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Everything posted by Legend

  1. @sogeha You're a saint with a plethora of patience lol You don't see a pattern emerging for new members asking questions brother? I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  2. Jack seems to have climbed the beanstalk all the way to the top and forgotten all about us. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  3. Vipasanna, (I guess the only VIP we are going to get out of you are the first three letters of your member name) I was not offended that you think that either one is a rep. I just think that your comments have nothing to do with the title: obviously one of the watches is gen and the other, as good as gen. You coming out to say what you did either implied that I was lying, or that you were making disparaging comments about the watches for the sake of doing so. Obvious details on the watches were deliberately obscured to allow guessing. If clear microscopic shots were taken, there is no point to get anyone to guess. The forum is meant for sharing and gaining knowledge. This is meant to be a fun thread mainly to showcase how close the superfrankens have become, and how patience, dedication and resources could produce very rewarding results. My friends here could come on to this thread and post "the two most horrible reps I've seen in my life" and I would have laughed along with them. I know them and what they represent. I know their intentions. But you, I do not know. I'm not a bully nor am I a supercilious guy here. I know how to respect others here and that is the difference between me and someone like you. Remember this please: you are of course entitled to your opinion. I respect that. But there is always a right time and place to express it. I meet ugly people (literally or figuratively) daily and if I were to express my honest opinions to them to their faces each time, and then claim that I was only expressing my honest opinion, and then apologize, do you seriously think that it would sit well with them? Every position of favor and prestige has to be earned. You are way beyond your welcome here and I would advise you against going further down this path offending members here with ill timed comments or sarcastic remarks about greed. This has nothing to do with you thinking about watches looking rep or horrible. It has everything to do with you respecting the intentions of my thread instead of a comment that's as relevant as a camel on a chandelier. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  4. Keep your idiotic comments to yourself. I've already stated one is gen and the other is as good as gen. You want to troll, go do it elsewhere. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  5. Not absolutely necessary though gen hands would of course be ideal for aesthetics... The A2836 hands can be modded to be used with a gen movement.
  6. Yes it is likely a direct fit but slight modification to the case may be needed. At least that's the case with the SA3135 case when fitting a Rolex 3135 caliber. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  7. So I met my good friend and brother@blackboxes over lunch and coincidentally we were both wearing our hulks. An obligatory comparison was made and "Franken-ly" speaking I could not discern any visual differences between the two.. and to put the myth of 904L visual superiority to rest, I can say that there is ZERO difference visually between the 904L steel Rolex uses and the 316F/L steel used by the rep makers. Of course this was upon casual but careful inspection, 1m from the eye. The question is, which is gen? Lol. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  8. Hi Pombok It's a great piece and a coincidence that Rolex guru@sacsah1 and I bought the same piece at the same time. I'm very happy with the quality of course. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  9. USD is the universal currency of trade. It is not unusual for chinese dealers to list their wares in RMB, as the watches are produced in China, and with the world being what it is today, we cannot ignore the growing importance of the Chinese currency. However, where this forum and the hobby is concerned, USD should be the way to go IMO, to prevent clutter.
  10. Ok I know this is a little early for those of you in Europe and USA but it's already 2017 in Asia so here is the first wristie pic of the new year! @tango258 brother this book title is specially for you. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  11. I have never received a picture of my name and address on a parcel nor any confirmation that the shipment was due to be delivered to me at the name and address I provided. Now I see the exact same thing happening to someone else. It is getting very very difficult to believe that the intentions of the seller was good or honorable, as much as I am doing my darnest to keep the faith. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  12. If it was one time, it could be a genuine mistake. If it was twice, it could be a deliberate attempt to scam. For all we know, the box could be empty from the onset but if delivered to a fictitious address or a stranger, nobody would be wiser. There will be a tracking number and the package would show up as delivered where Paypal is concerned. Even if it was delivered to a random stranger's home, and contains just empty air, the recipient would not know what's going on... and parcel tracking status would still show up as "delivered". Not a bad ploy. But unfortunately for seller, I went into the deal fully prepared for this sort of eventuality. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  13. I bet it keeps the salties away! Lol I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  14. Congrats mate. Wear her well. