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Posts posted by trinsic

  1. Good luck :wounded1:

    Must be really strange not wearing a watch though. :mellow:

    It used to feel strange previously and I would feel something was missing. Uncomfortable would be the word. But now, it feels just normal to be not wearing a watch. Perhaps it's the new lady in my life that could be a probable cause although I hardly think that a PAM lover like herself could be the cause. Hmmm...are there any good docs that diagnose these bizarre cases? :p

  2. wow....it must be a sad day when something you really enjoyed no longer has any appeal. :o


    It could just be a phase. Maybe some higher priority stuff take precedence as of now. :) Perhaps I'll regain my mojo in the coming weeks or months(gasp!)...

    Oh Radiomir, Oh Radiomir...where art thou?

  3. Ok guys so some of you might have known that I recently(or for the past 2 months) have been selling away almost all my reps. From my MBW Royal Oaks(incl Offshore) to vintage sub & sd. Also sold off all my pannies including the Radiomir that she has proclaimed to be a wonderful watch(I'm such a lucky guy!). Sold off my gens including the Sinn U1. So I'm now officially watchless. I think previously when I was at the stage of beyond help, I would wear a watch to just about anywhere. Even at home, you'd see me wearing a watch. What happened to me in this 2 months was really unexpected. It's like a guy who had lost his mojo. I feel i've lost it. Even a much awaited Cousteau didn't tempt me! As I'm typing this, I see my wrist. It's empty of course, for now. I don't know when would I be back with a vengence but to my friends who have dealed with me before, I would like to thank you and it's been nice dealing with you. As of yesterday, Ubi was the last person who received a watch from me. Wear it in the best of health bro. Your first purchase for the year and probably my last deal for this year.

    I'll be lurking on the boards for now. I will still be reachable by PM. Mickey Padge...I have not forgotten about your screw. :p



    P.S. Can anyone hook me up with a kick-ass PAM183G Radiomir Black Seal? *grin* I'm joking.. :p

  4. i love these boobies shots but just wait for Maciek aka Sql_pl starts posting ;)

    I second that...we wait in bated breath for his pics. I guess I gotta wait a while before I post any pics of my girl with a panerai. Hope the factories could produce a limited run of smaller sized radiomirs.

  5. The Rad's definitely sit better on a smaller wrist. Start a woman on one of the 40mm Rads. Next thing you know - the Fiddy. :lol: I wouldn't try a 47mm PVD on her though. ;)

    Yes. I was considering a 40mm Rad. Would be much better looking on a female wrist. :p

    Don't know if they have those smaller sized reps made just for the females eventhough they don't exist in gens.

  6. Ha ditto! Mrs Baltic nabbed my 183 :black_eye:

    It seems that those ladies that love the panerai brand dig radiomirs and in this case 183s. Perhaps the curvaceous nature of the watch appeals to them and it's different from all the round and square shaped models. I examined her wrist and i think it measures 5 inches. Don't know if it will look ridiculous on her.

  7. The pics will take time. Currently, I don't have any PAMs left. Hell! I've no more reps with me right now except for a FUBAR omega speedmaster which is beyond repair. Think Davidsen might be receiving an order for a PAM111 soon as I make up my mind. Hmmm...actually, I'm looking at getting for her a rep PAM183 just to see if she truely likes it on her wrist. I only showed photos and she was immediately attracted to them! She loves brown straps...

  8. I have in my hands or rather life...a very special lady and she loves the design of the Panerai Radiomir & Luminor. Have i stumbled upon a rare find or what we call the holy grail. A lady who loves this love/hate brand! I think i'll get her a gen radiomir for her birthday! I just had to post this here! Hope you guys are in the same position as I am. It can be hard to find such a girl who shares such an interest! Any of you care sharing if you have such a lady in your lives? :p

  9. Wow thanks for the advice! But I guess I should have asked sooner...I've ordered a watch from Etaya Honpo, which is being sent from China, so should I be worried about this? They said they put the rep inside an alarm clock to hide it though...

    They are getting much more clever...

  10. uhhh...that's a gen my good man B)

    Was refering to the rep that dealers have. Their dials contain the biggest flaw other than that...all's well. If only some dealer could come out with a 2nd generation Flieger with correct dial, I'm sure it'll score! :D

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