You can get PICTURES of the reps that are priced cheaper and seem to be better. But experience with replica bags tell me that you sometimes do not get the pictured back when you order the item pictured.
And regarding complaints about reps, its about managing expectations, nothing more. As I mentioned, your complaint about wrong size is valid. But design flaws are one big common trait of replicas. Thats what made them replicas.
And why did you spend time to post your complaint here instead of having a private conversation with the seller? That is what I want to know. You started a public thread, so expect a public opinion.
You are like the guy who visits a Lord of the Ring museum and complains that the life size replicas of the orcs do not resemble the ones seen in the movie.
Yes maybe, but unless you have a movie set pass, that is what you would have to settle for. Same applies to all of us.
If I want to point something out here, its that I feel you should PM the seller and communicate with him. He would have helped you much better than the rest of us, who can afford to sit around and give you our 2 cents, not all of which would be pleasant to you.