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  15. The typical behavior of a forum noob: Guy signs up for an account, does not bother to introduce himself, and then starts new threads asking questions and contacts and such in a self-entitled manner. He may get some reply after some time, and then what? He thanklessly disappears and starts dealing privately using the contacts and resources provided to him. I am not against sharing of knowledge and resources, this is afterall a forum, but one should take time to integrate himself into the community and do his own research, and then ask the pertinent questions and eventually contribute meaningfully. Newbies who come and seek shortcuts entirely for their own benefit should be discouraged from doing so. Knowledge and resources both take time to be established and gathered. And experience can only be gained through personal involvement and effort and not gained vicariously through the forays of others. Guys who sign on and ask questions in a self-entitled manner would not integrate well into the community and hence, not assets to the forum. Manners, humility and gratitude are important when you're new (and even if you're a veteran member) and if one lacks these qualities, then he should not expect reciprocal assistance. We encourage meaningful integration, development and growth of members here, and hope that the forum can consequentially grow as a result of individual contributions. We should protect our resources and share them when we inclined to do so, instead of when we are asked or demanded, especially by unknown newbies. It can be argued with cogent logic that guys sign up here not to make friends, but to gain knowledge, resources and to trade watches for their own leisure and benefit. Nothing wrong of course, but newbies often overlook the fundamental but salient fact that OUR MEMBERS here, are our greatest resources and pride. That they are people, and to deal with people, you need to be equipped with a good set of people skills. Before one even begins to learn who has the best subs, I think it's best that he learns politeness, respect, humility and gratitude. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  16. They refunded my money directly and it's not through insurance. The last I communicated with seller a few days back, his Paypal account has a negative balance for the same amount. Paypal is investigating the issue now though my credit card has already refunded me in full. It would be interesting if Paypal judges in favor of the seller after my credit card company has sided with me. Will they then put a negative balance on my account? Lol I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  17. Ok let me kick off with my nominations RWG new member of the year 2016 Sogeha I nominate Mike on a Bike as crew member of the year and@sogeha as new member of the year. Also, I nominate@nanuq as veteran member of the year,@misiekped as modder of the year. If the new Panerai 441 checks out (I'll know next week), then it'll get my vote for rep of the year. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  18. Ok guys it's the last day of the year! We will be taking nominations for the following awards from now till 31st Jan 2017 for the below categories. You are free to nominate anyone (and any watch) you wish for any of the category, but please try to make your nomination an appropriate one. At the end of jan 2017, we will be running 7 different polls for each of the categories and the winners at the end of a one month poll will be the ones with the highest votes in each category. The categories are: RWG Member of the year 2016 RWG dealer of the year 2016 RWG rep of the year 2016 RWG modder of the year 2016 RWG new member of the year 2016 RWG crew member of the year 2016 RWG veteran of the year 2016 (5 years membership and above) Feel free to put in your nomination in the thread for any or all of the categories. We are working out the prizes for each winner! I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  19. $200? Big ponies for me but a drop in the ocean for what RWG needs B. Come on guys, $5 from 5 of you and I'll send my $200 to mike on a bike! I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  20. I have nothing much to add. How about a $200 donation from me if we get 5 new VIP members today?
  21. Before you go any further and asking for this and that contact info here, it would help if you could make a proper introduction of yourself. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  22. So what are you looking for here? Assurance, or for someone to provide you with all the details? If you want a perfect transaction experience 100% of the time, and have no patience to do your own research and learn through your own journey, this is not the hobby for you. Go buy the gen watch. I see members here spending their time and expertise to reply you. Show some appreciation here for them. Nobody owes you any knowledge. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly. The Rolex factory is what you're looking for. What were you expecting? 5% of the price and 100% of the quality? I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  23. +1. The more classy dial markers and the beautiful blue of the 16613 does it for me. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  24. Guys honestly I would not have been so gracious if my credit card has not refunded me fully. I could afford to take the deal easy as nothing was lost on my side. The correspondence with the seller is still ongoing and I am against the facts that: 1. Seller did not check my name and address at point of shipping, resulting in a delivery to a wrong address. 2. Seller stopped the re-delivery I arranged with DHL. 3. The communication between seller and me was vague, tardy and not helpful. 4. Seller has not been apologetic or contrite in any way. 5. Seller would not refund me until the watch is back with him safely. But this is a matter between him and DHL and out of my control. I wish I could let you guys know what is really in the package but I could not do so because I've never received it. If the amount was sent by Paypal gift, I doubt that I would be as kind as I have been toward him if he had chosen not to refund me. Thank you guys for the input and if someone could shed more light on the situation please do not hesitate to do so. I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
  25. No point in replacing a broken SA3135 stem with another exact one.. same fragileness. Try to get a better stem aftermarket? I tread softly along the fine line separating raving insanity and lucid moments of ingenuity. The issue is I've no idea which is which mostly.
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