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Posts posted by panera

  1. curiousty killed the cAT?? I am not only the member not to donate here

    Ofcourse If I decided to sell somthing ı WILL

    I never said that sell them now at the future

    What a guys you are HAH

  2. I had already did 2 months ago...

    It just for your enjoy... I always pleased to share my things to other members to inform...

    Cause There are a lot of members loved this watch

    Oh and also a little bit for fun inthe middle of boring day

  3. Thank for your kind words. These are my best friends and I do not prefer to sell them.

    But sooner or later It happens for some of them.

    I let all of you know with my sale topic.

    Just wanted to get some help with your opinions that If you were me which ones should go or which one should stay???

    I know the PVD and vintaged 47 mm bigs Pams should stay But what about the others???

    I am the fan of big size watches but by the way some of mid sizes are quite impressive....

    So could not decide on them. ı am waiting your valuable opinions


    I have some problems at other forum with some idiottos But It is over for me.

    If I decide to sell Everybody can buy or not to buy No problem for me..

    This is fun.....Be cool and relax stres kills people man. Ha ha ha

  4. Yes friends Gen I got her with good bargain.

    Hey Icecube I am not risti I just sell the straps at gen worlds: I have got some trouble at TRC with some idiots. Ask my reputation Navi and greek fellows

    I am also waiting the rep of this beauty...cause perfect watch.

    I can say that on your wrist it looks gourgeous...

    Finally I can say AYAYAY..................

  5. I asked him and he answered with veeery long story related that It was an ol watch and wasn't worked ..Bla Bla.. bla..

    I offered to him 15 bucks for it but...He did not accept...;) I could not understand why :lol:

  6. Het Tag,

    What kind a problem do you have with Tourby?

    Everybodies know that he is a decent and reliable guy.....

    How can you dare to blame him with these crappy things......

    I thing you have other issues with him......

    I wonder what will do the mods do on this subject...

    Cause you are throwing a dirt to his reputation and honour!!!!!!!!

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