I never believe any rating applied to replica products. The ratings are applied to the products by the manufacturers themselves, and only fools would take them seriously.
There are no consistent and measurable differences of standards between a "Swiss AAA+++" and a "Swiss AAA++++" What is an AAA+++ to one manufacturer may be a B- to another manufacturer, and an F to the buyer.
If the manufacturer truly believes their watches to be "Swiss AAA+++" standards, then why sell them at 20Euros? According to the same argument, should a product deemed a chinese replica standard be 2Euros? Or given away for free? In the world of rep shopping, the term "Caveat Emptor" applies very strongly for me. TDs or not, I have purchased crap before when I first started out, and it took me some expensive lessons to learn the reality of the industry. You pay cheap, you get cheap. Sometimes you pay expensive, you still get cheap, and worse still, sometimes not at all. There are risks we must all take when we decide to buy a rep. Sometimes the problems are solvable, sometimes not. Just need to keep our eyes open, and yes, ignore those ratings.