order 2 Noobmariners for the GF's sons as gifts. Out trusted and helpful dealer brought up an excellent point that I was unaware of ... if I have them both shipped in tha same package, it may double my risk of having US customs confiscating the shipment because they limit the import of Ralex's to one per person. Any thoughts or experiences with this issue you would be willing to share? Should I order one, wait some time and order another, order 2 and have them shipped in seperate boxes, or roll the dice and oder 2 shipped in the same package (I only save 5 pounds using the last option) to limit my customs risk. Thanks for any input you can provide, and thanks to TTK for his prompt replies to my inquiries and assistance with this.
  17. I'm pretty new and am going out on a limb posting a response, but what the heck, gotta start somewhere ... I recently made my first purchase of a YM from EL ... I picked my dealer first, choosing someone who was responsive to my inquiries. I like the looks and price of TTK's Sub's, but based on what I see on his dealers section, he is out of both the 074 and 075. I emailed him expressing interest in a couple of 074's for christmas gifts (email, not PM), to see if he planned on getting any more in, and have yet to hear back from him. I'm not bustin' his chops over it in a public forum, just sharing my one and only experience with him thus far. He did just have a loss in the family, and it takes time to get back in the swing of things, I know from 3 recent experiences. I heeded the pick your dealer first advice, and had a very pleasant experience with my first (of proly many) purchase. Good luck with your hunt! EDITED to add ... just ran accross a TTK post stating he did have them in stock, and was leaving to go home for the holidays on 12/8 - I sent another email inquiry on his subs now that he is back in the swing of things after his loss. Sorry for the incorrect info.
  18. Sorry for your loss, don't cry because it is over, but smile because it happened.
  19. VOTE HERE Sean Connery: 62.57% George Lazenby: 1.94% Roger Moore: 8.56% Timothy Dalton: 1.56% Pierce Brosnan: 16.64% Daniel Craig: 8.72%
  20. BT - thank you for your great watch reviews, they are very educational for noobs like me. Could I ask a question of more knowledgeable folks than I? My first rep was a "gold" plated watch, and the gold has worn off over time, and there is silver showing thru in several places. I really love the looks of the watch in this review, but I'm concerned that the gold will wear. Have the quality of the reps improved enough to alleviate my fears and get me to pull the trigger on an order of this model? Thanks.
  21. I'm too new to make any positive contributions, but I'm glad I found this community, thanks for sharing your knowledge and insites
  22. Thanks for the great instructions!
  23. Same here, I'm glad I found this joint. I'm glad I took the time to register here and try to learn what everyone is willing to share. Not only is this forum educational, its entertaining! This is one of the few boards I have joined that I truly learn from
  24. Is this the right topic to ask who makes the best submariner?
  25. A firearm can save you from an attacker if you hone your skills, but it doesn't have boobies
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