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Everything posted by z3k0

  1. Wow, if they get all materials right on this one, and quality on current sec-at-12 level, I think I would jump on it without thinking, even on this price levels And, latest Ceramic Top Gun gives me hope that they can in fact make a perfect rep without any scre* ups ... regards
  2. I've worn 22mm NATO on my 3717, and it fits perfectly, I think I posted some pictures a while ago... Yes, here they are: regards
  3. Bunch of new RM reps appeared on PC - http://www.jpc8118.com/0427a-p-5696.html. It's no super-rep, of course, it's quite impossible with RMs, but they look interesting on pictures, not hilarious like previous RM reps. It looks they did went to some length to replicate look of the movement, and particularly interesting to me is that they did quite good date-wheel look. If price will be right, I might get one, just for fun. regards,
  4. Niiiice I'm just afraid what number will come instead of $888,888.00 regards
  5. Is there any jewels on this main plate ? If so, do they have to be removed prior to coating, and is there any other preparation needed on plate prior to coating ? Great job, by the way ! regards
  6. Interesting point, I'll definitely try this. Just to mention - if you have AR coating on crystal, water beading test is completely useless. regards
  7. Nice rep, definitely one of my top five for this year. BUT, dial color on Josh's pics looks very suspicious to me, kind of green-ish. Of course, Josh does have a history of tweaking white balance to get some effect (remember Safari, and making dial cream on pics), so maybe he was trying to add some hue to RG color, and screwed up dial color, but I will definitely wait to see some more pictures of a rep. That dial color in Josh's pictures really ruins it all for me regards
  8. I think case is wrong size, they just used old Carrera Tachy case, but day-date should have bigger case ... I was thinking about getting one, but gave up when I realized that. Nice watch, nonetheless. regards
  9. Where did you get that idea ? I've held gen in my hands few times, and definitely haven't notices any rotating bevels ? This picture has been discussed many times here, they probably just did something wrong in Photoshop, when composing this picture. regards
  10. z3k0

    iwc ceramic is out

    Well, that is ~US$650. Since All ceramic HBBs are still north of 700, price like this is quite probable. After all, I think that this construction (if it IS real ceramic) is much more complicated than HBB. regards
  11. z3k0

    iwc ceramic is out

    Woow, judging by these pictures they finally got this right, including case texture and TG logo on the side. Can't wait for first hands-on reviews :wub: This year started great, I predict my bank account will get hurt badly after CNY regards
  12. Good news, thanks for heads-up. Of course for $500+ rep it would be nice to make case with correct metal, but I guess that would be too much to hope for. Well, they should just take those nice black screws from Singapore GP LE, and switch them with JBB SS ones :) I guess someone in factory just mixed-up boxes with bezel screws for these two editions .... regards
  13. I would say bipolar disorder rather than schizophrenia regards
  14. I like it too, but I just noticed they didn't rep case either - it is supposed to be titanium with PVD'd bezel screws I'm trying to decide what ROO to get, and it' really disappointing how many stupid little (and some big) mistakes have they made with all editions released so far. :( regards
  15. Apart from that ridiculous PR, that does not deserve any comment, there is some interesting discussion and some good points made in that TZ topic. It actually proves that some of gen owners on TZ do have a functioning brain best regards
  16. I don't understand - T48 crown is 1.2 if I remember correctly and you can get new 1.2 stem for 7750 - why would you need anything else ? As far as I can see, only difference in 0.9 and 1.2 stems for 7750 is diameter of threaded part, movement side is identical. So you just need new stem, cut to correct length, and off you go regards
  17. Any details about Meridiist rep you could share ? regards
  18. Like I presumed, brushed version never really existed ... another "Little white lie" regards
  19. Great write-up, thanks - you saved me a lot of work I was just planning to order this set from Cousins and try this myself, but I would probably break something before noticing lack of groove on rep rotor ... best regards
  20. Man, that is is one terrible looking watch ... and that POS movement is hilarious, if that is what you got instead of 7750 then you have been ripped off - plain and simple. regards
  21. Still looks very shiny to me ... I guess they prepare for "ultimate" version regards
  22. It's actually 3 gears, 11 gears is for seconds-at-6 modification. regards
  23. ... and except for being mechanical movement it has nothing in common with this modified 7750 movement You should look for ETA 7750 modified to this layout (chrono minutes moved at 3-o-clock), with date. Such movement is quite rare, I know The Zigmeister made one for HBB for one of the members here, but it is neither easy nor cheap modification. I have one like this in my 212, taken from swiss Daytona with sec-at-9, but it is without date, so useless for this watch. I doubt you will find it ready-made anywhere. regards
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