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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Yes I know we all got other hobbies. For instance,@Mike on a bikehas closet friends in Singapore he does closet stuff with as per one of his recent posts, @Nanuqenjoys putting his left-nut axe to good use especially on another fellow moderator here who I shall not name (KB), and @Astonjenks and @nikki6, love to race bikes and stuff. For myself, I love my JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) cars and I always show predilection toward reading and playing classical pieces on the piano. I also love to pretend that I would one day make the world a better place by being less of a curmudgeonly ass. So what do you guys do when not rocking your gen and rep watches?
  2. Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  3. Extracted Nanuq's picture on crew photo day. [emoji38] Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  4. Hello and welcome we have several outstanding members from the UK. Stay and learn and enjoy!
  5. Yes, it is a blessing that you were taking the picture Nanuq. The flourescent purple ranger suit you insisted on wearing would adversely affect the credibility of this dignified group shot.
  6. Congrats fluffy and I hope you're happy now. One thread on this would suffice I think? Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  7. Going by the list of new mods Nanuq posted, and going by your picture from L to R, does it mean that Denimhead is the lovely pink ranger?!
  8. Haha that sounds hilarious and rather painful! Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  9. The good news is that you have only one left nut to give Ken... or DO YOU?
  10. Legend


    Ah Fluffy welcome back! I genuinely wish to see you reintegrated into the forum and your presence is once again a pleasure (for now)sir! [emoji6] Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  11. Whatever happened to the famous newcomer's welcome Ken? [emoji13] Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  12. No Mike, that would have to be your signature invisible punctuation marks.
  13. Thank you @Nanuqand @Mike on a bike and associates for the opportunity to serve and work with you on this beloved forum. The way I see it, most members here are mature and sensible, and practice a fair amount of self-moderation, while some crew, like @Nanuqand @Mike on a bike, like to turn my genuine "call for help" or serious topic threads into lurid pictorial ones. But seriously, I am heartened and honored to be in the new batch of guys added to the crew, and I see that the others are all my betters in terms of knowledge, competency, seniority or temperament. I can only learn and play catch up. It is a heartfelt honor to be serving among the very best of RWG. The spirit of RWG is one based on friendship, knowledge, camaraderie and yes watches. Over the years, the bonding between members have gotten only stronger, and the knowledge level deeper and more eclectic. You do not see members being pounded or ousted from the boards over trivial matters, and the powers that be here have always governed with fairness, gentleness and firmness. The strength and authority of the RWG crew often manifest more in judicious decisions made in kindness and compassion rather than as shows of senseless power. That, IMHO, wins over more people than the alpha ape pounding his chest in front of his troop. I shall align myself with the values of the forum even more, and serve all members with dignity, fairness and most of all, kindness. Thank you Bob, Mike, RWG crew and good members of RWG for the chance to work with you all.
  14. Mike I didn't know you have, erm, "closet" friends... must be related to some "closet" interests....
  15. Hi Andie Good to see anothet fellow Singaporean enthusiast here. Welcome to RWG! Alvin Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
  16. Hey T you're most welcome. You're a member with a lot of manners and class from what I experienced from our conversations. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  17. The voice of reason at its best. Thank you old friend, for the clarity of reason and expression both. I couldn't have said it better. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  18. You're forgiven and this matter is closed. Thank you for taking the time to apologize. This time, I appreciate and accept it. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  19. Safari with gen 3126 movement. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  20. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
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