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Everything posted by Legend

  1. You already were trying to solicit business, offering a price list of "presumably gen watches". Honestly, since this is a rep watch forum, why don't you try posting this on the gen forums if you're dealing with gen watches? You are a dubious new member to state the least. Kindly refrain from repeating this, I would appreciate it.
  2. Try that, and you will find yourself banned here. You are new here and the community does not know you. Only VIPs are allowed to sell here. If you are offering a commercial service, seek permission first. Consider this an unofficial warning. If you try to advertise your service any further, or attempt to solicit business in any form or manner, you will receive an official warning and have your offending posts deleted.
  3. Nice one sir. Keep 'em coming!
  4. This is a gen for sure. Congrats to your friend. Very true and +1. The number one deciding factor of whether a watch is gen/fake for me is the person wearing it, and the way he carries himself. Details are easy to spot in pictures posted on the forum, but in real life, it is harder to do so unless you already know what to look for, and are specifically looking out for it.
  5. Gen is sec@3 bro. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  6. I think the increase in price is partially due to the movement D. And of course, the intention to milk as much money from the market as possible during the fevered initial release...
  7. Wow what a collection A! You have good taste and good photography skills!
  8. Gen forum members are a lot like us, except less inclined toward intricate details. Also, quite a number of the members do not own expensive gen watches, or even own gens at all. Let's not be judgemental toward gen forum members on the whole. I believe that you find asses in both camps. Disdain is often a result of a lack of knowledge or understanding, and often more of an individual decision rather than a general attitude of a community. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  9. The notion that members of WUS (or another gen watch forum)have "great hate" for "anybody belonging to rep forums" is greatly exaggerated and unjustified. I belong to a couple of local genuine watch forums, and I definitely do not resent anyone owning reps. I own great reps myself, and I know of several other members who do. I hope that the point of your post was to share what happened with you personal and not a general one designed to make people take sides in a contentious debate and eventually cause the issues to be discussed with resentment. Be careful please Mr Fluffy. Thank you for your cooperation.
  10. Yes the sec@3 reliability would be quite the same as sec@6 or sec@12. Guys Just my 2 cents. For a watch that costs about $600 shipped: - As P153 mentioned, the movement reliability is questionable. List of visual flaws or inaccuracies - hands are wrong - bezel numbers too large on the rep - tapisseries and grooves on dial wrong size - inner bezel markings too close to the edge - subdial sizes and positioning wrong - the subdial markings adjacent to each subdial are off - Watch looks very thick and bulky. Would sit like two stacked hockey pucks on the wrist - crown guards wrong on case - real life color accuracy questionable In brevity, not worth the $600 asking price. They should either resolve the issues above, or price it around $300. The rep is not impressive at all. It would maybe look impressive to an Invicta collector if encountered in a dark alley on a moonless night, 50m away. He might think that its the latest and most awesome AP wannabe.
  11. yes, but don't you agree with me on the hideous elephant grey?!
  12. Besides all the classic AP rep flaws, the dial is also a hideous mutated elephant grey.
  13. But D, you know you want this...
  14. Nice catch Martijn. The guy being interviewed does not really have good knowledge when it comes to AP. He made a few mistakes, like calling the white themes a rubberclad, and saying that the recent ROO reps use ETA movements. I think most guys here have better knowledge than the pixeled out stranger.
  15. Why thank you sir. But under the AP ROO datewheel rationing act section 1 chapter 3, you may buy a maximum of one lol Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  16. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  17. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  18. Do this please: - send a close up picture of the back movement. - send a pic of the deployant clasp, outside showing (the part that faces out) - a side profile showing the bezel Remember that a deal that appears too good to be true, often is. Also, even if the pictures show a genuine watch, it does not guarantee that you would be getting that same watch.
  19. Lol Mike! @irolexu can you ask seller to send a pic of the back please. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  20. Welcome Tagman1, we love you too.
  21. That was me trying to persuade the rest of them to dress according to their gender orientation, and failing miserably....@nikki6 sorry bro I tried my best but yellow wasn't your best color.
  22. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
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